Can someone please tell me is he heel or face?

Can someone please tell me is he heel or face?
He fights his brother heel, but does shit like breaking a throne to get a face pop. He beats his brother bloody while using heel tactics like having his gf interfere and then does a face hug at the end. He comes in to fight some goth kid who I guess is heel? What the fuck is he?

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He's the cerebral assassin

Tweener. Was that hard to figure out?


Faces and heels don't exist anymore.

He’s a tweener.

thanks vince

I don't think you know what that word means. You don't start off a match like a face, work the match like a heel, then act like a face again after the match. Doesn't make any goddamn sense. I think he's trying to have his cake and eat it too with this shit psychology and character work.

Tweeners dont jump back and forth between heel and face though. They just fuck up anyone in their path. Austin didnt shake a hand one day and stun you the next day. He would shake your hand as a setup to stun you. Cody seems to want to be get face pop but not heel heat. again even Austin got face pop from doing heel shit. That doesnt happen with Cody

Thank you. This. It's confusing as shit because when he goes into a match you dont get what his role is or his opponents. Was I supposed to feel bad for the goth kid or was I supposed to be hoping he got buried? This is storytelling 101.

>e-drones needing everything to be black and white because they dont understand nuance

Hes a tweener, e drones cant compute

>Was I supposed to feel bad for the goth kid or was I supposed to be hoping he got buried? This is storytelling 101.
Try thinking for yourself. Must be hard to watch wrestling without Vince telling you what to feel

There is no "nuance" with Cody. He wants to work as a heel yet be treated like a face. It's all ego and also the fact he's not trying to create even a modicum of kayfabe. He's not a tweener like Austin because Austin's character was exactly the same before, during, and after matches. Cody's is not. His mentality is LOL IT'S ALL FAKE ANYWAYS SO IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT MAKES SENSE.

Its been said a million times.
Cody wants to have his cake and eat it too, he wants to heel it up in ring because its way easier, and then he wants to cut pandering, shitty face promos because again, its easier to get the crowd. He did it all through his ROH run, heel it up in the main event, cut a face promo to the crowd and never get any heat outside of the bells.
Its annoying as fuck.

Didnt I just give an example of the guy who perfected tweener who was in the E? This isnt an AEW vs WWE thing. This is a wrestling thing. Specifically Cody not doing a good job sharing who his character is and who is opponent who no ones knows and he's trying to pout over is.

I think you should try being objective. You seem to have something personal against Cody and it's clouding your judgement.

It must be hard to type while that hot pocket is burning a hole in your crotch too. But you manage most likely because you dont have much to lose there. Cody's storytelling isnt sophisticated you ham and egger. It's shit.

Objectively speaking Cody's in ring storytelling doesnt mesh

Just admit his character work doesn't make sense. I'm not even asking you to not like it; just ADMIT it doesn't make sense beyond what I explained (ego and LOL IT'S FAKE SO WHO CARES).

it's almost like cawdy isn't that good.

oh my god shut the fuck up you dork. His whole character is based off of contradictory nonsense and is designed to appeal to twitter sycophants that just want cool moments despite them not having any long or even mid term coherence.

That's the thing that gets me. The kayfabe breaking. Because they ad these post match interviews in short form that are supposed to add realism and there he is after cheating to beat his brother laughing and saying how great everyone is. If the interviews are kayfabe and shoot then why are you not in character? Or is that your character ? But then when youre in the ring youre not?

lol he's not Jake the Snake, for fuck's sake. He just switches back and forth whenever it's convenient without any rhyme or reason.

Cody is a wrestling bisexual
taking cock gives him the power to do gay storylines that give the audience AIDS

>It must be hard to type while that hot pocket is burning a hole in your crotch too. But you manage most likely because you dont have much to lose there
Worked into a frothy seethe

Ironically his gf doesnt break kayfabe at all. shes clearly heel all the time. Helps him cheat. Applauds when he does something dirty the whole nine.

It really is similar to Gaytch, when you think about it. Gaytch will have a blood feud with someone (way too many examples), acting like a complete cunt the whole time, and then after the match is over give him a hug and put the guy over. It's having your cake and eating it, too.

>shes clearly heel all the time.
Well she is black...

No brother. The only thing frothy and seething is your anus. It's amazing how you cant give a basic response to a basic critique without getting your pouty face on.


