Wrestling fans aren’t people

wrestling fans aren’t people

Attached: 9D0A63EF-5994-4D5E-BB93-96A283798201.jpg (640x468, 126K)

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based yuka stan

no, "people" who live on twitter (you) aren't people.

I am currently boycotting WWR Stardom because she's red belt champion, but that is unironically too far. Fuck you Yukastan.

why are fags and trannies seething at Assplay and Bee? there could be no bigger SJWs than those two

I hope Casey's cancer does him in soon

What a fucking psycho.

It's a work you simp

Wait he has cancer?

That twitter he replied to is OP. The original tweet is deleted and the account was just 10 generic whitoid puro twitter tweets that seemed like mockery.

sos y'all savage

check out a picture of the guy he's got zero body mass



Puro twitter, man. They'll come out with shit like this but have a mental breakdown if you misgender them.

Absolute fucking mistakes they are.

Weeb fags. Bea is based

Attached: TIeLGNN.jpg (900x1200, 217K)

They seem to overall to be shitty people.

Fucking this. Assholes are such a sensitive bunch. Can't say anything that might even seem like you're disagreeing without them throwing a massive melt on twitter.

They committed the crime of being born white.

Unlike Viper, Toni, and virtually every other foreigner they've had, she chose to stay with the company. I'm guessing that loyalty plays a big part in her recent success.

It's a super-autistic hivemind on there. Guaranteed to all be perverts and/or paedophiles too.

Look at this account.
It almost feels like a caricature of Puro Twitter.

Attached: theteamaster1.png (362x367, 124K)

As opposed to Yea Forumstards?

Amazing double standards right off the bat

Attached: pffff.png (587x657, 540K)

Rossy put the belt on her so he can have her face off with storm (uk nxt women’s champ) but Wwe put a stop to that now he’s back peddling.

Are we sure this isn’t a Seth Rollins Burner account.

>Rossy put the belt on her so he can have her face off with storm
[citation needed].
>he’s back peddling.
[citation needed].
Stop making unsubstantiated claims.

ionkno man i thnk dis persons right bea is hella weird man