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All Elite Wrestling presents: Fyter Fest from Daytona, Florida. Gamethread #7
Nolan Martin
Other urls found in this thread:
Christopher Williams
Jesus, Cody ate that fucking chairshot.
Adrian Thompson
about fucking time bitch
Nolan Lewis
Jaxson Wilson
fuck yeah, just gotta get through this crap to get to the good stuff
Brody Gutierrez
Everybody already forgot about Darby Allin
Christopher Torres
Wow I can't believe these guys who bump their necks into sawdust for my entertainment are still doing unprotected headshots in 2019? Let's not, okay?
Bentley King
>marks think cody took that legit and didn't blade in an area not close to where he took the shot
they got spears over as a big heel now, it was a great play. plus it established allin as a legit threat.
Easton Ramirez
Brayden Young
JR sounds like a drooling retard
Nicholas Gonzalez
WT absolute F lads Cody has a whole in his skull and his brain started leaking out.
Juan Green
gimmicked chair
he bladed the wrong side of his head
still pretty cool though
Tyler Jones
Who's ready for /NFL/ in a few months?
Robert Jones
First etika now Cody. We don't need anymore casualties
Dylan Wilson
>botching a blade job on the wrong side of your head
Caleb Hall
Tyler Sanders
Leo Barnes
100% Cody took that perfectly
Cooper Campbell
Protip niggers, you can spam one thread to 1000 till it locks. This isnt hightraffic board
Isaiah Gomez
>there's no more marks they said
Connor Lee
Janella gonna die tonight
Cameron Ross
Allin, Spears tag team?
Bentley Martin
and Darby is forgotten
Lucas Fisher
Meltzer wrote this in the observer this week
Xavier Young
One headshot snapped all the marks out of their PG brainwashing.
Cooper Bennett
literally the opposite side of his head
Thomas Clark
it was the back of the chair that busted him open
Gavin Torres
Cameron Gutierrez
Did the show die? why the fuck are they wasting so much time?
Josiah Gray
nth for that lady ref was really fucking good, I would like to see her officiate more
Samuel Allen
Mox time
Joshua Gutierrez
I’m done with this shit. Glad I still have my wwe network account to watch stomping grounds
Samuel Bell
main event already?
Nolan Gonzalez
>blading the back of your head
literally no such thing
Jeremiah Stewart
Goldenboy can literally commentate anything and it’s good
Chase Hill
>plus it established allin as a legit threat.
Ugh, no. It established him as a lunatic, but Cody H absolutely buried him during the match.
Aiden Thomas
fortywhinersfag reporting in
Nicholas Hernandez
>established allin as a legit threat
Are we watching the same show?
He came off looking like a complete jobber, no one will even be talking about him after the match, they'll be talking about tye gucking dillinger.
Ryder Gray
Liking these masks
Jeremiah Nguyen
Based Tin Man ending Cody's Reign of Terror before it begins.
Benjamin Myers
>Lucha Bros + Guest
Levi Collins
I love this dollar store pyro
Angel Cox
Nolan Bennett
Angel Rodriguez
guess this'll be the first and last headshot in AEW
Xavier Cox
Finally time for some luchadors
Ethan Diaz
E Drone seething because his shit kid's company can barely fill up one thread
Dylan Richardson
main event is MOX
Isaac Parker
Attitude era 2.0 happening.
This stuff happened pushing boundaries right before thar era its happening again and its going to get crazier ajd crazier
Ryan Campbell
yes, and then the unsanctioned matched, Jon Moxley vs Joey Janela
Liam Robinson
When's my boy lizardman fighting?
Tyler King
He was just there to have a match with Cody until Spears could come out.
Juan Hall
agh, so that's how he got it. Nasty.
Caleb Edwards
Penta has morphed into a toad hard this last year
Luke Walker
You thirsty as hell senpai
Jaxon Bennett
Moxley's headlining?
We're gonna see weed whackers.
Mason Allen
>a simple head chairshot exposes just how many fags post on this board
damn we're fucking infested
Adam Wilson
based cody, all the impact on the shoulder and gets the back of his head scraped
Cameron Reyes
Connor Reed
Of all the luchadors they could get why Laredo Kid? Hijo del Vikingo or Aerostar would have been so much better.
Jason Allen
you know it
Easton Phillips
>wearing a mask over your mask
based or cringe?
Bentley Ramirez
most people didnt know a ton about allin, but it 100% established him as a guy to watch to new viewers. young dude with a cool gimmick and moveset.
