Could a tomboy gimmick work?

could a tomboy gimmick work?

Attached: miley-two-and-a-half-men.jpg (550x576, 101K)

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I think Alex Windsor does it well

Attached: alexwindsor2.jpg (1080x1080, 109K)

It'd work [spoiler] my ding dong diddly into a shoot [/spoiler] [spoiler] shoot meaning ejaculation [/spoiler] [spoiler] and my ding dong diddly is my penis [/spoiler] [spoiler] I want tomboi gf so bad [/spoiler] [spoiler] really hope this spoiler works [/spoiler]

>doesn't know you can't darktext on Yea Forums
>types out ding-dong diddly

For fucks sake

The babyface Yea Forums deserves

based retard

proof that it could be dimes

>triple dubs confirm

Why was Miley so slept on at the time. Looks like a little hottie there.

that’s literally how my character in Saints Row 4 looked like


Miley was fucking god tier at that time. I actually lost my virginity because of her.

There was this cutie in my class who loved Miley Cyrus, and everyone kept making fun of her saying Miley was ugly and a drug addict. I was nice to her about it. This lead to me getting a blowjob 2 weeks later and then eventually sex.

Based Miley.

Attached: 1FF3ECEC-6D15-4CB7-855A-A458A413F7C2.jpg (453x679, 40K)

Higher res

Attached: 9CC1F73C-68BB-4E99-AA64-A974EAF253D1.jpg (1700x2560, 423K)

I wanted to point out the visible nipple like an excited kid, but then I remembered her topless images from the beach are saved onto my PC

This was like the first time she actually showed her nip, so it was based 7 years ago.

her topless pictures are from 5 or 6 years ago iirc but those were made by a paparazzi

In itself? No. It would need a man partner for herto play foil with. A tomboy childhood friend with a secret crush gimmick could get over though.

She was so good back then went the Paige route

Joshi has been getting that gimmick over for literal decades.

Attached: kaho-bald01.jpg (764x1358, 83K)

>not accompanying post with a Go Back gif/webm
fucking newfags

Attached: 1559343231977.png (650x527, 833K)

>using reddit memes

Trying too hard to fit in

hair is too long to be tomgoy

All of my GFs have had short/shaved hair. Am I a latent homosexual?

Attached: boner baloon sfw.gif (320x240, 3.12M)

She's gorgeous

Do you want me to fuck you in the ass?
If your answer was no, then chances are you are not gay.

You took a swing. That's what matters.

Attached: 1511213247854.jpg (288x288, 31K)


What if wants to get to know you first? You know, take it slow.

Well, if you are a faggot I don't wanna know you.

Tomboy is a persinality, not a look.

A tomboy and looking like a dyke aren't the same thing.

let me guess , It's a dude?

What the hell was tomboy about her?


Anyone else like short hair on girls?

Short hair best hair

Attached: D-cRXohWwAAPqjR.jpg (1080x1350, 168K)

long hair gets in the way of cuddling and some forms of sex

haha yea I know haha

Arthoe wrestler when

Tomboy doesn't mean 'has short hair.'

Based Miley totally not making degenerate sluts of your daughters

>plays it off as a case of mistaken gender
what a Chad

Yeah, I like short hair on girls. Ex had a cute pixie cut.
But I also like long hair on girls, like past shoulder-length. Not really medium-length, though. (I also prefer girls who are either tall or short, rather than in between.)

Only one way to find out and that's the hard way

Ever since I flipped a lesbo I have been, yeah. Not too short, you need something to grab on to.

>flipped a "lesbo"

I think the word you're looking for is "transexual".

God I fucking hate miley. The quintessential whore. Ruining a generation of teen girls.

I want to fuck this creature like you couldn’t imagine

I am a clock nazi and long hair bitches are always late. You have to add 10 minutes of prep time for every 4 inches of hair a girl has

you can’t do a tomboy look with meme eyebrows
tomboys wouldn’t care enough about that level of vanity

She would look considerably more attractive with long hair.

I'd rape the shit out of MIley

giving me three and a half inches lads

Wasnt this Molly Hollys gimick?

also long hair gets under your foreskin shit is not cash when you gotta pull it outt