This is what the most respected wrestling journalist acts like

>this is what the most respected wrestling journalist acts like

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Oh shit E-drones crying ahahah
Bryan Alvarez is a better worker then your main eventer ahahahah

He's literally not wrong, lol.

That was a based match tho

OMG How can Seth even recover from this anal fucking...... Literally BTFO

He’s not even remotely wrong though.

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Fucking kek

Reminder that Seth is a MeltzerMark, and he’s probably crying right now.

How embarrassing for Seth

Can you fucking faggots go back to SquaredCircle? Seriously you cucks have ruined this board.
>inb4 seething
>inb4 worked
Fuck off. This was a good community and now you fags have ruined it.

better than baron corbin and lacey evans vs seth rollins and becky lynch.

if you like baron corbin squared circle on reddit is your place my dude

Please I'm begging you to all have sex.

Ya fuming

you're a fucking loser holy shit ahahaha

asp is the Corbin board, geek.

Gain height lose weight get a clue


ya seethe bitch lmao!

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Seth is going to kill himself and feel real stupid when he end up burning in hell.

You have this saved on your computer.

>This was a good community and now you fags have ruined it.
On Yea Forums? Nigga, you high?

Seething Vincel detected, he's 100% right and it's not even much of an accomplishment. Corbin is the shits.

You need to have sex

Nigga Seth vs Corbin was fucking dogshit. Jungle Boy and Alvarez was nothing special but it was nowhere near as bad as that shit.

kek what a bitch

Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue

Gas yourself homo

Corbin can cut a better promo though.

You fucking wish

What a faggot lmao

>St-stooooop making f-fun of WWE, go back to Re-Reddit!
Man, shut the fuck up, pussy. Keep crying about it, fagboy.


>He said something that hurt my feelings! He can't be a real journalist!
Take a nap, /pol/brain

no one in the wrestling industry is respected by anyone anywhere. from top to bottom they are lowlife carnies catering to the lowest common denominator of human beans.


>This was a good community
Imagine the smell

The state of E Drones

>According to Meltzer

Attached: kemonitom.jpg (480x480, 30K)

Me having sex won't make those tarps dissapear.

This place was never good. Just the same old contrarian hivemind it's always been.

ya seethe?


>oatmeal face is respected

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Seth is on auto-pilot and Corbin obviously doesn't want to improve which makes their matches a recipe for disaster.


where is the lie tho? alvarez is shoot better than jasethy and corbinetty, jungleboy too

>why yes my personal friend and coworker, of course your match is better than main eventers in the biggest promotion in the world
damn was Alvarez having a bad day or something?

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>Bryan Alvarez
>Failed wrestler that only gained popularity by aligning himself with Dave Meltzer
>Good wrestler
kek alright Dave

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Seth vs Corbin at the Saudi Show was unironically a fantastic match and really brought me back feeling like I was watching a comfy 80s wrassling match. The crowd was hot, there were fun bits of psychology, Corbin never did the same spot twice while he was working over Seth’s stomach. All and all it just reminded me that not every match has to be finisher spam and near falls, that there is still room for clever injury angles in the modern day.

i thought people wanted journalists to be truthful?
what's the problem here?

>Than vein

Does Cena have mild Phazon poisoning?

Attached: Absolutely Horrified.gif (201x228, 298K)

Rollins never had a 5 star match in his whole life,Corbin will never have a 4 star match in his life.

Ospreay is better than Rollins and Archer is much better than Corbin and they both work in a company with a higher workrate,no fucking shit they had a better match.

Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan never had a 5 star match.
Think about it and re-evaluate your life.

Reminder that Baron Corbin is getting better every day and is the only legit athlete in the roster not named Brock or Bobbo

Really says something about indie darlings and especially WWE

Baron's based and is being misused by WWE more than any indie darling.

Isn't a journalist entitled to his own opinion? Oh wait e-drones cannot have opinions.

no when it's clearly biased and directly affects the product

>imagine going by a 60 year old autistic guy's ratings


Yea Forums stopped being a Corbin board after he ditched the Lone Wolf gimmick, brainlet. Get a clue.

All journalists are biased,better yet every human is biased including me and you.

They overdid it, such a MOVEZ match and it was too long and bloated especially considering it's placing HOWEVER I liked it and I'm sure it was indeed better than Seethe Rollins and Snoring Corbin, didn't watch the match but what I've seen of Rollins post knee injury is mediocre at best and Corbin is just trash.
Meltzer is just acting like a child because Rollins and Corbin dissed him on twatter.

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It wasn't a "moves" match at all considering what an actual Ospreay "moves" match is,Archer got the most offense and the match flowed extremely well.

>considering what an actual Ospreay "moves" match is
What, you mean more reversals? Archer just can't do those. It felt a bit overkill on some moves like how it didn't end with the top rope (insert Archer's fiisher's name) or him using the super oscutter, it just wasn't the type of match that he should've used it in.
And actually, Osprey got in most of the offense but Archer did the usual big tough guy tank gimmick. It seems like they're trying to go for a classic junior babyface punching above his weight but still trying desperately to hold on, except Will isn't playing that well in the ring. Good match though, like I said, easily top 2 of the night with Sanada/ZSJ but it was a bit bloated.

>he was working the gut the whole match
>that means it had psychology
watch better wrestling

>wrestling journalist
you can't hold a fake job for a fake sport and be respected
