Bros... Kenny's hairline...
Bros... Kenny's hairline
Just like Akumas
out of the 3, still the best hair line.
Duh but we already knew about the other 2.
god i want to beat the shit out of them
There's nothing wrong with his hairline.
This is just petty nitpicking at this point, and from grown men.
When's Kenny getting the Lionmane hair cut?
That's all this board is.
Wow is that Ken, Akuma and Ryu from Street Fighter? That's so cool! They are like just like me.
He's been hanging around the Meme Bucks too long, he's catching their male pattern baldness.
we aint growin shit nigga
The Bucks probably already picked Ken/Ryu so they could have headbands and Kenny was stuck doing Akuma, even tho he's supposed to be Ryu's arch enemy...god the state of these simps trying to force their vidya memes into wrestling and they still fuck it up.
this was some cringe shit and one of the reasons Fyter Fest felt like a bad indie show
>god the state of these simps trying to force their vidya memes into wrestling
They did that for a fucking video game tournament house show.
What happened to turn Yea Forums into a bunch of catty shallow bitches that are hyper focused on faggy cosmetic details like hairline/heights etc.
You sound like a bunch of bitchy gossip queens cackling at the beauty shop.
user, it is definitely high and thin. He is fine right now but it is not going anywhere good.
balding manlet detected, are you one of the Bucks?
Obvious newfag
Go cry some more about your balding gay manlets
>from grown men.
This board is mostly faggots. They obsess over the height of men and their hairlines like they are fucking school girls
I think it should be obligatory that if you are going to post shit talking other peoples hairline that you have to prove yours is better.
>and Kenny was stuck doing Akuma, even tho he's supposed to be Ryu's arch enemy
Wow. Heavy lore. This is something the Elite can draw from during their inevitable break up.
t. balding manlet
you guys sound like a pair of bitchy tween girls and think it is cool
mega cringe.
Fun fact for the hairline fags. It doesn’t matter what the top of your head looks like if your in shape. Oh, and you will all lose your hair, so best hit the weights before it’s too late
But user then you would only be proving that the reason all these catty bitches do this is because they are insecure about their own appearances. Nobody criticising the Bucks/Omega etc have better hairlines or are taller than they are. Angry self loathing is what causes threads like this to exist.
They call him AkumOHNONO, the Receeding Demon
>Faggot seething over being called out
>Make him Akuma so the fucks can fuck and suck each other
One of the best things about the Bucks is that they like that you feel this way. There's a lot of things about them that I don't like. But their don't give a shit and act accordingly attitude isn't one of those things.
Seething reddit immigrant
He's 35 years old, it's not very shocking
>post what you look like before shitting on others
That would kill the whole site, senpai
>can't defend acting like a catty tween bitch girl
the cry of the defeated gotten to bitch boy
Kenny's a man. A short man, but still a man. Hair loss is just another thing.
Well, he could've been Sakura. He's used to dressing up like a girl anyway.
The GRIDS bros..
Why did it have to happen to him?
His HGH gut looks worse
Needed Chunners.
Worked into a tearful stuttering green text fury
Fucking balding casuals
yes you are
"N-no u"
Got 'em shaking
What happened to all the real men?
But Ken doesn't wear a headband...
Why didn't Kenny wear a gi as well?
Can someone tell me if there are actual real people attracted to the Young Bucks? They look like the most retarded cucks. I can't understand anything about their character or style visually, it's just a total fucking mess.
THe one on the left in ops pic looks decent, the one on the right tho, yikes. Kenny is a snack.
I said real people, not NJPW obsessed midget robots
because there isn't a 3rd guy who wears a gi in Street Fighter?
The seethe over Kenny is so terrible. Just because he didn't chose their company. E drones are worse tho
They're literally the same fucking person only one of them has got cringe bumfluff beardhair, how do you figure that?
You fucking ding-dong diddly simp, Akuma wears a gi you simp
His outfit wasn't finished by the seamstress in time so he had to wear his normal ring pants which is hilarious because that kind of fuck up from NJPW's seamstresses over his WK entrance attire caused a lot of friction that may have contributed to his departure.
>They're literally the same fucking person
Are you saying the Young Bucks are the product of cloning?
based user with the insider seamstress scene knowledge
Why is Kenny so chunky bros? I wish he could just be their top guy instead of helping run the company. he needs time to work out.
Let it go man, his prime was in 2016 & 2017. When he finally got the big strap, he was already burnt out for whatever reason.
As soon as "The Best Bout Machine" gimmick started, it went to shit.
Goodbye based Cleaner.
peaking in who japan. Many such cases
>thinks schoolgirls obsess over grown men's height and hairlines
Pretty sure it's just the schedule of being world champ
But he barely wrestled in 2018. Don't even get me started on 2019. He should be well rested.
props. young bucks actually look like random fake fighting generic white males
focusing on cosmetic details such as those are the things that shallow bitchy pre-tween school girls do yes
And people who enjoy wrestling
Imagine crying because your favourite underwear play fighter was insulted
Things are great guys
I’d be more concerned about him being off the gas
Kenny doesn't look so good, bros...
There's a weird form of Cheerleader Effect happening with the Bucks. Matt's look is mediocre so Nick gets lumped in with him as two guys with a mediocre look but it's really not true. Nick's look is horrendous. His hair line is awful, he's in terrible shape, he has creepy sunken eyes, pale skin and he always looks miserable. Matt could be a midcarder solo, Nick would be selling popcorn.
I walked in when this match was like halfway over and Kenny's hair dye was smeared all over the ring so I had no idea what the fuck they were doing. That cronfe Street Fighter spot makes more sense now.
it was a japanese symbol painted on his back, not the hair dye
also the hadouken was Kenny's finisher back in the day
whats funny is the young bucks hair lines are WAY WORSE they just hide that shit with there headbands
I just now realized what they're supposed to be dressed as. Saturday I was like what the fuck are they wearing?
there's nothing wrong with Kenny's hairline
Matt’s isn’t that bad, Nick’s though... yikes!
yeah watch the match right at the beginning his headband falls off and it's like OH SHIT BRO
What schedule, dude wasn’t even on that many tours as champion. And he never liked doing all the Tag matches at house shows that’s why he wore the geek pants during the NJPW undercard tag matches.
how come anytime i post and reply to a WWE employee on here they just run and hide and let the thread die???????
Well since this thread is OFFICIALLY just a WWE Employee.......Will you guys hire me??
I have no problem shit posting about what ever you need.
God he's so flabby