Gatoh Move 7/2 (Shinjuku FACE):
It has been announced that "Kotori" and Aasa Maika will appear at Riho's farewell!
Riho vs. Emi Sakura
Mitsuru Konno vs. Hikaru Shida
Yuna Mizumori vs. Ryo Mizunami
Mei Suruga vs. Haruka Umesaki
Obihiro Sayaka, SAKI & Antonio Honda vs. Makoto, Anchamu & Hagane Shinno
Masahiro Takanashi, Cho-un Shiryu & Sawasdee Kamen vs. Eki Buggy, Baliyan Akki & Aiden Rex

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buy a banner

unironically this, note how this thread will max out at 12 IPs and 9 of them will be making fun of you

I like Emi Sakura, Mei Suruga and Aasa Maika

>buy a banner

back to your den of dilation

will they rent a ring for this special occasion?

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Yes, the Shinjuku FACE event will have a traditional wrestling ring.


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Wow she's levitating! Is there anything Mei can't do?

I wanna marry Mitsuru!

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Kotori is very cute, I wish I had known about Gatoh Move during her time

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Wow, this is great news.

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Will she put someone over?

Riho is a bully

Post more pics of Kotori's giant breasts

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God bless Gatoh Move pro wrestling

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