Why is everyone talking about Riho and Yuka when AEW also has Hikaru?

Why is everyone talking about Riho and Yuka when AEW also has Hikaru?

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3 or 4 people isn’t everyone. If you can’t identify forced autistic samefagging by sight you need to lurk more

>why isn't anyone talking about the least notable performer in a 6 woman tag match on a show from a month and a half ago
good question

Because joshi pedos know an actual woman like Shida is unachievable, so they shoot lower for shindie tier girls.

Man face

Didn't leave a strong impression in the six women tag. Also has a more serious look than the cutesy animu girl look that is more popular with weebs/otaku.

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I get fucking depressed when I think about how she's not going to have good matches anymore when she moves to america.

Shida looks far more attainable though, she has unremarkable looks and probably gets over on skill alone. She's cute dressed up though.

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Because she looks like she fucks white guys

Is she half white or mixed? Normally I don’t like Asian girls, but she’s really cute.

You're crazy. Shida is intimidating as hell and obviously only looking to be in a relationship with other top tier athletes.

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She looks like a tranny

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Because RIHO is cute

She is VERY problematic.

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I'm only talking about appearance and there's no real contradiction between us here. Shida looks like an average Japanese chick that any dude could attain. Problem is the average woman is (and women in general are) intimidating to the average weeb/otaku, driving them toward to the cutesy moe loli type who they could only be with in their most wild fantasies.

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It was a joke about the manji on the mascot.

I knew nothing about her prior to DoN, but her whole lady samurai aesthetic is dimes.

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definitely should check this out

she doesn't look like a child
riho/yuka fans are latent or overt pedos


>Does nothing


so ding-dong diddly hot

Modern joshi virgins on Yea Forums are pedo-pilled. They like STARDOM and TJPW and Gatoh Move. Joshi chads like Shida, the Oz Academy and Ice Ribbon roster just aged out for them. They'd rather girls botching and stumbling and then crying after their matches to show their "heart" then actual good matches and story-lines. Maybe throw in some half-naked pics and fan service creepy.

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>and probably gets over on skill alone


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She's done absolutely nothing yet and her womanly beauty doesn't appeal to the pedo community

She can sing too!



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>They like STARDOM and TJPW and Gatoh Move. Joshi chads like Shida, the Oz Academy and Ice Ribbon roster just aged out for them.

Shida wrestles in Gatoh Move.

Because Shida is a garbage wrestler

>how she's not going to have good matches anymore
She doesn't have good matches anyway. She is infamously shit


probably the most marketable Japanese girl for American audiences they have

Kenny should marry her

Rumor has it he already is


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She had the best joshi match last year.

story of Shida's career

literally another tranny added to their roster


Work smart, not hard

Looks interesting. What is it?

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How can wh*te women even compete. I'm making the switch lads!

According to who, agua? Get the fuck outta here

>projection: the novelization of the hit film

Nice pit


She had joshi MOTY just last year.

I don't give a shit about any of these gooks except for Aja Kong.

That's not me.
I'm a huge fan and supporter of Shida-sama.
I have 1000+ pictures saved of her.
I am also an avid follower of Shirikami faith.
Please stop spreading false testimony about me.

You're not fooling anyone, cat stomper. You're literally the only person who watches joshi who doesn't admit that Shida sucks.

You have to stop being so insular in your thinking and believing that no opinions exist outside of your little taimatube circle jerk.

Hard irony of you assuming I watch joshi with edrones from wew as a defense for me knowing that you're a Shida mark and calling you out for samefagging.

Nobody mentioned this bitch's name on Yea Forums until it was announced she signed with AE(WW)E.

Either way, you are speaking nonsense. You are deeply out of touch with the joshi puroresu zeitgeist if you think I'm the only Shida fan, or the only person who enjoys her work.

>cat stomper
I don't know what that means, but all you have to do it go to Shida's twitter and see many people who are her fans and like her matches. You're just ass-blasted because you're actually the only one who shares a bad take on Shida and it makes you mad. You know what Shida doesn't do that all the little prepubescent looking joshi who adore - she doesn't botch her way through a match and then cry about it in the middle of the ring so a bunch of people with pro-nouns in their bios can cry with them. That's the point of this whole thread fuckface.

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Not true. She had several stand-alone threads that mostly died fast because she's not the type the joshi fans on this board like. Too womanly for them.


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>until it was announced she signed with AE(WW)E.

Ya seething agua. Stop samefagging, no one ever talked about Shida here until she signed with AEW and the only person who posted about her since is you.

The archives disagree.

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oh man I'm in love

>the archives you threads I started and samefagged in like all my other threads that die because no one posts in them

Her English is pretty good and she sounds so cute when she speaks it;

Imaginations running wild today.

Beggin ya to have sex, agua

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AEW star Hikaru Shida eating a fried potato

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I'm not agua you fucking ridiculous vagina. You know Shida's been popular for a long time, you just don't like her and lick STARDOM ass like it's your job. There were more Shida posts, one where aqua dumped like 100 pics that didn't show in the archive. Obviously she's going to get more popular now that she's going to be with AEW because more people are going to look up her previous matches. Most people already "knew" her from the tag match with Kana and Kenny Omega from her own show years ago.

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god damn Shida is hot

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Ya boiling, agua

I don't watch Stardom, I have taste. You know this agua.

DK Powers!

>speaks better English after a few months than Fatsuka does after four years

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It's time to go back to /wooo/, shitter.

>"I do my best, sank you very muuuch" :3
my heart lads
I can't take it.

Yeah, please go back there and stay off of my board. Thanks.


/wooo/ and Yea Forums, as well as r/stardomjoshi all have their pros and cons. Ultimately they are all perfectly fine places to discuss joshi, console wars are cringe!

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>I have taste

And obvious mental problems. Go back.

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wew has no redeeming features

Well for one they clearly have a large loft space in your head at 0 charge.

This is riho’s time to shine

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She cute in a down to earth way.

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What's with the schizophrenia gimmick, agua? You're not fooling anyone with this shit, but you try it every thread.

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Cute trap