>A 42 year old njpw big men is better than Braun Corbin and Drew combined
>A 42 year old njpw big men is better than Braun Corbin and Drew combined
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Based Lance Archer
The Ospreay Effect
Based NJPW following the WWE handbook and taking everything they can from TNA
That but Archer was impressive on his own too, guy has great stamina and speed for being a 42 year old 6'0+ guy
That high knee when Ospreay was up on the turnbuckle was impressive
>random shitter gets fellatio'd after appearing in NJPW #1,547
He's been with NJPW for 10 years (8 if you count the the 2 year they lent them to Noah)
He's been in NJPW for years bud, stop pretending you know what you're talking about
He's living the good life since dropping davey boy shitter jr
He's been in NJPW since 2011 actually
I downloaded him back in 2k16 thinking he was a CAW
I think i might be ok with him getting the destruction title match
This is legit a thing. I can't tell at all how good someone actually is after just seeing them wrestle O'Spreasy because O'Spreay can have a classic with anyone and make it seem as though both sides contributed equally.
What a fucking based trio
>you will never hang out by the pool with Taichi
Why go on
>ywn enjoy seeing people drowning in front of you
why live
probs someone in kayfabe who can't be there
Is that clean burning propane I see by that grill? Based.
>Puts on a barn burner at G1 in your path
Apologise to Lance Archer
He's been with NJPW for ages ad was always boring. Last night something happened though.
I was hoping this would happen after they booked him so strong in that elimination match at Kizuna Road.
he looks like the biker from Mad Max 2.
probably Desperado. he covers his face in all his photos.
Why do all these gaijin NJPW guys deliver their promos in the same stilted breathless fucking way? Not a one stands out
Jay White unronically has the best gaijin promos in NJPW
Desperado didnt make the trip to the US. Its probably just a guy not in SZKG and they dont want to break kayfabe.
That match was so fucking good. Jesus Christ. Ospreay vs. Archer might be the new MOTY for me.
I became an Archer fan instantly How did he do it after years of being a shitter? Was DBSJ really that bad?
Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Archer doesn't get this good "overnight", the son of a meth addict was holding this big boi back.
He has been talking in interviews about wanting to revitalize his career now that its on the tail end. DBSjr leaving was just a blessing in disguise for him.
Probably because he doesnt do this "Im out of breath and stopping after every third word" format
That's Tana's hand I guess
Will's are especially bad because his little gasp to take in air is always annoying and he's just dumb as shit. Even like ELP who has so much other stuff down in terms of character work has that same sort of feeling in his promos. I think Zack and Jay are good though. They both have good delivery and seem to think about what they want to say beforehand.
The breathing is super annoying. And it effects the intensity even though Im guessing that why they are doing it. This guy didnt come off menacing. he came off like he just had a concussion and was asked to do an interview
>he came off like he just had a concussion and was asked to do an interview
That adds to the credibility though
In reality they're fucked after their match and have to do a promo the second they come down the stairs into the back
Have you ever watched real sports? MMA, Boxing, even football. Whenever the athletes are interviewed after a match this is what they sound like, they are still riding the adrenaline and fucked up by it. It adds believability.
>Have you ever watched real sports?
Yes and they never say anything of fucking note for fucks sake. Have YOU ever watched a post match interview? The best fight interviews are BEFORE the fight not after. After they cant be fucked to say anything and they almost all congratulate their opponent win or lose. If you want believability then at least bother to know what youre trying to emulate.
he comes across as so gay, and the new look just makes him gayer
That's Lance's house.
>you'll never chill and drink with Suzuki-gun on a nice summer day
What a wholesome picture.
Any guesses on who is cool enough to hang with the Suzuki-CHADs?
Your mum
Awesome. Hope I get invited next time. Thanks user!
Based Propanechad
>that crowd
who is that Braun Corbin dude?
Was a great match, but I'll wait and see if he can continue this momentum and work well with the rest of his block.
That's just wrestling promos, go and look at old midsouth promos and outside of very rare standouts people do the same delivery.
dude he had that shitty tramp stamp for the longest time, his new tats are a huge upgrade but they still suck
>No one talking about Archer tweaking the dead man by doing Old School across two ropes...
he went to pro-wrestling noah after impact apart of the suzuki gun