The last year has proven that New Japan made Kenny, not the other way around.
The last year has proven that New Japan made Kenny, not the other way around
Definitely. Even if Omega were as good as people made him out to be, NJPW gave him exposure. Him and the Young Cucks being really cunty to NJPW in interviews was really cringe
Not that much the push that NJPW itself gave him, but that he was carried by Tanahashi, Okada, Ishii, Naito, Goto, etc. Omega is great, but not THAT great. He should stop with the comedy shit already and go serious. The same serious Omega that he was against Okada and Tanahashi.
Bruh. NJPW made the ospreay/Robbie/El Phantasmo feud fucking amazing.
Robbie and Ospreay had fuck all character before hand and no one knew who El Phantasmo was
Cope. It’s been 7 months get over him already nujapanlets.
Literally 4 different pepe threads on page 1 right now, E-drones and Nujapanlets taking this AEW show hard.
>anyone wants him back
Sorry I like my NJPW not to be gay fag shit.
>Implying we care about Omega that much
While All Pajeet Wrestling is full of SJW and videogame shit and struggles to put into a show with more than two decent matches, NJPW is about to deliver another fantastic G1 Climax.
Kenny still looked good, especially with how bad the Young Bucks looked. Hopefully he gets to have a real match sometime.
Based Aus NJPW fans
>Attendance numbers are higher after he left
>No more gay comedy shit with him and the young bucks
>No trannies
You can keep him
Kenny has always been a vastly overrated shitter. He only has as many fans as he does now due to some serious bandwagoning, and the fact that all these weeb, gamer losers out there can vicariously live through their live-action anime man.
Do you know how much i love being able to watch njpw and not have some faggot scream about wwe on everyshow?
it's fucking heaven
The star ratings were more over and okada drew those
>w-we don’t c-care
>so h-here’s another post to show how much w-we don’t care
I guess he's only the best bout machine when he's facing Okada, Ibushi, Ishii, Tanahashi, Goto, Naito, etc. and he can't carry people below his level to great matches like those guys can
Of course. To be fair, Omega in DDT was horrible, but I would watch him in any promotion now, so he still stands on his own two feet.
Nobody in the entie world is going to be better in America than they are in NJPW.
you really overestimate that Kenny is irreplaceable. watching young lion grows is far more exciting that Kenny's title defense
White and Ospreay are better top gaiijins than Omemega ever was
This is just a dumb thing to say. All these guys are great. Njpw is a great promotion right now and Omega is still a really good wrestler.
Why are fags getting memed into a console war by WWEs social media marketing team stirring shit about AEW and NJPW and other brands
It's just brand loyalty. I think Omega is great but his showing in AEW hasn't been great so far
Of course New Japan made Kenny Omega, they're #1 at building stars. Okada, Naito, Ibushi, Will Ospreay, Jay White, Hiromu Takahashi, etc. etc. etc. They just keep building and 2018 was probably their biggest business year ever.
The last year has proven that NJPW and AEW were nothing more than memes and wrestling is going to die very soon.
based retard
Omega just hasnt been working. He is that good but wants to build a new company.
This. What is with the nips and not able to get over Kenny? Every fucking day they whine about him.
Omega feels like the 4th biggest star in AEW, behind Jericho, Moxley and Cody. Which is a problem since he's supposed to be their top guy.
I dont watch NJPW or AEW so I dont care but you have no debate skills. Also, Omega is a meme and he sucks ass.
It was fucking stupid having Jericho go over him at their first show, to a shitty elbow no less. The first exposure many had to him and he looks like a geek jobbing to an ex-wwe guy.
i agree that the elbow was shitty
but there's plenty of time to build him up, they haven't even really got started yet
they don't need him to be hot right now
people already know that he's great, he's not being exposed to a new audience really yet
plus the thrill is in the chase
still more than AEWho lmao
based user speaking truth
cringe we don't even care ospreay is infinitely better