Gabriel Bell
He better get an extra hotdog for that shit!
Christopher Morris
Cant wait to see how r*ddit will be worked by that perfect chairshot
Connor Brooks
Ken and ryo fucking wow
Aaron Jackson
Noah Bailey
Julian Carter
Sebastian Wilson
Yeah Cody worked him most of the match.
Jose Thompson
fenix is gonna die on these ropes bros
Evan Reed
>Nick is still the Luigi
Adam Cook
he was valet tonight. Didn't have a match
Joshua Wood
god I fucking hate the Young Bucks
Charles Lewis
Andrew Gomez
>its a Street Fighter entrance
Lincoln Gonzalez
>street fighter intro
fucking kino
Chase Carter
Good post, smarks who think wrestlers blade the back of their head BTFO.
Adam Peterson
Kenny Omega more like Kenny Osmegma
Lmao got em
William Cox
>Young Bucks as Ken and Ryu
>Kenny not as Chun Li
The fuck.
Tyler Lee
>The Elite Entrance
Holy shit the fucking cringe.
David Cooper
Well now we know why he was orange. He is fucking Akuma
Jeremiah Hill
>comedy entrances for what is arguably your second biggest star
these chucklefucks keep shooting themselves in the foot for zero reason
Ayden Peterson
Grayson Hall
>that soul calibur intro
Colton Miller
Young cucks =cringe
Kenny omega = based
Coming from a boomer e drone
Jordan Young
it's Ryo and Robert you dumbass
have esx
Henry Parker
what the fuck
John Nguyen
Justin Hill
What the fuck is that queer haircut on Omega?
Asher Myers
Lucas Torres
I finally got it,they created AEW so these geeks can cosplay as videogame characters.
Jose Davis
>that dude doing the Batista entrance bit
Chase Phillips
Blake White
>Kenny Omega eats the pin in this match, which prolongs his losing streak, the Young Bucks snap at him, he goes on to lose against Moxley at ALL OUT, he turns heel and THE CLEANER returns
Christian Ross
William Richardson
Xavier Woods is shouting at his phone somewhere
Samuel Powell
juri han is best girl
Charles Morris
Lucha Bros & Laredo Kid with a chance to murder AAP dead now.
Anthony Carter
>Videogame shit all over the place
It was cool the first time, stop already Kenny. You look like shit. Bring back The Cleaner look or the blond one.
Jason Davis
MvC Ryu theme
Jaxson Taylor
who was that idiot that ran up the ramp between the Bucks?
Alexander Kelly
Actually based entrance
Austin Kelly
That intro was based, fuck anyone who thinks otherwise
Evan Jackson
Mason Adams
Was the fag that ran on the ramp a reference to something? I don't follow FGC related stuff.
Jose Ramirez
Jaxon Gutierrez
>comedy matches are only the pre-
Zachary Ramirez
wait so the main event is Ambrose and Janela?
Angel Richardson
Reminder Juri is best girl
William Cox
Man you guys love to complain about everything.
Jackson Walker
Thiss but unironically
Gabriel Baker
>not Heaven or Hell, Let's Rock
Dylan Taylor
fuck, this is so cringe
Landon Lopez
Now that’s based
Isaac Young
That's what I suspected myself. The back rest caught him there. He didn't move his hands after and he was bleeding prior to Brandi getting to him.
Hand way confirmed.
Brody Thompson
are they gonna try to do a hadouken?
Brody Richardson
video game references at a video game conference
imagine it
Carter Lee
i doubt they're bringing back headshots, they'll either use them rarely or use cody as a storyline about banning them/high fines
Bentley Rodriguez
I miss when you saw pro athletes and celebrities mark for wrestlers rather than wrestlers marking for their fanboy shit
Aaron Watson
too cringe to be cringe so I guess this is based
Jace Parker
I want her to kick my balls
Cooper Garcia
>Yea Forums is tired of comedy shit
Isaiah Flores
Lucha bros gonna sweep all these simps clean
Isaac Johnson
rebel 1, ACTION!
Jaxson Wright
You misspelled Sakura
Brandon Gray
>Coming from a boomer e drone
shut the FUCK UP
Liam Wood
discord /aJ2jsVk
Levi Myers
I really hope they get all of this smarky stuff out of their systems before TV. This shit won't draw a dime
Oliver Morales
0 dimes
Aiden Davis
Jacob Nelson
stop with this video game bullshit
Cooper Long
i would love it if everyone in that arena died right now
Adrian Wilson
>video games!
