Attached: D-wsSjEVAAAvelw.jpg large.jpg (1080x810, 196K)


so he's this bad at painting everything or just his "style"?

Marc M style of drawing (shitty)

My nephew who is in Kindergarten makes better paintings. Rusoo really should just end it already.

This is like 13 year goth girl shit. I could totally see some fat girl paint the same thing in her art101 class about the popular girls that make fun of her

he sells them on ebay for 500 regularly

>does shit like this
>wonders why he isn't getting the call

That's embarrassing.

You do know he uses dummy accounts to drive up the bidding and gouge the few brain-dead mouth-breathing dumbshit single digit IQ marks whoa re stupid enough to part with their cash for shitty schizophrenic episode painting form a "celebrity" right ?

ya worked Corny?

Just cause he cons some ae marks out of some cash doesn't make it any less embarrassing

The fact that Russo has a legion of white knight fans who virulently defend him to the death and are incapable of feeling second hand embarrassment when he does embarrassing shit like this is the worst indictment of humanity I have ever seen. Him and his "fans" are by far the most pathetic thing about wrestling fandom, mostly because they hate wrestling and hate themselves. He & his little cult are a just a giant mess of the mentally ill enabling each other.

good for him. there's more than one russo mark so whether he drives up the price or not they'll bid against each other. don't be jealous

I dont think Russo really cares much what some mark thinks on some obscure online board

The fact that he makes you go this mad because he doesn't like the type of fake fighting that you do is good enough reason to support Russo over your kind

Go back bro.


I'm sorry you are the way you are.
I hope you get the help you need.

Kek this bitch needs to end his life.

Do the paint and sip type joints in Colorado also let you smoke weed? Because this seems like the end result.

>there's more than one russo mark

Attached: Citation Needed.jpg (600x600, 38K)

How soon until he ends his life? Does he make it out of 2019?
His very public meltdown the past 12 months have been both captivating yet pathetic viewing.

Never because hes not a faggot like you.

>Never because hes not a faggot like you.

Attached: 8379236.png (633x758, 29K)

And? That's based

Go back to plebbit.

I forgive you.
Forgive yourself.

you misspelled pathetic

obviously dumbass. there's people who sadly pay money to see and listen to him

Based and Brand pilled

>smiles and waves

Take a walk bro. You pay 11,99 to listen fan analyze wrestling. I pay couple of bucks a month to hear from people who have actually worked in the legitimate wrestling business.