fans of the superior block unite >BASED naito >BASED jay >BASED mox >BASED ishii >BASED taichi >BASED yano >BASED shingo >OKAY goto >juice and cobb there too i guess
>who will win b-block (and therefore win g1)? >what b-block matches are you most looking forward to?
>fat fuck fale >cringe flippyshitter >WWE flop who will injure himself 2 matches in >Evil "only employed to sell toys" >Okada with all the charisma sucked out >meme submission twig >some literally who
Cameron Wilson
you're trying way too hard B-cuck
Ethan Evans
Isaiah Foster
>Juice vs Yano This one will be fun
Charles Richardson
What will Switchblade vs Yano even look like
Juan Long
Both blocks are stacked to the fucking tits, but B block is better because literally every match is going to be great. I like Cobb unlike most people here, my only concern is if his girth can't handle the entire tournament. Fale's matches are hit and miss, Ospreay is definitely going to incorporate flippy shit, and nobody knows what KENTA is going to look like.
Nolan Nguyen
Jay goes for the bladerunner, Yano does the roll up move that Juice did to win in the Cow Palace but instead of a roll up he just low blows him. Roll up pin attempt is kicked out of for the big pop. End of the match is Gedo distraction into low blow into cradle for a win for Jay.