

Attached: 58B2E1E1-A068-495B-B810-20A8298B710A.jpg (1536x2048, 350K)

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

Attached: C8aQL-6VoAAapkN.jpg (900x1200, 153K)

currently sippin some earl grey

Attached: 1554874513714.jpg (562x467, 63K)

Attached: hana sip.jpg (790x814, 190K)


Attached: 1560067940565.jpg (428x400, 22K)

Is that Kurt

Attached: ibushibeer.jpg (1334x750, 92K)

Attached: yurie sip.jpg (1683x1600, 204K)

Attached: IMG_20190706_182819.jpg (1536x2048, 297K)

>nobody wanted to sit next to big poppa choppa sad

Why is one of the fans in black and white?

>tfw surrounded by filthy gaijin

Attached: 石井ロークオリティ.png (168x120, 23K)

>I sippa you, you sippa me.

Attached: 1540422610933.png (1244x706, 996K)


good thread
post more sips and chugs doe

my favorite ishii image

Attached: asuka cube.webm (1076x690, 987K)

Attached: Candice Michelle Water.webm (640x640, 2.59M)

Attached: DalylXjVwAAryND.jpg large.jpg (1000x750, 223K)

Attached: 1562438123537.png (468x431, 185K)

Based retarded Candice forgets how to drink

Attached: IMG_20190606_124349.jpg (1920x1080, 97K)

what a whore

Attached: IMG_20171118_102023.jpg (1079x1357, 239K)

Based Angle with his short sawdust bumped neck in da house?

Good thread

Attached: 1537437773601.jpg (750x566, 61K)