This felt like a TNA PPV tbqhwu lads

I gotta admit I fell for the hype, but this PPV put it into perspective

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I just need this shit to last long enough to force wwe to make something worth watching again desu

Same and made me rethink wrestling in general. It's all seeming pretty dumb now.

> AEW sign is a low-key rainbow

>TNA is bad maymay

TNA is based as fuck though.

TNA has never done anything remotely this violent or based

Impact or the fed formerly known as TNA is literally the best american wrestling company going at the moment. Do yourself a favor and watch.

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TNA was 90% based, I can tell from this comment that you never actually watched it.

>that weak ass string they call barbed wire
And it's wimins.
They just had better workers and not a bunch of bingo hall shitters.

Gail Kim was absolutely based, I miss her.

Agreed. AEW is a joke. Now they're gonna go PG to counteract all the negative publicity. Already DOA.

>like a TNA PPV

so it was good?

Is it even a PPV if its free?


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It's because it's a fucking minor event held at a gaming convention. Don didnt have this feeling because it was a big ppv. Simple to understand

Both Barbed Wire Massacre matches they did.

>a televised house show felt like a TNA PPV

It’s not. You just see gay in everything because gay lives in your head rent free