>video games!
Jonathan Clark
Nick Jackson shouldn't have taken his headband off
Evan Lewis
To be fair this is a vidya tournament house show. some cringe video game spots is just giving the crowd what they want
Isaiah Barnes
Not sure if this is great or bad.
I think I don’t like it just because it’s so much inside fan service shit that will make the crowd loose their mind because they are in on it; but not sure if it’s actually bad or if I’m just a fun killer.
Nathaniel Miller
Cornball shit.
Bentley Walker
>already doing flippy shit
Angel Evans
might be pretty based
Ayden Turner
>the double dropkick
Eli Jenkins
>Nicks hairline
Is he related to Sasha?
Easton Walker
Lurking and not watching, but the closest thing matching that description would be the Ghost of Mahvel.
Michael Allen
I'm here to watch the supposed wrestling AEW was talking all about, not videogames.
Jose Collins
thats a funny way to spell Cammy
Brayden Kelly
Between the two, Lucha Bros was better.
>SF and not BlazBlu.
>Round One! Fight!, not Rebel One! Action.
Brody Sanchez
>The state of Nick's hairline
Samuel Cruz
banned for advertising
Robert Turner
no celebrity has ever marked for a wrestler you dumb zoomer
Justin Turner
Owen King
I'll feel redeemed if Lucha Bros and Laredo pull this one off. Went for the home run on the Jungle Boy pick.
Caleb Murphy
It's almost as if the name of the event indicates that this is just a parody
Landon Brooks
Dylan Rodriguez
>he bladed
Andrew Morales
Kenny looks like a total fag tonight
Daniel Garcia
Any links for a free stream?
Levi Flores
>Yea Forums is tired of comedy shit
"Anti-smarks" drone on about how they want gimmicks back and love Truth. Guess it's only fine when WWE does it kek
Jordan Cooper
GODDAMN Kenny is so cringe now. Bring back The Cleaner.
Aaron Lopez
Over/under on Paul coming out to join the Elite?
Lincoln Thompson
Anytime now he's gonna come out of the closet.
William Howard
No, you have to pay $70 for this. There is not a single link in this thread leading to a free stream. Sorry.
Caleb Jones
the show is free faggot
Ian Wood
>I.C.E comes in an interrupts the match
Aiden Peterson
The bucks can't do a good match if its not a complete spotfest
Zachary Powell
awful show fucking embarrassing
literally fucking KILL YOURSELF if you like this shit
Xavier Hughes
br live
Christian Cox
Connor Reed
it's because it's at a video gaming festival, it's fitting. also sf music is fucking great
Carson Evans
is there a kayfabe reason why the wrestlers on the outside don't just move out the way when their opponents are obviously about to dive on them?
Jack Miller
WWE doesn't do comedy. They do some gay shit involving pancakes
Lucas Bell
I wish there was one awesome classic Luchador just killing it.
Jose Jones
Only in Burgiclapistan. Real countries have to pay.
Nathan Barnes
>people shooting off fire in the rain outside
my neighbors are retarded
Jason Davis
>the young cucks and Faggy Omega
Guess I'll call it a night
Jacob Baker
taima or cozytube you dumb fag
or go sign up to brlive it's free
Tyler Bennett
I don’t know why but I just don’t care for tag matches at all
Hudson Sanders
There isn't,it always looks fake and every single wrestler does it nowadays.
Elijah Ward
good night :*
Colton Peterson
>real countrues
Too bad europoor.
Daniel Lopez
mmmm that's a badass hairline
Benjamin Baker
>europoor too stupid to use a vpn
Brandon Baker
This is the second show a Rhodes has bladed off camera as an homage to their fat fuck father.
Cameron Robinson
There sure isn't one of the most well known wrestling sites on the entire internet that has a dedicated streaming section for every halfway worthwhile event ever
Dominic Fisher
This is a good, solid show. I'm enjoying it.
Jose Parker
Based JR burying this cringe shit
Jacob Harris
Acquire sex
Nathan Moore
Matt Jackson pulling of a double suplex is the most unrealistic thing I've seen on the show tonight, impressive considering Jebailey had a fucking match on the card.
Joseph Morgan
Unlike you I can afford to pay. Fite TV, nigga.
>using a vpn
Bitch please.
Joshua Turner
Based JR burying Kenny's faggy hair.
