
Attached: nash sad.jpg (480x270, 40K)

Attached: images (9).jpg (259x194, 5K)


Attached: mqdefault.jpg (320x180, 8K)

So are there 2 rikishi posters or is it one guy posting on both phone and PC?

Attached: DlNFduCX0AAfRoM.jpg (600x357, 35K)

Rikishi was good

Attached: FiXc.gif (320x179, 474K)

Attached: tumblr_nc4v05H2rd1qgj7r6o1_250.gif (245x174, 616K)

Rikishi was great

Attached: rikishi_ass.jpg (200x159, 9K)

Riksihi the best

Attached: ss.jpg (260x194, 7K)

rikishi was awesome

Attached: qwdw.jpg (258x196, 7K)

rikishi was a legend

Attached: stink-face.jpg (240x180, 10K)

rikishi was amazing

Attached: tumblr_lphqoj3SF71qgj7r6o1_400.gif (355x266, 500K)

Based kevin nash poster making seethe everyone in the bulding.

Attached: rollbuj.gif (600x600, 755K)


poor Big Daddy Bitch

Making seethe

Why are you so obsessed with Rikishi's ass OP? Wow you're gay

homophobes get out of Yea Forums

92 fag seething

