Match ends with a stolen finisher

>Match ends with a stolen finisher

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Kino. That coalburning meth addict was going for another push kick to the kneecap before she got dabbed on. BASED Lioness.

Normally watch in the mornings, but got a lunch date with a based bimbo hairdresser. Thankfully my Yea Forums bro’s have spoiled the entire card!

>going on asp after a show airs

>Winner gets sent flying after a light shove from a man

I love when the face steals the heel finisher and wins, best way to end a long feud

>people thought this coalburner leather goblin would win

The commentators were talking about how Holm is so well known for her kicks that people underestimate her boxing.

>people on this very board picked Holm to win

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>casual push from male referee
>bitch stumbles half way across the ring
So this is the power of the female martial artists who can definitely overpower and beat men?

Nunes has never proclaimed that. All the women she's utterly destroyed within seconds have claimed that. She's just a humble BR lesbian who wants to get drunk and fight.

Why was the fight stopped

So Nunes is the GOAT. what the hell does she even do now?

Fight men.

Nunes vs. Faber would be dimes

she could totally beat up some men

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>No qt Lioness gf

.Nunes is a fight autist. She doesn't talk shit and always respects her opponents. She's never said she could beat men like Ronda and the people that hyped her dead. She just wants to fuck whores and drink with her family.


>referee pushes her away like its nothing


Tiny manlets or old men maybe. If you've ever touched a woman you would know that the strength difference is huge.

No she couldn't, there's not a single male mma fighter who would lose to her. Besides CM punk of course.

Could she beat CM Punk?


Anyone else remember idiots on social media saying Rhonda would beat Mayweather?

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yes, then she got BTFO and they went silent

>literally flinches over Amanda feinting

I bet she could beat up Haitch.
