ITT: female superstars who presumably have large bush

ITT: female superstars who presumably have large bush

Attached: Sonya_Deville-bio--8c48eae12d20a686e13880d6eb2d6ec2.jpg (1200x675, 63K)

You just know

I was always under the impression that lesbos shave and trim obscenely often.

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why so many wrestlers are orange?

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Attached: io mayu kairi beach.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

I use to date Japanese girls like this they had god tier bushes.

It’s a WWE thing

Already confirmed

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Probably all the joshis. I read somewhere that Japanese consider shaving pubes something that only prostitutes do.

jesus christ mayu, trim.

Based Lillian with the crabgrass.

Sonya's Italian so I assume all of them have a forest down there

you came from my Yea Forums thread? >>>>

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Omg, she’s my favorite. Imagine the Bush smell

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>having pubic hair
Gaybro here, seen enough naked lesbians in my time to learn lesbians with pubes are unicorns.

Older generations, sure. From experience most girls at least trim these days

You’re right I only fucked 20s or 30s Japanese girls recently

Sonya looks smooth shaven, havent you seen the infamous clip

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You have my attention..

god mayu-chan has such good abs...i want to lick them

I don't have it saved, but the one where she's being pinned and you can see her cooter outline

You've never fucked in your life.

Seething virgin

I presume this is the one.

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Neatly trimmed bush > bald > jungle pussy

This is the absolute truth.


honestly depends on the girl, some look better with a neatly trimmed bush some look better completely bare

high energy post

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Why does Io walk like Tanahashi?

eva lovia is the prime example of what a perfectly trimming pussy should look like.

Based Big Bush Mayu

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no, Sasha Grey

Just imagine the pure, feminine musk emanating from that jungle bush. I want to just stick my nose in it and inhale.


bretty gud

she wants to be him

Why is she walking around with her shorts unbuttoned?

girls do that when they have a bikini underneath, it's just comfortable for them

I hate you fucking centrists. Full bush or none! The way God intended.

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you mean Karlee Grey

They're 20 somethings on a beach. They're gonna slut it up.

fuck off with your disgusting yellow skinned jacked teeth no titties or ass alien looking octopus bug eating ugly ling ling
inb4 cope, seethe etc etc

Nah they're just attention seeking sluts.
I'd rather walk bollocks free on the beach but I don't since I'm not attention seeking.

Damn. That's going be a "holy yumoli" from me, dawg.

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