So I'm thinking of getting into wrestling school in September, but the problem is I have this tattoo on my arm...

So I'm thinking of getting into wrestling school in September, but the problem is I have this tattoo on my arm. What happens if WWE wants to sign me and they decide against it because they can't reproduce Vegeta's image (on toys and in games and stuff) so they decide to not give me a shot? Any ideas on what I can do?

Attached: IMG_4522.png (500x375, 301K)

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Start by killing yourself.

Check this website

Wear a shirt? It's not rocket science bud.

wwe will be dead by the time you're ready to wrestle so I wouldn't worry about it

They signed Pepsi Phil. They won't sign you because you're s󠀀oy󠀀boy virgin reddit cringe

I'm going to tell you right now the lack of muscular definition and pasty skin is going to hurt you way more than some anime tattoo

This, you could also try to make a tatoo over it, like a panther

>So I'm thinking of getting into wrestling school in September

Stupid move. There's no money in prowrestling unless you get signed to a big company. Also most promotions don't offer health insurance or benefits of any kind. You'll be working a normal job too just to make ends meet and hoping you don't get hurt.

>Problem is I have this tattoo on my arm. What happens if WWE wants to sign me and they decide against it because they can't reproduce Vegeta's image (on toys and in games and stuff) so they decide to not give me a shot? Any ideas on what I can do?

There's no guarantee they'll want you anyway. If you're really that worried about your tattoo have it removed or changed.

Attached: 400.jpg (310x399, 159K)

I don't regret the tattoo and don't want to get rid of it at all, in fact the opposite. I love the tattoo and how it came out, and it's very personal to me (I've always sort of been the Vegeta in my friend group). I'd also love to not cover it but if WWE needs me to of course I would. I don't like the idea of wearing a shirt though I started lifting weights and I'm gonna want to show off when I get in better shape so shirt isn't the solution.

Don't worry the face doesn't look like Vegeta at all so WWE can get away with showing it.

Anime is gay. Get it lasered off.

>I've always sort of been the Vegeta in my friend group
Well, don't worry. WWE will have a jobber position for you.

Don't let Bob Holly see it

So you were the tryhard asshole that kep getting upstaged and everyone else wished you weren't around? Checks out

He probably thinks he's a martyr that no one likesd at first. Yawn...

Dude, they worked around Punk having the fucking GI Joe Cobra logo and the Pepsi logo on him, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Stop posting this fucking thread FUCK YOU REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>exposing the business
fuck off user

What a surprise, the redditor ruins something


Attached: programaslazona_fotos_2015_marzo_30_wwe_galeria_2.jpg (825x464, 122K)

This thread is retarded. I want to spit on OP.

I'm sure they'll make you wear a shirt fatty

OP would knock you the fuck out, kid.

1. You made this same thread several months ago.
2. Don't worry because WWE will never sign you.
3. Don't quit your day job.

>being a manlet janetty



"Don't let me see wha..."

Attached: bobert disliked that.png (500x375, 375K)