Why didn't AEW call her? Now she's whoring herself on Twitter :(
The caption of this photo was "wanna play?".
Why didn't AEW call her? Now she's whoring herself on Twitter :(
The caption of this photo was "wanna play?".
She was hanging out with Peyton and Billy.
She's made of paper mache
>The caption of this photo was "wanna play?"
what did she mean by this?
there's a pool table behind her and it looks like she is holding a pool cue so I assume she wants someone to play pool with
I will win her hand in marriage.
>Now she's whoring herself on Twitter
You say that as if it's a bad thing, you massive faggot.
>admitting to using Twitter
State of asp
Now I see a lot of people online and in wrestling communities trying to tear down the old Snake with what they consider the "Worst promo of all time" but in reality we the masses have been too dumb to understand the level of kino that Jake was throwing down
Everyone over the years have attributed the "You wanna play 21? I've got 92" line as being a sign that Jake wants to rape Kevin Nash.
In actuality what Mr. Roberts means is that he has a .92 Caliber gun, and that even if his opponent truly has the perfect hand he will not walk away the victor because Jake is vicious and will do anything to win.
The line "Do you wanna play blackjack? I got two of those too" is then him saying that he has two actual blackjacks, a type of crude club used to bash people
Finally the line "You wanna play Aces and Eights? I got too many of those" is probably the most kino of them all
Aces and Eights goes by another name. They are called "Dead Man's Hand" because it is said to be the cards that Wild Bill Hickok, a famous outlaw, was holding when he was shot dead
Jake is then implying that he has led a trail of men who thought they could best the snake only to wind up dead at his hand over the years.
It's time to face the facts, that even while ballooned off his ass on enough drugs to kill a bull, Jake Roberts could still cut a more cerebral promo than anyone else in the history of the business.
Women do not like cue sports, they only pool with men they want to FUCK.
Based Jakeposter
Same table.
I bet they didn’t even play. She’ll probably end up in Impact. AEW’s woman’s division is awful. Or more likely she will be a model, must be comfy making a living out of being attractive.
She doesn't trust Brandi, I think it says something that the only woman with any name that signed up for AEW is Allie
emma looks like a mega whore now. they all look like prostitutes but emma has gone full THOT mode
She will be back in WWE. Look who she's hanging out with. Surprise in the rumble next year and will take Mickie James veteran spot.
I want her feet inside of my mouth
Triple H might be want recruit her back for NXT U.K
Yeah its awesome