How did it go so wrong?

How did it go so wrong?

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They have the worst roster in the history of 'major' wrestling promotions.

It's only going to get worse from here

I’m actually kinda worried just how much WWE has brainwashed fans.

For a lot of western fans, WWE is the only wrestling they’ve watched since 2001. For anyone under the age of like 25, WWE is literally the only wrestling they’ve ever watched period.

It’s becoming more and more aware that fans only know one type of wrestling, and that’s exactly what they except. With the time limit draw and the chair shot in particular, it just proved that most people only ever watch WWE, and that’s as far as their wrestling knowledge goes. They sperg our when they see something new, because in their mind that’s not how things should be.

Legit really concerning.

The only concern right now is how long it will take these faggots to realise the BTE type shit needs to be gone from their product


There is a difference between being different and being bad

Are you referring to being the elite or one of the hundreds of other things BTE could be used to abbreviate? Is typing that hard?

everything in life works this way. When you notice it it just means you're older. except is different from accept by the way

Based retard

you got to be fucking joking

They thought it would be a good idea to have house show as their second show.

I'm not

Bullshit. If this were a house show they would have never filmed it. Calling it that is just damage control

>promise sports presentation
>deliver comedy and weebshit
they basically hoodwinked people and pulled a bait and switch.

This, no one should take any of their opinions serious for this very reason.

I was starting to fume at this during the preshow then I got talked off the ledge. It got better but the haduken or whatever was trash even though I laughed. It felt like fucking a gross girl and regretting it the next day

this. Cody is not championship material,. neither is omega or moxley

>It felt like fucking a gross girl and regretting it the next day
that's actually a perfect analogy. i'm willing to wait until their actual tv show to see if they shape up, and i really want them to suceed. so far though, it's not looking good.

fucking buy Impact wrestling and partner with NWA so that you can get Corgan overseeing your material, otherwise it's going to sink

What do you expect? Wrestling is on the lowest form of entertainment. That WWE became global was almost a miracle. Vince deserves a lot for that.

It’s a billionaire poo, and his team of twink weebs. They know what to do to get over when everybody is in on the joke. But Average Joe isn’t tuning to watch a bunch of gamer fags leap about the place.

It's still early and they're far from unsalvageable , but Fyter Fest was embarrassing. The comedy bits aren't connecting and the Young Bucks breaking character in post match interviews is retarded. They started this company by telling fans they were going to present it as a legitimate competitive sport, which certainly is a good idea, but they also opened their first ppv with a clusterfuck of drag queens and no legged wrestlers.

I want AEW to succeed, WWE's shit right now and anything that encourages them to get it together is good for everyone. I even like a lot of AEW's guys. They just need to look at their product objectively and maybe bring in more experienced creative minds or else they'll just be another TNA.

Will someone just do me a favor and tell me what BTE is, please?

Being the elite, weeb YouTube show that spawned all this mess

Ok when I asked if it meant that I got called a retard. Turns out I was right from the start. Thanks.

The main show was fine but they really need to rethink what they're doing with the pre-shows because they've been terrible. Kill that librarian gimmick please. The 6 man tag was great though.

just watch wwe grandpa, great show for u

not them but you mentioned being the elite in your first question and you're in an aew thread. So I have to ask, what are some of the "hundreds" of other things BTE could stand for here? Boy Tits Expanded, Bring The Exposition, Bitch To Everyone?

I know they hate Jim Cornette but they'd be wise to listen to him. If someone is just surfing channels they're going to immediately click over if there's some goofy comedy shit on AEW.

If you Google it or look it up on urban dictionary, there's tons of definitions. I didn't know if the other poster was referring to the being the elite schtick, mostly because I've never watched it, or if he was talking about the chair shot so many people are crying about for some reason.

it didn't bitch


I haven't watched any AEW shows but it isn't hard to see how it's doomed to failure. Coddling to SJWs isn't a sound business strategy.


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ok, well being in an actual aew thread and you saying "being the elite" in the sentence when you're asking is going to melt everybody think you're just being dumb or a jackass. You're on a wrestling board friend

make, not melt

This. The monopoly WWE had on wrestling has created literal drones that sperg out on anything that is even remotely different than "we do it for the kidzzzzzzz" programming.

Nothing is going to 'shape up'
This is who these guys are
They think geeky workrate nerd shit with meta skits is going to draw
This is it, they're not going to suddenly become cool

tnt will have the power once things start to roll weekly to cut the jokes out somewhat. it's possible if tnt give a shit

fucking dumbshit holy yikes

>heel tranny
>no intergender matches
>Based Jim "Eat the rice, pay the price" Ross on the commentary
>everyone in the company is white
How the fuck is this SJW?

WWE is the only promotion that actually tries to do real wrestling with in- and out-ring storytelling. Everything else isn't real wrestling, but boring flippy shit without any story or suspense that only obese neckbeards who unironically use words like "workrate" and "the business" and think they are a wrestling insider because they read Meltzer like.

