"I despise everything Aew is doing"
"A complete Piece of garabage as a show"
"This shows tellls us wrestling is dead"
"I despise everything Aew is doing"
"A complete Piece of garabage as a show"
"This shows tellls us wrestling is dead"
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Calm down Grandpa.
>it's a "old man yells at cloud" Podcaster gimmick
Tired of it desu.
>Someone plz hire me. I don't wanna get my ass handed to me in Bellator anymore.
Based Chael BURYING AEW and WWE sports entertainment garbage.
He works for ESPN doing MMA coverage
Who's he begging to hire him if he's shitting on modern pro-wrestling in general like Cornette? Retard.
Literally everyone except a small handful of obese marks know modern professional wrestling is a joke.
Chael lived his late teens/early twenties during the monday night wars/attitude era, or course he would hate anti-draws doing flippy shit
>The Office is better than the Sopranos because people can watch it with zero attention
HBO re-aired the entire series this past year.
I've seen the Sopranos three times.
Aew is hype, shitting on it is a way to feel like a dissident and get an audience full of e drones.
>people actually got up and clapped this shit
Wrestling needs to be nuked
He said WWE is a huge piece of shit.
Wrestling is dead and never recovered since 1980's
AEWtist seething
He is right, not gonna get even one million viewers on TV.
Fuck this absolute shitter
Fucking yikes. I hate explicit comedy in matches.
That shit is so gay
He shits on both of them, stupid.
based. chael went to the WCW power plant and sarge wasn't able to break him even after forcing him to do thousands of squats on top of a construction bucket that left cuts on the back of his legs. he would have brought wcw out of the gutter but unfortunately the company awesome bombed itself straight to bankruptcy before he could take down vince.
Chad is right. His name is even Chad so you know he knows what is up. Dave Meltzer has literally convinced a hoard of his followers that this style of pro wrestling is entertaining, only doing so because he prefers meaningless flips and because he is desperate to not be seen as out of touch. The man literally thinks Ricochet is cool because his kid like him LOL
Wasn’t Chael an investor in Jarrett’s Global Force? He should call up Tony K and exchange money mark anecdotes.
Based and redpilled
He said pro wrestling died in the late 70s. He’s a hipster twat.
Based Chael working himself into an AEW contract
The Sopranos is dog shit and you are a faggot
At this point him or Cornette crying about modern wrestling (or other fuckfackes from here also crying about it) is like the hip hop fans that hated on Trap during the early Young Thug/Future Era, guess what? Their crying did jackshit.
>these marks getting worked
Chad Sonnen about to show up to Wednesday Night Dynamite with this heel gimmick
Grandpa would break in half before even getting to the ring
>American Elite Wrestling
Sounds much better than All Elite Wrestling
based trap user here have some good shit
This is best one from Rodeo t.b.h
He said it peaked in the late 70s and died in the early 90s and became sports entertainment and he's right.
Based Chael telling it like it is
Wrestling before 80s more realistic approach
Wrestling in the 80s/mid90s gimmicks are important and cool supernatural shit
Wrestling late 90s turns heavy into storylines and "hardcore" shit
Wrestling for pretty much all of 00s the same storylines shit but less hardcore
Nowdays its about people displaying their athletic skills and doing cool shit in the ring
Is this bad? Every era is its own thing and thats ok, we will see what will come after, maybe something that is more to your likings
It's bad because nobody is watching anymore
Nobody watches WWE anymore. The rest is doing fine. Except Roh and Simpact
>Is this bad?
yes because it killed off the audience
Take the stocks outta your ass fags
>Nowdays its about people displaying their athletic skills and doing cool shit in the ring
The difference is pro-wrestling has never been less popular and made less money. Yes people having many more entertainment options these days definitely ain't helping, but focusing so much on MEWVZ performed by guys who most of whom would have been jobbers in every other era also ain't helping.
>Died before the AE
So he’s still a hipster twat. Wrestling was utter shite in the 70s.
literally WHOOOOO
>The difference is pro-wrestling has never been less popular and made less money
pro-wrestling == wwe?
>Nowdays its about people displaying their athletic skills and doing cool shit in the ring
>Is this bad?
When the audience is the smallest it's ever been, yes, it's obvious that you should change your approach.
>My hobby should pander to casuals
Lets see people take your favorite hobby/thing to watch and completly streamline it for netflix hipsters who know jackshit about it, lets see if you will enjoy it
>he wants to gatekeep fake fighting
beggin ya to get a clue, have sex and take the attitude era pill
Why doesn't he watch Blood Sport?