Ryder Russell
>yfw the lights goes out and we hear punching sounds while lights comes back on with Kenny stand with his back turn
John Perez
is there a reason wrestlers don't block? Is there a reason wrestlers don't just hit their finisher right away? It's a work you retard. Tanahashi said that part of being a wrestler is being man enough to take your opponents move and dish it back.
Jeremiah Garcia
Who says I can't, but fuck it, if it's free it's free.
>Also any european country
>real country
pick one.
Juan Flores
can't you dilate and watch tv at the same time?
Ian Sanders
>this company is going to take down wwe
Alexander Harris
>And you know The Rock is watching
Thomas Reed
Fuck. Please turn heel Kenny. I want you to stop doing shit cosplay.
We founded your country. You're welcome.
Eli Scott
I highly doubt Rocky is watching this JR.
Connor Powell
Not to mention the diver would get broken if the divee moved instead of breaking their fall.
Julian Edwards
- aJ2jsVk
Henry Bell
no WWE is going to take out WWE
Mason Brooks
>Penta called Gaymega a fag straight to his face
Bentley Gutierrez
Omega missed that slide kick by 5 feet
Brody Gutierrez
>The Rock's watching
Austin Garcia
>punished kenny
he's lost his smile lads
Robert Brooks
True. If anyone is going to take down WWE it's WWE.
Wyatt Carter
>takes about 2 minutes to go for a callback spot
>no one reacts
>awkward taunt that less than 20% of the crowd is interested in
>this all involves the supposed best in the world
how is everyone so high on this company? its lukewarm at best
Xavier Russell
I don’t mean the SF stuff I mean the AEW smark pandering stuff in general.
Jaxon Perry
i'm sure you were there back in the 14th century
James Rodriguez
Bruh all the old wrestlers watch this shit. Omega is Austins favorite wrestler.
Joshua Watson
Liam Morales
Logan Long
Adrian Anderson
Ding-Dong Diddlycomeback season
Jordan Bailey
This is fucking awful. Can Dean save the show?
Jeremiah Peterson
Seriously give the Lucha Bros the W, Elite.
I want to see somebody die in the ring.
Ian Rivera
I hate the Bucks but this match has been pretty entertaining so far
Brody Martinez
that was a nice tope
Sebastian Thomas
Just saying without those european countries you'd have still been dancing around wooden penises, fucking buffalo and worn feathers in your hair.
Juan Foster
Landon Taylor
Fuck off, teenbro
Lincoln Myers
Robert Hall
>tfw the aew "wrestlers" are paid in counterfeit dogs?!
Brayden Morgan
New Japan was right.
Justin Thompson
Why are E crowds so quiet?
Charles Cox
Reminder that their doesn’t need to be a “revolution” in wrestling promotions since the NJPW already exists and has english commentary. Pic related is soon.
Didn’t realize how mich of a mark for the NJPW I am until I really wanted to like AEW but comparing this to even the Kizuno Road house shows has been disappointing.
Jack Clark
Chase Butler
The Tag division is the best thing in AEW.
Levi Hall
Lincoln Sanchez
I haven't been paying attention to the outside stuff, has there been any time limit updates or nah?
Owen Baker
Crowd is fucking dead. What went wrong?
Hunter Thomas
lots of gay stuff
Samuel Foster
This stream keeps fucking up.
Charles Diaz
>pic related
>no pic
Jesus, what shithole country did you immigrate from?
Andrew Jones
Malenko already appeared breh
Dominic Harris
unmute your audio dummy
Caleb Hall
It's a gamer crowd.
Henry Collins
Woops, forgot the picture.
Adrian Taylor
http:// educationsloan . com/eduuni/results.php?file5=
Brayden Morris
what are you talking about, they're constantly popping, not everything has to be a retard full sail level fuckshow
Jonathan Baker
Why doesn't somebody just use a gun?
Ethan Perez
Go to the portuguese one in taima
Jonathan Williams
>Is the only draw of the company.
Julian Wright
Keeps repeating. M buddy DJ, is watching. Educated feet.
Joshua Gutierrez
stream posted in my discord aJ2jsVk
Kayden Powell
Why are there so many company marks on Yea Forums?
Brayden Brooks
>Yipes losing his shit front row
love it
Logan Morris
Did Fenix just do a running leap over six feet?
Ryder Bailey
the only reason im watching
Bentley Fisher
>I'll consider that for my next career move
Based JR can't wait to leave this comic book fed
Jose Williams
yipes is a great hype man.