Since they're keeping based Lucha Bros on hand to be the Bucks' personal jobbers only like 4 guys on roster could be dimes but they'll push ther jabronis like Havoc and Jungle Boy

Go back to plebbit

I think at the rate RoH is sinking that Corgan will run a power play and buy up the video library, maybe a few of the boys' contracts and build up from there

WWE and Impact are based rn. Last nights offering from AEW was not.

>WWE is the only promotion that actually tries to do real wrestling with in- and out-ring storytelling
Imagine actually believing this horse shit

>Lucha Bros
Think they regret signing?

AEW is so terrible and boring that it made me realize that WWE and NXT aren't so bad afterall

I thought the problem is that they're not signed

>WWE is based
Give me 5 reasons

Unironically this. Looking forward to RAW/SD.

>WWE is based right now

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>Triple H
>Kofi Kingston
>Becky Lynch
>Seth Rollins
>Roman Reigns


Nope. They signed and are supposedly exclusive to All Estrogen Wrestling

source it nigga that's big news

>Raw has improved 2 weeks in a row
>Heyman and Bischoff announced offering a fresh start
>stacked roster with a lot of potential
>R Truth
>Wrestlers with actual muscle

They officially signed during the press conference stages before DoN and the way they've been getting exposure and mentioned less and less on the two big shows they've been working (MLW and Impact) I think they'll end up being exclusive by the time tv starts up
As long as the checks clear I think they'll be fine but c'mon give them a win for God's sake

Only exclusive in the US, they can still work Mexico and I'm guessing non-televised indies.

worked and seething.

this isnt news unless you source the exclusive stuff

It was always supposed to go wrong.
AEW exists just to show the marks that what they want is bad.
AEW and WWE are in bed together bro.

By being a pro wrestling company. That shit is for faggots, bugs, and losers. Real people who shower and have sex watch mma.

Only retards like wrestling in the first place, it should come as no surprise whatsoever that the dumbest of them are E-drones.

AEW has made me appreciate WWE, unironically.

I'm not saying it like it's fact but the signs are there

Yeah, bro. Totally

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have sex

i dunno... it'd been reported previously that the lucha bros want to work in NJPW. imagine fenix in BOSJ

Same man. Staunch OwlChad usually. But this AEW shit is making wrestling fans look worse than usual. Some of us are daywalkers, and AEW are doing us zero favours.

>Staunch OwlChad
based. Impact and MLW are criminally underrated. they're the best north american shows right now and get no shine at all. really a shame

>No love for NWA
It's small as small is but they got Eli Drake and they're working with the best parts of RoH so I'm going into it cautiously optimistic

Vince and his goons still run it
Heyman and Bischoff might not give 2 shits at this point because they're boomers like vince

i do (mostly) really like what they're doing, but it's hard to care when they've had 4 shows in the last 3 years. if they sign Pillman Jr and the Von Erichs i'll go all in. NWA 70 and the Crockett Cup were kino

I appreciate Corgan apeing on RoH paperviews when his roster is so small and that he isn't rushing to do weekly tv or run independent shows when it isn't feasible now, hoping that after Eli Drake they start getting some traction

I keep meaning to check out MLW. But with raw and Impact I’m all wrestled out most weeks. AEW needs writing staff and fast. Because these weebs haven’t got it.

If it makes you feel more inclined to give MLW a watch they only do hour shows with like 3 matches and a few promos, if you get in now you can catch Wagner Jr. and Savio Vega roll up during the upcoming tapings

The marks are in the ring

once their roster expands, i'd also like them to re-introduce the jr heavyweight belt, especially if they still have some partnership with ROH and hopefully with NJPW or some other japanese fed. i don't like it, but the fact of the matter is, most present day wrestlers are under 200 lbs.

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Didn't bother watching the show last night since I was watching divegrass. What happened?

same here

It was shit.

This show actually made me realize that wrestling may be as dumb as non-fans say it is all the time and that I should just give it a rest.

The comedy stuff isn't connecting. I get that this is basically a glorified house show so I'm not gonna take too much stock into it, but it's obvious people tonight don't like the comedy what so ever.

That'd be a good idea for workrate fags to have their belt and the draws can go for major belts, any jr. heavyweight that proves himself as a ticket seller could start off at National championship

Imagine targeting this guy and not Chad

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>The comedy stuff isn't connecting.
i literally had a real life *dad walks in* moment watching DON. he cringed hard, shook his head at me and walked out.

They bought Ballpark instead of top tier Nathan's hot dogs.

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No girlfriend = more money

Memes aside, I'm glad they're trying things on the throwaway shows like this rather than the main shows like All Out. A lot of this shit fell flat, and that's GOOD because they can see what worked and what didn't and fix it going forward. The issue isn't all the garbage that happened on the show, it's whether or not they're going to learn their lessons.

mjf was great again. everything else just ok

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>top teir
Pick one nigga

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I've watched both ppvs, I just don't do the YouTube thing.

shut up edrones SHUT THE FUCK UP




So is PAC just done with AEW? The fuck was the reasoning behind replacing him in this show too?