>He doesn't
I'm sorry they didn't have enough flips for you back then, zoomer.
He is Blood Sport.
>completly streamline it for netflix hipsters
But they've already done that
>Nobody watches WWE anymore. The rest is doing fine
Weird how WWE with their weekly 2-2.5 million tv viewers,constantly in top 3 cable is doing bad while the rest with no stable tv and not even an audience of 500,000 on tv is doing fine. Yea Forums is so cute with their narrative
Difference is others are gaining viewers instead of losing them you fucking edrone, even if its 100 added to 100.000 yearly its better than losing 8% every year
>gaining viewers
>implying it's not the same 500 super hardcores
>having a hateboner this much for WWE that his favorite promotion live on a gate by gate basis
>can't provide evidence
it's always the slave to his favorite company that throws out the drone word first. How cute
well he aint wrong pals
He was wrong about The Sopranos though. I watched it when it originally aired and I've re-watched it 3 or 4 times since then.
It was either a terrible hot take or bait.
Well Chael loves to troll so I wouldn't put it past him if he was just baiting.
He started saying that wwe is an equal piece of crap if not bigger.
He said good professional wrestling died in 92'
It sounds like he didn't give a shit about the AE
The only super kick I liked was Kenny's. He looked to get a good angle and height on that one.
He was a big fan of the Attitude Era. Huge fan of Rock and Austin.
He is just attempting to distinguish between pro wrestling and sports-entertainment
>cool supernatural shit
The supernatural shit is what I always thought was the worst shit, even as a kid. If anything makes the business look "fake", it's gimmicks like Papa Shango and The Undertaker. I was infinitely more interested in shit like Ultimate Warrior, Hogan, Austin, Rock, Goldberg as a kid than "le spooky man Kane".
Original Kane wasn't supernatural, except the stupid fucking lightning gimmick they did, and Undertaker wasn't supernatural by the late 90s
>analyzing the height and angle of superkicks
you know you're part of the problem, right?
Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan were supernatural you fucking zoomer faggot
Yeah Warrior used to 'talk to the heavens above' and all that shit
How was Hogan though?
>Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan were supernatural
Whatever you want to say about "Warrior", he doesn't compare to cringe tier satanic cult shit of the AE.
Hogan was able to touch an extremely hot surface without feeling the heat at all
Ministry was way more based and actually more realistic than a coked up roided freak who had the power of god or some shit
What's bad about this one?
>What's bad about this one?
>regurgitating Cornette podcasts verbatim
he literally works as a media talking head for a multi million dollar corporation
I'm sure most wrestlers wish they had a gig where they could talk behind a desk instead of bumping themselves into a early grave
Isn’t most of the roster paid to eat in catering? That’s even better than being a talking head.
>sitting around backstage is better then getting exposure on international television
you need to get out of the wrestling bubble
Exactly what I thought, then he shoehorns his Soprano hate in and doesn't tie it to the wrestling rant at all.
>What's bad about this one?
>post yfw Josh Barnett gets him to do next year's Bloodsport.
This makes the New Day shenanigans looks good.
Seriously, this shit will never kill WWE. If AEW wants to succeed they need to drop this ROH-tier comedy flippy shit and stick to just good wrestling.
After 2 superkicks it looks like something out of a Tex Avery cartoon. Yes this is wrestling and you know the shit is fake. You have to suspend your belief a bit, but this is too carny and just too unrealistic. It's not even convincing.
Chael as AEW top heel would be based
Chael also mad trash talks steroid users calling them cheats and losers when he himself has been caught using them. He never speaks from an experience stand point on the subject, he just points his figure and criticizes like a hypocrite.
His whole M.O. is being an controversialist and in turn his own propaganda maker. Everything he says is for near damn agro click baits.
You faggots are so dumb
Chael is the ultimate contrarean. He LOVES pro wrestling and LOVES the sopranos. He worked you nerds hard
Based Chad shit posting 24/7 365 in 3D
this guy gets Btfo every year in the smack off so bad that he had to quit showing up and start crying about it online
Based Chael working these marks into a blithering SHOOT.
>garbage show
Opinion immediately discarded
He retired
Based Chael
look at this moulie
I mean I didn't watch that show, and I'm personally not a fan of the young bucks at all, but that specific webm to me doesn't look bad by any means. It's just a bunch of guys kicking each other, and the kicks don't look too bad.
What’s the advantage of media exposure? Not everyone is an attention whore.
I stoped when he said wrestling died by 1992. This motherfucker has no idea what he’s talking about. Even if he’s exclusively taking about American wrestling he’s still wrong the late 90s boom was huge for business