Grayson Thompson
I'm a AEWchad but they really need to stop showing closeups of the crowd reactions. At least single out the few attractive people.
Dylan Lewis
we can go all the way back to your nigger ancestors from africa if you want to take credit for shit you were never there for, so go get a vpn loicense and watch the show
Wyatt Lee
>Triple Hadouken
Dominic Jenkins
kenny's shit just looks so clean and impactful compared to the cucks
Tyler Hernandez
Isaiah Thomas
David Bennett
CANADIAN destroyer. Pay respects, you shit.
James James
oh no no no
Jordan Garcia
ah man that was bad
Brayden Cook
Asher Brooks
it's nice they pander to people who actually like wrestling but it should be something that's very rare. the elite are marks for themselves so who knows.
Jason Rodriguez
alright that's retarded
these people are more than capable of putting on a great match and they pull this stupid shit
Jackson Reyes
This, I was excited for AEW but now I feel bad that Kenny’s talent is gonna go to waste there instead of giving us 5 star classics.
Tyler Taylor
This is big cringe. KYS if you actually like this.
Aaron Reed
jesus fucking christ whats wrong with wrestling. i watch aew i feel ashamed, i watch wwe i feel ashamed. help me
Joshua Gutierrez
Jason Williams
The crowd likes it faggots, you lose
William Wright
look guys we know video games
a fucking video game move got more of a reaction than standing and running canadian fucking destroyers
im fucking done with wrestling
Julian Russell
>this is awesome
fucking edrone converts
Aaron Garcia
They couldn't help themselves with that street fighter faggotry could they?
Blake Parker
Based Jon is front and center on the fyter fest poster and is headlining, "unsanctioned" be damned.
Kayden Gonzalez
Are the SJWS jumping off the ship because it's too hard core for them?
Jose Scott
Is she the hottest girl in aew?
Jack Phillips
It's mostly awkward video game nerds at CEO
Oliver Mitchell
What's going through JR's mind right now having to commentate this cringe?
Juan White
Hunter Nguyen
Not gonna sing up for shit just to watch shit.
Carter Wright
Watch NJPW.
Ian Brown
*music hits*
Ethan Torres
>marks not knowing that hadouken used to be one of Kenny's signature moves
Adrian Sanchez
one whose men your mother prefers.
Jackson Taylor
Seething wwefags watching a young bucks/omega match for the first time apparently.
No, that's Riho.
Jeremiah Evans
AEW is just a ROH 2.0 but with marks
Fuck this company niggas
Thomas Martin
Oh thank GOD V-Trigger not spammed.
Gabriel Rivera
Nyla is more passable
Nathaniel James
>that makes it OK
Noah Thompson
ha that one guy has tits
Angel Gutierrez
Exactly, but maybe they will figure stuff out.
Robert Foster
Robert Cooper
I don't care I'm watching UFC
Wyatt Gray
>all these triggered Yea Forumscucks mad to see their nerdshit celebrated in the open
Nathan Thompson
their ropes might be too loose
Brody Perry
what's wrong with a double palm strike you mark?
David Rogers
you literally just enter an email
you dont even need to click a confirmation link
Josiah Thompson
This match is gonna be overrated to shit.
Barely 3 stars.
Jason Moore
Nick is a fucking botch factory.
Bentley Williams
holy shit
Tyler Brown
Aiden Cooper
So what's the kayfave explanation for all other matches getting 20 minutes but this one getting 30 and irs not even the main event?
Brody Thomas
kys cringe nerd
obese stinky smark
Joseph Thomas
>Kenny wins clean in the middle of the ring
Andrew Sanders
The Elite book themselves to go over again
Charles Wright
And now the main event.
William White
>watching fake fighting
Jackson Johnson
Higher up the card.
Luis Reed
Blake Miller
Aiden Wilson
I think so
Blake Williams
It's 3 on 3 tag. You need more time to wear down opponents
Camden Perry
Oh so a 3rd world shithole.
We all know that she only fucks you faggots out of pity.
Chase Price
have sex
Isaac Hill
t. self-hating incel
Carson Roberts
Based and New Chadpilled. Can't wait for G1.
Kevin Moore
>elite stands tall
>pan across 3 manlets
Noah King
I don't hate AEW or anything, its just not "as amazing" as fans of it seem to claim and I think tonight's show proves it.
I would watch it over WWE though.