

Attached: epicness.png (600x400, 339K)

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post the webm because i didn't watch this shit

>constantly talk about serious, sports presentation
Still want to do this shit
>talk about healthcare and unionizing
do chairshots to the head in north america
I get the feeling they don't plan things out as well as they want us to think

I hate these 3 faggots so much

>>constantly talk about serious, sports presentation
I still have no fucking idea what they mean. Their shit is just as embarrassing as WWE.

the hadouken was fucking gay but did you watch the chair shot? he hit him on such an awkward angle that if cody didn't flinch there wouldnt have been any damage at all. i think he was supposed to slip up behind the back part that slit his head. that chair shot wasn't dangerous at all and wouldnt have gotten blood if cody wasnt a shitter

that was the cringiest part of the show

omega didnt even come out in akuma pants, what a wasted opportunity

omega is not living up to the hype, him and the buck are hard to watch

I think the "serious sports presentation" stuff is just a work. RoH said the same thing and still had plenty of goofy shit.

Reminder that NJPW had a worst comedy match in the australian show than any Fyter Fest match.

It would have been fucking great if this was like a double hand chop and they posed like a hadouken and actually made contact but instead they had to sell an invisible kamehameha wave. If they actually ran into their hands and fell back it would have been fine then you do the Hadouken pose for the fighting game crowd but jesus christ this was gay

Yup, that's going in my AEW cringe compilation.

Even if there was no blood the moment people see a chairshot to the head in America they will sperg out. They should know this.

what was it? didnt watch it yet
japanese comedy

Not even wwe would do a fake kamehameha, this shit is just awful

They did know this, that's why they did it and they had the announcers do owen voices. That was literally the whole point. They wanted people to be pissed off at the chair shot and concerned for cody.

AEW will crash and burn, and it will truly be the final nail in the wrestling coffin.

Hope you have a big hard drive because I think you are going to need it

Based father-son Kamehameha ding-dong diddly destroy WWMeme

>no fun is allowed in muh fake fights
Literally have sex

I'm going to drive sonething hard and big into your ass ya nerd

Was having to break kayfabe and kill any of this heat to explain the gimmick part of the point too?

who finds this shit fun?

Spoken like a true AEW fan

>it's supposed to be shitty

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holy fucking cringe.. this must have even gotten the retards in the crowd cringing

Nope that was fucking stupid.

Of course

well actually i can't say it wasn't part of the plan but i'm not going to pretend it was good because it was fucking stupid. im just saying the point was to make this a spot to get people to dislike le 10 man. the cucks literally do fake bullshit like the hadouken then wink at the camera so idk if that was part of it from the beginning or not

>s󠀀oy󠀀boys cringing at le quirky anime and videogame references
The average person might have cringed, but nobody in attendance did. Credit where credit is due, they know their audience.


I'd been on the beer for 12 hours by the time Fyter Fest started, I can't remember a damn thing.

I genuinely don't understand the appeal of this stuff.

Appealing to people who think that making pop culture references is the same as having wit or personality

their audience collects funkos so references are really good to them

The Gino Gambino match.

>Kenny is the only one actually doing it right

this spot was obviously his idea


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They did made a contact with the hadoken tho. They hit them with their pal hand. It wasn't an invisible thing lol

>dumb vidya con house show does dumb house show shit
Meanwhile, Edrones conveniently forget they've seen Rick Flair's ass every time he came through their town.

bunch of manchildren geeks,this is what japan does to you

>Rick Flair
for me, it's Brett Hart

The marks in the ring doing it

kenny is the only one that actually plays fighting games so yeah obviously

They were running into them and did a back bump from the motion. they didn't hit them

>brett the shitman fart

>comedy shit in the main event

The absolute state of merrican wrestling

Didn't the most over guy in the business ever run the ropes like a retard before doing an elbow drop?

Steve Austin never did that

>but wwe too!
the fucking state of aewtists defending this shitty house show ppv

Did the elbow drop hit or was it a kamehameha elbow drop?

he could do whatever the fuck he wanted because like you said
>the most over guy in the business
the geeks in op are just that, geeks

ya seethe?

>event taking place in a videogame tournament has wrestlers pandering to videogame audience

it really has me carburating the nutrients

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They chose to stream it. If they wanted to make their shitty in jokes it should have been an actual house show, not a PPV representing a new product.

you guys will just defend any old shite

Smooth brain, please

it was ppv for me. so i cant call it a ppv?

What shit hole country are you from?

>he isn't an ameriCHAD

Your head booker literally called it a PPV based retard

so it was a ppv thanks brainlets

It's clear that Omega's the only one that plays Street Fighter.

Flair showed his ass at every house show ever, also. Triple H has danced in the ring with New Day at house shows.

Imagine my surprise 90% of Yea Forums have never left the house.

>literally admitting he comes from some irrelevant backwater and didn't get the show for free

Is it a ppv if i illegaly stream it and dont live in burgerland?

if you only knew how great things are

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very cool VERY COOL

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>Braveheart battle scene
>William Wallace hadokens an Englishman

>Final match
>Rocky oils himself up to escape a clinch

Haha guys it's just a fake fight c'mon it's fun

>Braveheart battle scene
>William Wallace hadokens an Englishman
Would unironically make it a better movie. Fact: Any movie would be improved with hadoukens

calm down nick don't you have an appointment at a hair transplant clinic

>Yea Forumsirgins Yea Forumsergs asshurt over their hobbies flaunted out in the open
It's 2019, nerds. You can stop being an angsty edgelord and just bee yourself.

