CuckMan Phil

More likely than ever is his WWE return.
>Paul Heyman Guy
>Still over with Vince
>Still over with Fans
>Gaytch sent to his NXT cuck shed
>Stephanie nowhere near creative
>court issues resolved and wouldn’t be the first to be forgiven and forgotten
>AEW desperately begging him to join every other week

What do you ding-dong diddly reckon bro’s? I’m not a massive fan, but I could see why WWE would try to make it happen, and how it would be good for business.

Attached: AF4E1C26-FA32-4CB8-85EB-4928EC6F8BEE.jpg (275x183, 7K)

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Based AEW living in ya head rent free.

Despite numale smarks claiming he is a draw Phillip Mendez is anti-dimes.

I mean it would be a loud pop on his return

The story writes itself if done well. Could be a good blurring of reality and rasslin

>The story writes itself if done well.
Greentext it real quick for me

Tell that to the UFC

He's gonna be a commentary guy if he comes back. I don't think we'll ever see him in a ring again, and if we do he'll be 100% ringrust

Phil returning would damage the company more than bring anything to it.

>thanks fans for always having his back
>buries wwe, Gaytch, previous management for taking his smile
>Gaytch returns making life difficult for him with the aid of couple of heels
>months of back and forth with Gaytch dodging ever facing him
>culminates in him squashing Hunter in the mainevent of mania
>not a dry obese eye in the house

Sounds unironically fucking awful.

Sami Zayn was right about you people.

No thanks famalam I'll look at RAM ratings going down the week after his """pipebomb""" and his awful Summerslam buyrate that caused Vince to make him a glorified mid-carder for his entire title run.

god forbid they use someone from the past

ahh the epic slow squash

>ratings should go up instantly after a push

>ratings went down because punk was a draw
CM Punk never drew a dime. The entire "Summer of Punk" averaged a 3.1 rating. The rest of the year drew an average 3.2

They would kill for a 3.1 average right now

Cena was the guy that carried the feud over the whole of Summer of Punk. If it wasn't for Cena, ratings would've likely dropped lower. Triple H taking over WWE angle also helped ratings a bit, otherwise you're looking at 2.8 at best. Take a look at the ratings of the "reign" of Punk's Nu-Nexus. Should give you a hint at where things would be going if Phil was allowed free reign.

Not only did the ratings go down but the ppv buys were worse too.

>Cena was the guy that carried the feud over the whole of Summer of Punk
Cena is the reason ratings went to the shitter after his massive push in 2006.

He. Doesn't. Care. About. Wrestling.
Plus, Punk is the type of stubborn asshole who "has a code" and won't stray from it no matter the price on the table, which likely means zero chance he officially returns to wrestling.

Thinking cm punk will come back to wwe
In 2019.

Why does anyone think he’s going to come back? His passion for wrestling doesn’t exist anymore and I don’t think he’s strapped for cash.

>one of the biggest problems punk had when he was in the wwe was triple h
>he returns
>immediately put him in a feud with triple h
You're not very smart, are you?

I really don't understand the smark obsession with this cuck

oh my holy fucking cope

Attached: PunkRentFree.jpg (640x640, 63K)

What a fuckin loser

Attached: 85A1BBC8-F665-43EF-89CF-DB02F397D1ED.jpg (605x304, 127K)

Blurring reality and rasslin faggot. People are willing to leave their issues at the door when it comes to making money. You’d know if you weren’t a NEET

Cuck Man Phil got exposed as the simp he is in UFC.

Attached: phils_match.webm (520x292, 1.96M)

If I was a wrestler I'd refuse to job to this guy. His matches have aged even worse than Chris Benoit ones. I dare you to try to enjoy Lesnar vs. Punk now after seeing Punk get a participation award in an amateur seniors BJJ tournament

Attached: Cuck_twirl.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

Rousey came in after a series of losses and they just glossed over them. They’d simply act like he never tried ufc, until it’s time to bury him. Just like they had EDrones believe Sting sat at home for 15 years

you're comparing a UFC Hall of Famer and Olympic bronze medalist to a guy that got his only medal in a regional BJJ tournament by losing twice because his weight class had three people in it including himself

It's sad that AEW and WWE even want him, I can't imagine being 5 years older would do much for this guy who was crap by the end.

Forget shoot sports you faggot. His pro wrestling record speaks for itself, which matters more than anything in the WWE Universe

he literally said he'd listen to an offer from AEW

No he was right lmao. Positively if Punk ever came back, which he probably won’t, I’m sure he’d insist to never work with HHH

Bruh, an MMA JOURNALIST beat the hsit out of him after he spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars receiving the best MMA training that money can buy. I know not all wrestlers have to be shoot tough guys, but CM Punk has exposed himself in a way that no one else ever has.

The fact anyone wants this simp back after his pathetic UFC showing is why wrestling is dead and it's fanbase is responsible. Imagine if Stone Cold or Goldberg went to UFC and got the shit kicked out of them and then were simply returned to being the super badass characters they were as if no one would notice.
Brock fucking Lesnar actually won shit in the UFC, still sometimes does, and didn't lose in 1/10th of the embarrassing fashion CM Phil did, and they still made reference to him being vulnerable because of it. How the fuck are you going to just handwave this dork looking like a 14 year old twink getting pulverized not once but twice on worldwide TV, and then try to pass him off as a man capable of fighting other men in a legitimate contest?
>b-b-but it's fake
Everyone knew that for years and no one cared because some people were believable, now that no one cares if it's believable you have 5'7 pasty white nerds named Jack Smith doing flips for golf claps from a half tarped off arena

>Blurring reality and rasslin
Yeah, going back to the E only for him to be screwed by Vince at every turn and having to put up with Paul, Stephanie and now Shane backstage doesn't mean anything.
Piss off.

Attached: RentFree.png (405x340, 306K)

Give it up already. The guy hates pro-wrestling and his body is over it.

>The guy hates pro-wrestling
yeah, clearly

That’s how his wife’s boyfriend lives in the house he pays for