/Chad/ - MJF general

Say something nice about MJF

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I can't, I have never felt so BTFO.

>wearing burberry
>in this day and age

He's a slightly better version of the Miz, but still a clone of Jeribloat

My 600 lb Life kino

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Best heel in the business


He's a caucasian Alberto Del Rio...with half the talent...and a quarter of the brain...

He's a real salt of the earth guy.

He's really committed to the gimmick, an interesting thing to see in a post-kayfabe world.


He will be this generation's Rock.

He's a very different kind of heel than Jericho

He's in AEW so I don't have to watch him

Del Rio was a shitter who never got a reaction

brother. There isn't anybody else. It's MJF all the way down.


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You know when people talk about the difference between heel heat and go away heat? He has heel heat, shitters like Corbin have go away heat.

How fucking tall is this manlet?

/fit/ here. Mirin' dem traps, no homo

Fuck didn’t know he was a manlet. Dropped.

Heat is heat, smark.

Based, I love how Steve made this work that easily after being 16 years out of the business.

>Corbin main events a 20,000 seat arena with only 3000 seats filled
Really makes me think.


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The Virgin Heeb
The Chad Hu-whiteman

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Discount Miz