>It's amazing how you cant give a basic response to a basic critique without getting your pouty face on.
You didn't critique anything, you were just crying about having to form your own opinions instead of being told what to think

Ok but when triple nose does this it's in a "You earned my respect" and he has a history with the guy. Like you said blood feud. Taker. HBK. But he doesnt beat the guy with heel tactics and then go to the crowd and go "Hey give it up for me you're a fantastic crowd and you are the best". he allows himself to be booed and look like a heel. That was the intent with Roman. he beat the shit out Roman and was hoping the crowd would see him as the clear heel. Except people fucking hate Roman almost as much as cancer so it didnt work. But he stayed in character

I did form my opinion. My opinion being that his character work was not consistent. If you could bother to read a post before going "no muh aew seeeethe" for two seconds you'd see that

That's at least believable. I think we've all watched guys get into a bloody fist fight with each other then 5 seconds after it's over they're hugging and drinking beer together. But there is no rhyme or reason to Cody's character work at all in a kayfabe sense. I think he works heel because he likes working heel, but he also likes the accolades and adoration of a white meat baby face. And the only way both of those things can work is if you say fuck kayfabe and hope the fans say fuck kayfabe too; which is fine I guess since kayfabe's been dead in America for a long time now. But with this constantly switching from face to heel because of ego it feels like he's just pissing in kayfabe's ashes and is no different from Vince in that regard.

>if you dont see my color then you dont see my struggle

You're complaining about that? UFC fighters get into violent fights and show respect afterwards too. It's business in the ring, but once the match is over they are professional. I think that's a pretty simple thing to understand.

>It's confusing as shit because when he goes into a match you dont get what his role is or his opponents. Was I supposed to feel bad for the goth kid or was I supposed to be hoping he got buried?
Literally unable to comprehend a wrestling match

Cody is a face.
He may use dirty tactics, but there is a humanity to him, and the crowd sympathizes with his ambitions and struggles.
He is a face, just not a traditional one.
Think of him like late Ric Flair where the crowd respected him too much to boo him even though he cheated.

UFC fighters don't purposely and constantly and obviously cheat throughout a fight then expect the fans to shower them with praise afterwards do they?

Oh nonononono
UFC fighters dont portray characters you mong. They fight. Thats it. There is no story theyre trying to create.

well his character IS that he's very self-absorbed and likes attention and adoration
so why is that incompatible with him being a heel?

That's because Ric Flair became a pro-wrestling institution unto himself because of how entertaining and charismatic he was over years and years. Flair never WANTED to be treated like a face though; unlike Cody who's very much in love with the fans loving him.

Holy shit this user is a retard

>Ric Flair where the crowd respected him too much to boo him even though he cheated.
Forget for a minute that we just tried to compare Cody to Flair. Flair played it straight. If he was heel he was heel and fuck it. The guy is notorious for refusing to break kayfabe even to this fucking day. He is old school through and through and accepted the boos. Flair never pandered to the crowd as a heel to get face pop. if it happened it happened organically because like you said he was Ric fucking Flair. But not because Flair was looking for it. Cody to me is looking for face pops after and before a match but not during.

Let's break down the similarities between him and Triple H
>both run the show behind the scene and in kayfabe
>both self insert themselves into the main program because of frail egos
>both are clearly heels, but break storyline continuity whenever they see fit to push themselves to be the crowd favourite to soak in smark cheers
>both are terrible in ring
>both marry their careers into successful brands to get to where they are
Its almost like Cody is the Triple H of the Indies

>well his character IS that he's very self-absorbed and likes attention and adoration
That's who HE is; that's not his character. He breaks kayfabe when he's trying to be a face yet works as a heel like kayfabe is alive and well. It doesn't make ANY sense unless Cody truly does not give a shit about keeping any modicum of kayfabe alive.

It could be if he didnt legit stop being meglomanical and suddenly go "Hey love you guys and your support. Thank you! I just beat my brother with a pair of brass knuckles and low blowed him. we do this for you!"

Cody doing a shoot version of HHH would actually be a level of character growth I dont think he is capable of. Or have the ego to handle

>unless Cody truly does not give a shit about keeping any modicum of kayfabe alive.
And we know he does because he said the shoot interviews post match are supposed to make it seem more kayfabe like a real sport. So the interviews are in kayfabe and the wrestling is kayfabe a sport so....

And yet his actions tell me he doesn't give a shit about kayfabe at all. That or he truly sees nothing wrong with what he's doing which wouldn't surprise me either. You don't work as a pure classic cheating heel during the matches like he does then act like a white meat baby face afterwards UNLESS that was a character he was working, but it doesn't BECAUSE he fucking breaks kayfabe when he's acting like a white meat baby face. Like this user pointed out here ; if it were a part of his character work then he'd stay in kayfabe like he does when he's working the match as a heel, but he doesn't. He breaks the fourth wall every chance he gets.

Just like Jeff Jarrett was the Triple H of the South.

that was at their first ever show, that he created
of course he said that shit
he's not going to be doing the same once their tv starts

Totally agree. So it's either ego or he sucks at doing a role. Im going to say ego because as shit as Cody was in the ring in the E, his characters were always good. Even when he was doing that ridiculous "Scarred Face" Cody with the fucking paper bags

I don't think you understand what breaking kayfabe means.