Based reddit cringe

Actually fucking based, only cringe thing is they put over fucking SF instead of based TEKKEN

Poor Laredo Kid

Just achieved his peak after all these years,and reduced to this in his first AEW match

AAA is even more comedy than this. Retard

You guys are like all the dustheads rap fans who cried about Chief Keef and Waka in 2012, you know how they ended up? Irrelevant, this is the fate that awaits you all. Stop being dusty and make the swtich

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>You guys are like all the dustheads rap fans who cried about Chief Keef and Waka in 2012
Imagine knowing this crap

>Imagine knowing about one of the most popular thing on the earth

Imagine knowing about food, like lmao .

Imagine thinking pro wrestling is more relevant.

Omega is the second wrestler to kick his finisher this year.

are you comparing a "running elbow drop with theatrics" to "theatrics"? Here's a clue, one is a wrestling move.

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>Here's a clue, one is a wrestling move.
Even worse, he pinned people including MMA fighters while dancing like a retard and whiffing a pity elbow.

>>Final match
>>Rocky oils himself up to escape a clinch
You don't wanna use Rocky movies as a counterpoint, faggot. Pic related.
>inb4 "I was talking about the climactic fights"
Not an argument. It sets the tone of the movie.

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Yea Forumsies take proud in being giga casuals while also being failures in life.

No, I completely agree with what you are saying and you are supporting my post by showing a picture from Rocky 4, that should be obvious.

Ruined the entire event with this cringe shit, save that for comedy acts not your mainevent

Yea Forums isn't casuals, they have obscure wrestling knowledge and watch weird shit like CMLL, ancient WCW and Puro stuff.
it's just that, like most of Yea Forums, they spent so much time Larping as Chads that they worked themselves into thinking they are and act like their own sperg habits don't count.

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It wasn't the main event

Chief keef is a modern day tupac or biggie to new rappers. His place in rap is solidified.
Just as Gucci Mane's.
Dont post about things you know nothing of, neckbeard virgin.

Go back

You fucking faggot zoomer retard i meant that there was a huge group of people who were against trap back in 2012-2015, just check some of Young Thugs news back in those years, now he is an icon, maybe the same will happen to AEW, everyone here screams about it but you all are has beens and you had your hogans stone colds and cenas, now let these guys create the future of fake fightning

Also i love Gucci but he sucks major dick nowdays, post prison only droptopwop and everybody looking were great, return of east atlanta was good, and rest was shit

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Those spots were designed to embarrass Flair, who was working as a heel.

Larping mongoloid seething

Irony is one hell of a drug.

>SF cosplay when she's not there

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>tfw no Kayopolice cameo

Meant to mock the guy he had just knocked down and embarass him due to staying down so long while doing the whole theatrical move that still ends with an elbow. Which also made total sense for The Rock to have considering his cocky nature.

>tfw a good 20% of my moves are vidya references, but they still look cool
That's the problem with this spot. A good reference will pop the nerds if they're in on it but still work on the unfamiliar crowd cause it looks cool. A hadoken is so basic that it gets you no nerd cred and it's so dumb looking that the normalfags don't care for it. Unless you're shooting a fireball for real, don't do projectiles.

it was a house show for a fightning game event

I thought AEW was going to be different. I was wrong.
I'll stick to jap shit from now on.

Yeah, but homedude could've something more physical.. Hell, he already goes "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE" like Alex. That should've been enough for "real fighting game fans". A hadouken is the bottom of the barrel reference that everyone gets, so it's not getting any of the FG nerds in the crowd to go "YEEEAAAH, FUCK YEAH! FIREBALL!" while also making the people watching the stream cringe.

El Gato is good if you stopped listening to him.

Nail on the head

Purple reign is futures best work

imagine exposing yourself this hard as being bullied for being a nerd as a child and then carrying it into your adulthood.
major yikes
you'll never get back at them user

Reminder Fyter Fest had nothing close to Osprey vs Eagles.

draw a dime, please. I'm on my knees, absolutely beggin' ya.

stop crying

It was actually a heavily advertised event broadcasted worldwide.

>seething because he got btfo
almost as cringe as AEW

Hell yeah it was and the crowd popped for it. They're great at playing to their audience.

>can make a whole board seethe from doing one simple move
this is some next level chad shit

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Are e-drones the most easily worked marks of all time?

Have fun with your nigger music trivia that you can show off at... crack houses?

This. And guess what? It got over.

Better than any recent WWE spot.

>the young bucks not even doing it right
man they really shit up everything dont they

Have sex

By far

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What union would they even join SAG?

Flair was working as a heel his entire career? He did that spot his whole fucking career. Is that what you're seriously implying, because I have seen that man's ass more than my own over the years and he definitely wasn't a heel in 2003, just off the top of my head, when he fought Gaytch for the strap you fucking moron and he showed his ass on the house show circuit then as well.

There is a reason that is called the Ric Flair bump.