Outside of a bullrope, a long hair, and clothesline, what's Adam Page's character?

Outside of a bullrope, a long hair, and clothesline, what's Adam Page's character?

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he hangs niggers

He’s a pro wrestler and he wrestles. If you still need more dramatic pretence and glamour than that I don’t know what to tell you but you’re a faggot so try watching broadway instead.

didn't he even get rid of the noose?


I want to see him try a brapp gimmick. This would benefit him, good tshirts too.

He's the guy Cody cucked into believing someone with name recognition will put over eventually, instead of fighting mayo colored manlet jobbers

he's a cowboy who murders people by hanging them, pretty based gimmick

Unironically Stan Hansen lite. I think he should turn heel and have a run with a belt first though before he’s pushed as a main event face.

We're past gimmicks, kiddo

>what's Adam Page's character?

dwarven features

>Jungle Boy
>Jimmy Cringe Havoc
>Darby Anus
>Oil Fag
>Literal black fag

Dollar store Stan Hansen is right.

There's something really weird about his arms like they're undersized

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You’ve probably never even seen Stan Hansen wrestle, ya ding-dong diddly young fagola

Teacher that probably caused severe flooding in many female students' panties.

being a cowboy....from virginia

Wow that noose is really problematic. Doesn't he understand that blacks suffer from generational trauma?

*does a shitty shooting star press and almost kills himself in your path*

White slave

do they not have cows in VA?

Yes. The whole suicides and lynchings, would get him canceled.

His gimmick is that he's the next big thing.

Is your mom and sister in VA?

Solid wrestler

Dramatic flair is the only thing that makes wrestling interesting