Asuka handled herself well in this interview. I hope she got to eat Chicken fried rice in Singapore.
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>le fat dancing lass
She's probably desperate to get home to America for that BBC
W*ite roast detected
I want to give Kari a career-ending pregnancy
What the actual fuck Asuka can speak some English and sound normal what a swerve
>guy mentions Asuka is 37
>she goes stonefaced and doesn't answer how many years she wants to keep wrestling
God bros is there anything hotter than mombods? Truly patrician taste and how to spot a permavirgin 101
Here's their match with the IIconics btw
>Kairi wants to face Asuka
That'll be fun.
They sound very happy to be with each other actually
Kairi wants to wrestle Asuka as her dream match
Not desperate at all. She's loving her vacation in Japan and her old vidya. Probably doesn't miss this shithole a bit.
She only plays the no English card when she's trying to avoid people. Like being on sawdust neck Sheamus workout videos, and the entire roster hanging out.
CMLL have women wrestling in their mid to late 40s, and that's all flippy lucha shit. Doubt WWE would let her, but I hope she still wrestles in her 40s.
>interviewing Asuka in English
Oh no no no why would you ever do this
w2c older thick qt japanese women who plays vidya?
god i want her to look at me like that just before i impregnate her
Why does nobody ever ask her about her handbag addiction.
All three minutes preceding Kairi getting the roll-up
Probably done after her current contract expires but doesn't want to say that in case WWE buries her for being old like they did Mickie.
I don't know why but I have a feeling Kairi would hate wrestling Becky.
More like The RajCHAD amirite
I'd hate wrestling someone who's an absolute mark for themselves and takes fake fighting seriously too
Because Becky's a shitter? Don't know if Kairi can find a way to pull good matches out of anyone the way Asuka can
And look at the quality of women's wrestling in CMLL.
>dick must be this big.webm
literally no woman can wrestle
Kairi loves everyone and wants to wrestle them all
Speaking of marks.
I want Asuka to give me a lap dance.
Asuka has never elevated anyone. She only cares about getting her shit in.
In chronological order: Emma, Mickie, Ember, Cross, Charlotte, Carmella, Becky.
Asuka and Carmella had the worst matches of 2018
>Chicken fried rice in Singapore
It was Hainan Chicken Rice. But yeah, Asuka was pretty good.
WTF is wrong with that chicken? Did they boil it or something?
kek based asuka want yummy food
Nothing is wrong with that chicken, it's what poached chicken looks like. It's probably been submerged in ice after cooking so the skin and meat remains firm but still tender.
I wanna go to night market and snack with Asuka and Kairi
She elevated Charlotte so so much to the point she fooled some retards into thinking Charlotte is an actual good wrestler.
>Kairi saying she likes Asuka's smile
Yes, bodies with actual curves and ass.
I take it you're one of those shitters that reee'd because your waifu jobbed to Asuka?
This is the cutest thing
they look so happy together, especially kairi...that's a smile worth protecting
Every photo from that day is cute af. They looked like they had the time of their lives.
>Probably done after her current contract expires but doesn't want to say that in case WWE buries her for being old like they did Mickie.
Mickie is Marissa Tomei in the Wrestler. She's trying to convince us she still has it with the whole milf persona, but the truth is nobody cares about milfs anymore and people prefer younger broads.
>nobody cares about milfs anymore
Spoken like a true homosexual.
Asuka and her daughter Kairi
>Asuka on the Iconics
>"they have long history of good tag champs"
>the Iconics
what did asuka mean by this?
>comments disabled because all the poos were calling Fatsuka fat
Imagine how fat Asuka will be in her 40s
Asuka is speaking English like a retard why did you waifuist incels lie and say she was good?
>say she was good?
no one said that
>sound normal
she sounds like a mongoloid retard
that’s the kind of fat you’ll never get, enjoy your hand
they are the longest reigning female tag champs in history so yeah,they do have a long history with the tag belts
I wanna form a hand-holding circle with Asuka and Kairi
>large chunk missing in the front
this outfit was lewd on both sides
>le puffy cheeks meme
Fuck her
Do not be mean to Kairi, this is a protect Kairi zone bud
It means the IIconics have put Asuka over a lot ever since NXT, and now Asuka is returning the respect shown to her.
i have a feeling that when io gets called up to main roster they're gonna want to do heel io vs face kairi, and break everyone's hearts
Io hates Kairi
They're never doing feud between two people who can't speak English. Io will join the Kabukis in their eternal quest to finally get a tag title shot.
S-she's just upset Kairi left her and doesn't know how to handle her feelings
Now that Io has turned heel they'll probably bring her up as a decent midcarder heel that will face Kairi early on and job out. She'll job to a few top girls a few time before eventually having an emotional reunion with Kairi and the two then reform the Sky Pirates.
It was said in the heat of the moment, Io didn't mean it...
Have sex
It seems like WWE actually gave them some vacation time off while they were in Japan, happy for them but hope they are coming back soon
the wwe japan shows were only about a week before tanabata (7/7) which is a pretty big holiday in japan, guess they decided to let their japanese talent enjoy themselves back at home until after the festivities
i'm sure the new japan wrestlers would rather be home now than wrestling in half-empty arenas in the US tbqh
surprised she didn't go to see a Stardom show
She was so hot.
the real question is who is taking these pictures
Still is
This Asuka real form
She still is
>I'm back in the US now over the Pacific Ocean ... The photo is rising with the CAPCOM sound effects team
pull down your pants
do the asuka dance
7/11 European TV Heavymetalmeme belt
Feud with R-Truth when
Fun fact: This team only exists because Nikki Bella found out her neck was fucked and she couldn't return for a feud with the IIconics.
their is nothing fun about a Bella and Iiconics feud
After Asuka wins she can recreate that spot where she head kicks Truth so that he's dizzy, and tumbles onto her for the pin.
I know she'd love to have all that black beef on top of her.
Nice pits