How the fuck did people prefer the garbage on wcw over this epic shit? I resent my parents for watching wcw instead

how the fuck did people prefer the garbage on wcw over this epic shit? I resent my parents for watching wcw instead.

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BOTH your mom and dad watched wrestling. Holy shit, you were fucked from the womb. I wonder how many zoomers are the product of inbreeding like this kid (probably all of them).

>watching wrestling in 1996
pretty sure the only inbred retard in this thread is you brother

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all zoomfags are from shitty homes as no new fans should have been created post 2002 - if a mom/dad really loved their child they would not let them watch prowrestling ever not even once

>be me
>eat sleep breathe pro wrestling as a child
>dad always say only low IQ people watch it
>say it was fake, if they were fighting for real they would all been dead
>defiantly don't care
>gives him the crotch chop
>now grown up
>realize everything he said was true
>pro wrestling is literally for rednecks, retards and social recluse outcasts
>no wonder I haven't been as successful as him in life
It all turned out so wrong bros

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>the absolute state of this fucking retard

OP literally says his parents watched WCW instead of WWF. If that's not a zoomer, idk what is. But jesus dude, what's your fucking excuse? His parents were low income, uneducated, hillbillies. You're a fucking retard for no reason.

And that's plain sad.

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>make a thread about how much better bret vs austin was than dubya cee dubya
>it devolves into shitflinging over an unrelated subject

considering leaving this pants shittingly autistic board

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Just ignore
He's obviously a wannabe boomer like OPetty I've noticed that a lot, they watch the heavily edited Monday Night Wars on the Network and think that makes them knowledgeable in prowrestling, makes them honorary boomers. They're pathetic, wrong and very ignorant.
Being a boomer is an honor bestowed to only the greatest and superior of fans. Sorry OPetty, but you do not get to comment on the Attitide Era. You didn't live it.
Just as I cannot comment on the horrors of the Holocaust because I wasn't there, I'm not a jew. I wish you were intelligent enough to see my point.

So Two Rules:

>From now on Zoomers are only allowed to discuss AEW. They can live thru it's rise and immediate fall. They can have a valid opinion because they actually were there.

>From now on Boomers can discuss anything they desire cause they've seen it all and boomers will repsect their opinion as Law. If a zoomer is disrespectful, they'll give me their home address and I'll fuck their moms.

OPetty, you asked a question and as a boomergod, I shall answer it: Both WWF and WCW were based AF and most of us had two TVs set up, one with RAW and one with Nitro, only turning the volume up on the more exciting show at the time. Back then ratings were drawn by mere minutes, not hours as your Network education would have you believe.

I was a WWF chad even during the height of WCW. I'd always get mad when I flipped to WCW during commercials but forgot to turn back to WWF.

WWF didn't have a very good undercard at the time. The last two matches of Raw were usually pretty good but that was about it. It took them a few more years to develop more talent. The show overall suffered for it until 1998-1999.

WCW had a plethora of in ring talented young guys and the old guard at the top of the card. Add in the NWO bit and it was dimes until they fucked it up.

WCW was for Southerners, and since most wrestling fans at the time were lower class white trash, they kept winning. WWF was and still is a northern promotion

I watched the monday night wars in the 90s as clearly stated previously. My family switched to WWF in late 1998. I don't pay for the network because I refuse to give WWE money in its current state and I don't want to see censored chair shots.

That was about the only good thing going on in WWF at the time, WCW was better overall.

When I was in high school, my dad used to shit on 90's wrestling and brag that sammartino or Rogers era are so much better than the 90's in term of overall product quality or the fans itself. Judging by how paranoid and thin skinned a 90's wrestling fans when someone criticize their product I think understand why

I would love this too, but only give the privileges to Boomers that lives and watch the 1950 - 1970's era to discuss anything they desire since they are mostly men with true class and dignity unlike the sad, pathetic wannabe zoomers or the disgusting low class subhumans of the 90's era


...before I tell everyone how your 3.5 inches can't make me cum

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reddit faggotry running rampant in here

Zoomers were people born in the late 90s/early 2000s, not growing up in them, you fucking retard

were you perchange in a shithole southern stae?

kys network drone, The Fart Foundation was anti-dimes and Austin first got good once he got on steroids in 98


Is that a zoomer or boomer thing, just curious

get fucc nerd

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then fucking leave. We don't discuss fake fighting seriously here and never will.

Your parents were based WCWChads and yet somehow ended up with an e-drone child. I can only imagine their disappointment.

unironically based