I don't know why but I can't stop watching these two bitches eat donuts. It's like it's hypnotic.
I don't know why but I can't stop watching these two bitches eat donuts. It's like it's hypnotic
was this the j dilla poster's endgame all along?
That’s probably a fetish. There’s a fetish for everything, watching bitches eat has to be one
Donuts! You get it? They’re pretending to be dykes! Wooooo!!
Based jaydee poster
The hole at the centre of the pastry is symbolic of their anal or vaginal orifices. The white cream is symbolic of the viewer’s (your) semen. As you stare into Mandy’s eyes, she then implants a hypnotic suggestion to your brain that tells you that you are creaming her hole. This releases endorphins that keep you coming back.
Imagine Mandy's donut braps
I want their tongues in my donut
Imagine curing Sonya’s dykeness with your cock
ya seethe, roastie?
>a bunch of amerimutts
>post an ugly bug person first
>y-y-ya seething
The ultimate sacrifice. This user is a true altuist
Really exposing the business there pal
Cute lesbians.
What is more cancerous and artificial, them or the donuts?
Sonya is pure and not for sexual
Cumskin on suicide watch
Check out them wrinkles on Mandy
Asians love BBC more than white women though
Why do they break kayfabe. They are heels they should be talking about how shit your local town bakery is.
you anons aren't going to get laid by posting shitty painting jpgs, you obsessed incel freaks
go back to faggot
damn i wud luv 2 be inside mandy she hot
More donutposting and less /pol/posting.
BASED. That album is goat.
Soulless bug eyes. Sad because she looks cute.
>you anons aren't going to get laid by posting shitty painting jpgs, you obsessed incel freaks
how is posting this going to help you get laid, incel?
we're not talking about whi*oids
Get a new gimmick.
seek a job.
sure thing, Shlomo
What am i looking at here?
They both just want to get their donut-hole creamped. Even Big Strapon Sonya.
Dean's faithful wife
>"Yo Renee, cock4cake?"
>"Awww hell yeah my niggaz!"
She has impressive oral capacity, as I'm sure the boys in the locker room are now well aware
>take a bump
Sonya is not for penetration.