where the hell are the storylines at??? this shit boring af lol
Where the hell are the storylines at??? this shit boring af lol
You're supposed to create your own storyline ya simp. I like to pretend they're fighting over the last egg roll and it works for me every single time.
>he thinks there are no storylines
>AND the G1 starts next week
Classic brainlet
basef retard
whenever you ask them where the stories are they just say the storylines take place in the ring and the ''''''nuanced'''''' inring work is what pushes the story foward. truly a simp fanbase.
so the storyline is there is a tournament?
>just got done telling a very good story that was told throughout multiple matches over multiple shows
>brainlets on a Congolese mud farming forum still claim you dont tell stories
Its a combinion of promos, post match interviews, booking, characters,multi tags, and in ring work, where it dictates how wrestlers act. They put out the best vtrs too. I think recent simple example of how njpw feuds work is Jay - Goto. You can watch the free vids by people on the tana okada feud or other stuff if you want clear examples
Yes. Have you never watched tournament style anime arcs?
Do you even watch the promos/interviews with ENglish captions on? NuJapan was courteous enough to consider the needs of brainlets and translated most of their recent interviews so you can keep up.
>dude comes to the ring after a title match
>you the champ of fake fights, i challenge u
>ok, you choppa me, i choppa you
>challenger loses
>repeat forever (or do the same but the challenger now has won meme tournament)
Sounds based
>being this worked by a shitty showbuckle video
ITT: low-test simps who have never been in a competitive environment with other men
Exactly this
These nu-males can’t understand it
Basically, this.
>yeah NJPW needs more in ring talking 20 minute segments because I'm a retard who can't understand basic storytelling and needs everything spoonfed
What did OP mean by this?
You just gonna ignore the best active feud going right now? (and el phantasmo) that had a match yesterday
lmao i dont watch weeb shit
Not enough tarps for ya?
still more than AEWho lmao