I see you posting Chiraq crap, you gonna post some real pay checks?

just because there's a tranny, doesn't mean it's an SJW show.Meanwhile WWE tries to push women like they're legit draws, hired billions of indie britwres shitters only soi faggots now and let's not forget Stephanie Mcmahon's attempts at making a politically correct product.

people seem to keep saying either visa issue or he needs to win everytime since hes undefeated or both

you already knew what bte stood for ya simp. let it go be smarter for the future

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>All proceeds will go towards victims of gun violence
how can they afford to bring in $0 from two of their first few ppvs?
and more importantly, will kenny omega do the "BANG!" taunt?

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You mean the same fags who killed ROH?

expenses maybe just a tax write off. Most the wrestlers need experience in front of a crowd might as well put them to work

All of the boys are experienced workers except like Jabroni Boy

>All proceeds will go towards victims of gun violence
How, exactly?

no. Darby, the women (and man) and some others in the under card. I'm not talking about "the boys"

Is this the one that made marks seethe because an Evolve show is on at the same time on the network?

Point of a charity show is to draw money for a cause I doubt it'll have many goobers on the show, but Fyter Fest had a bunch of them on the main card so maybe you're onto something

by trying to be everything wwe isnt, they became everything wwe is

I figure it does something for everyone in their eyes

Do you think the poster is talking about Better Than Ezra you fucking retard

>how can they afford to bring in $0 from two of their first few ppvs?
Tony Khan. Seriously these carnies are working this simp to put on elaborate indie shows. Plus TNT is covering the cost of the TV show productions so they can afford to put money elsewhere
>how can they afford to bring in $0 from two of their first few ppvs?
First guy Ive seen mention this and it's brilliant in how fucking obviously hypercritical it is. He goes on twitter and says how the E is incentive for broadcasting Bobby Fish on the night of the event but he's signature pose and his NJPW moniker both are worse if youre that much of a snowflake to complain about what the E broadcasting a show.

>Better Than Ezra

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Janela is experienced at doing carny shit. By this token Johnny Knoxville is more accomplished as a wrestler than Janela. Janel cant work for shit and was legit struggling to lift a table

>one of the hundreds of other things BTE
Behind the Enterprise was pretty good.

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Meant jungle boy simp if I was referring to my boy Janela I would have called him Janetty Janela

Thanks for clarifying ham and egger. But to me theyre both lumped together. Jungle Boy looks like he would have been a valet for Goldust or Val Venis back in the day promptly getting his shit pushed in every match as his gimmick. Cringing at the thought of him and Darby Anus have a feud and watching two 90lb manlets slap their bodies together for 15 minutes.

Janela is a complete shitter. i can't buy into his "bad boy" gimmick at all. this guy is on twitter telling Seth and Ospreay he's fucked all these chicks and blah blah blah when just a couple months ago he was doing interviews like a broken dicked simp whining and crying about Penelope Ford dumping him in real life. dude is a fucking simp.

Rather watch the legless madlad from DoN go up a spiral staircase instead of a darby/jungle boy match desu

honestly that previous post deserves its own thread because of the endless bte possibilites it could've been

>your girl latches onto you like a clout leech, works herself into a contract with the same company as you and then dumps you after you outlive your usefulness to her
How has he not taken up the Snuka gimmick by now?

Because Snuka was a based shoot islander powered by god tier levels of cocaine and Janela is a cuck who thinks wearing ski goggles makes him a bad boy. He should actually run with a cucked gimmick. Cucked Jaded Janela, where he brings a girl to his bout and as he's wrestling shes getting plowed by dudes at ringside

I meant why doesn't he just go kill the bitch but solid analysis user

lol. Im just trying to help the simp out. Janela should just kill himself and save history repeating itself. We've gone from based workers banging gym rats and spot thots and treating them as such to a world filled with Chris Candidos

why doesn't he just stop being a simp and live his fucking gimmick? he booked himself with the best gimmick. go live the hair metal lifestyle. fuck ring rats and party. literally how hard is that?

> literally how hard is that?
He cant live a gimmick he's just playing. Plus have you seen the fucker? He's a mayo sandwich left out in the sun.

Rich famiry pls understand

Michael Nakazawa is a minor league wrestler from an indie in Japan. He's also a weird dude that's more focused on oiling himself and entertaining the crowd than actually winning.

The CEO dude has been somewhat trained to wrestle. It's not like he's been plucked out of the office to fight him.

Still, because Nakazawa is an actual trained pro wrestler, he beats him without too much trouble, even though he was only at about 50 percent.

What about this is not based in reality? You can argue it's silly to put such an undercard bout on your show, but they're not breaking kayfabe.

Everything about it was fucking stupid.

>What about this is not based in reality?
Oiling yourself. Fighting a videogame CEO. This is carny horseshit

and? PRIDE had freakshow fights for years and drew a lot of money

>Still, because Nakazawa is an actual trained pro wrestler, he beats him without too much trouble
This argument makes no sense because this is fake, I don't get your point.