He's neither you fucking E-drone. Dumbfucks redneck niggers that can't get over the heel/face dichotomy.

He just did it tonight with Darby Anus. He went out to a face pop and proceeded to fight the match heel style. Rolling of the ring. Taunting. Slapping the kid. Bullying him the whole nine.

Oh christ. Explain it then for us pleebs oh great Solomon.

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It's absolutely ego. He could work that kinda character that's a heel but believes he's a face (didn't Kurt Angle do something like that?), but he's too egotistical. He wants that white meat baby face adoration without actually having to wrestle like a white meat baby face. I will give him props though in that the AEW fans clearly don't seem to care; though I'd say that has more to do with the modern pro-wrestling landscape than anything on Cody's part.

Except UFC is real and wrestling is fake. Sorry you had to learnt hat hard truth today. Go have a hot pocket to cheer yourself up. Make it a pepperoni

>He went out to a face pop
that's nothing he did. the crowd cheered him because it's his show. and again, him being egotistical and reveling in the attention is heel.
>and proceeded to fight the match heel style. Rolling of the ring. Taunting. Slapping the kid. Bullying him the whole nine.
so the fans cheered him and then he did nothing but heel stuff?
sounds like a heel


He doesn't just break kayfabe; he fucking OBLITERATES IT. Hell I'd even say he's worse than Vince because I don't think Vince ever worked a match as a cheating heel then right after the match ended broke the fourth wall and started praising the fans.

Just mediocre

Except he doesn't expect cheers. He knows he's a piece of shit.

Kurt did it stupid well and Bret did a version when he went against Austin. It's kino shit. I think it's more that AEW fans want to support something they want to be soooooo different from WWE that they dont want o critique it or see the hypocrisy in some of the shit they like in one promotion and hate in the other. WWE fans do the same shit too. I rather just be a wrestling fan.

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No no. You have your hot pocket. It's been a rough day for you. Or chicken tendies. Your choice

It would be if he was still actively acting like a heel and telling them to fuck off and cool his face pop. Jericho does this all the fucking time. So does KO. If they cheer him while being a heel he'll do something to get cheap heel heat like insult their city or call them fat.

He's a self-mark.


>muh moral grayness
>thinking inconsistency is complexity

He is acting just like anyone other wrestler in history that is in charge of the company too. Breaking an important rule, that is, its incredibly hard to stay humble, be apart of the wrestling and be in charge of it too. I mean Vince could do it, but he wasnt a wrestler like cody so it doesnt seem like cody can handle it that well.

He’s a mark

All this match did was make Cody look weak as shit. Im going to get jumped by the AEW cucks but hear me out. Cody has fought in WWE, ROH, and NJPW. He's fought Okada, Orton, Omega among others. He just finished wrestling dustin. In all these matches he was the smaller guy. Now Cody wrestles a 100lb manlet for 20 fucking minutes and cant put him away. If youre saying this was to sell the kids whole gimmick it's shit. The kid got barely any offense in. And the "hand injury" was so fucking lame to explain why Cody had any chance. If Cody would have literally toyed with him for 20 minutes then maybe I get the length. It also might sell the kid as gutsy even better. But they basically had a pace that 2 50 year old wrestlers would have with 2 young wrestlers. Even the 123 kid looked plucky and strong against Razor Ramon and that took not even half the time this match did. In the end the kid looked like a jobber and Cody weak. Meanwhile Cody is beating people with belts and the kid is talking a babyface beating but Cody confuses kayfabe from the get. Just a mess

No you are dumb, he acts like a heel, work like a heel and get babyface reactions. Lol
When he got attacked the people looking after him were brandi and mjf, two heels he is close to. Get it now?

The concept of heels and faces are outdated.

He was a heel all along! The crowd treated him like a face and popped for him. It has everything to do with the crowd reaction and not his character. Lol

He doesnt because he is an ego maniac attention seeker in character. Good jesus if you focused more about the character himself you would understand it easily. There are pieve of shit that loves to be praised and acclaimed by everyone. Not every heel should be a "insult the crowd in your path" heel. That's not his character

>p-please ignore how he breaks kayfabe and acts like a white meat baby face with the fans

>Not every heel should be a "insult the crowd in your path" heel.
Absolutely this. Cut that WWE shit.

>heels insulting the crowd is WWE shit
Jesus fucking Christ zoomers....

>heels insulting the crowd is WWE shit
Pretty much. Who the fuck else does that stupid shit?

>there are “people” on this board unironically defending CAWdy
kek go the fuck back. I dont give a fuck about this console war shit, but this faggot is objectively a shitter. Always has been and always will be.

>He wants to work as a heel yet be treated like a face
Thats his whole character. He's a heel who wants to be loved like Kenny is. He's a psycho and a manipulator. He's a ruthless businessman constalty pandering to his crowd.
Bascally, he's the kayfabe version of what Triple H is in real life