List the stars they help build up

Bret Hart: Austin, Evil Vince, Owen
The Rock:

Fill in the rest and/or add more.

Attached: Bret-Hart-vs-Stone-Cold[1].jpg (545x480, 79K)

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What a gay and boring thread idea
how about this instead: we don't do this redditors thread and we just post faceapp pics of wrestlers

ye, but let op suck my cock first

The Rock: Hurricane
HHH: Batista
Austin: No one
Hogan: Goldberg Warrior
Carder: Mankind Lesnar
Cena: Punk
Nash: Shawn Rey Mysterio

The Undertaker
The Rock
Triple H
Mr. McMahon
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Al Snow
Randy Orton

Attached: download.jpg (212x238, 10K)

>Carder: Mankind
>Nash: Rey Mysterio
fucking lol

Undercarder really did his best to throw Mankind off that cell. LMAO

Attached: BnhXsIJIMAA5c_-[2].png (599x327, 313K)

Bret: HBK, British Bulldog, and Austin
Rock: Goldberg and Brock
HHH: Chyna, HBK. DX, Rock, Cena, Batista, Daniel Bryan, Shield, Jeff Hardy, and Shelton Benjamin
Austin: Rock and HHH
Hogan: Rock, Brock, Warrior, Jewberg, Carder
Carder: Kane, Edge, Orton, Khali, Kozlov, and Jeff Hardy
Cena: Kevin Owens and Roman
Nash: HBK and Summer of 92

t. kids who weren't watching in 1996

Nobody build Goldberg up except his streak of losers like Jerry Lynn, Meng, Saturn, and fucking Mongo. Almost as unimpressive as Undercarders early Mania streak.

Hart gave Austin a boost,Austin gave Rock a boost,Rock gave HHH a boost

>HHH: Chyna, HBK. DX, Rock, Cena, Batista, Daniel Bryan, Shield, Jeff Hardy, and Shelton Benjamin
kek fuck off Paul

Sting also in his WCW days

what reality is this? Rock got his boost from Mankind and DX. He was already mega over when he worked with Austin.

>Rock gave HHH a boost
By never putting him over?

Bret Hart: Austin, Evil Vince, Owen
The Rock:
HHH: Foley, Batista
Austin: Angle
Hogan: Orton, Luger
Undercarder: Foley, Kane
Cena: Edge, CM Punk

By sharing the ring with that giant-nosed shitter

>hurf durf burf kurf paul paul paul
Looks like I'm living in ya head rent free, faggot.

I mean he, Hunter is living in your head rent free.

The Carder/Mankind fued absolutely put Foley on the map.

Thanks WWE network eDrone.
No one gave a shit about twisted and crazy Mankind. He didn't get over til he became a goofball.

Hi Paul.

Reigns: Styles. Strowman

Bret Hart:
The Rock:
Nash: Bobby Lashley, The new day, Lio Rush, Mark Henry, Booker T

>never putting him over

I think getting yourself beat up on the regular by Haitch and his troupe was a good way to push him yes

The guy that made Rocky really over for the first time was Austin,then Mankind made him a star.


What the fuck are you talking about? He got himself over in NOD, and people were eating out of the palm of his hand during that tournament and thought he would turn face but became Corporate Rock. No wrestler got him over. His mouth did. Austin had nothing to do with it.

Hogan: WWF and WWE


Rock really went out of his way to get Jericho to the next level in late 2001, early 2002....and then Triple H ruined it.

Undertaker: [none]

"Undertaker was a self-mark asshole... put over himself rather than others"

"The Undertaker? He's injured more wrestlers than I care to remember"

"Undertaker never put anyone over and everyone hated that old idiot"

>He got himself over in NOD

By feuding with Austin you absolute simp

>He didn't get over til he became a goofball.

Without that kino arc of transformation, nobody would have given a shit about the goofball. He was starting to get respect pops while he still had a man in the iron mask/hunchback of Notre Dame thing going on.

And fuck you for calling me an eDrone. I can't stand the WWE today, aside from a couple things. (Bryan, NXT bright spots.)