Draw a (You)
Draw a (You)
Other urls found in this thread:
Brock Lesnar cashes in on Kofi at SummerSlam and will go on to face Roman Reigns again for the WWE title, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are planned to win the smackdown tag titles, John Cena vs Randy Orton is being discussed as Cena's potential retirement match, Orton hasn't signed a new contract it's likely 2020 will be his last year in WWE, Seth Rollins is being prepared to carry the raw brand and universal title for an extended period of time similar to AJ Style's last title run, The Hardys will comeback for a year and put over people on their way out, Undisputed Era will debut on the main roster soon as Shane McMahon's new backup they will have a lengthy fued with Rollins and Reigns and put them over before 'Mania, Triple H will retire soon but the feeling is he'll comeback like for saudi shows like Taker when Vince asks him, Lashley, Daniel Bryan, and Samoa Joe are just doing it for their paychecks and the feeling is Bryan and Lashley will leave when their contracts expire as Bryan had a shouting match with management over his usage since dropping the WWE title, Batista is already planned to headline next year's wrestlemania.
Black men were made for white prisons
White prisons is a funny name for white women
Done. What next?
Nice reply friend but black bois love prisons more than women.
if u do NOT reply to this post AEW and the tranny overlords will win the monday night wars 2.0
The wrong company won the Monday Night War.
If it makes you feel better WWE brought the other company so technically theyre the same company
Based trannie soychads are going to kill WWMeme
I'm from Reddit.
Yea Forums is so inferior to reddit it's not even funny
Kevin Nash wasn't raped in the summer of 92
Deadie was raped in the summer of 89
What should I fap to before I go to bed?
Kenny Omega is an over-rated sjw cuck
Kairi's beautiful feet
serve yaself porn jabroni mark
What a gold digging whore
Reminder that homosexuality is a sin and to boycott wwe for promoting LGBTQ degeneracy
I ain't fapping to your gay pedo cartoons
I don't "get" feet. what's the appeal?
ding-dong diddly gonna ding-dong diddly
WWE contract when?
I love them
huh? wat u mean?
I think Dustin Runnels os a literal cuck fetishist given that he serenaded his ex wife over the airplane intercom during the plane ride from hell. He humiliated himself for a ratchet hoe in front of his entire company and all of his peers. His ex wife was also openly fucking other men by this point, also his peers. I wonder if he masturbated while on board the plane. I bet he shoved something in his ass when he did. I bet he mixed Fanta with his cum and drank it in front of Carder.
i have immunity dog u dumbass
Have a badd ass weekend Yea Forums
enjoy no (You)'s non foot fag faggots
you'll never get a (You) from me you freak
Whatever happened to this kid?
Asians give me a boner
Holy shit, that's new to me and I legit laughed. Watching her leg disintegrate under her own weight like that, I could watch that over and over again,
Found dead in a ditch 2 days later
It's good, good snap
If you sold like that for me I'd tag you for real
Book her debut
Asuka announces her retirement right before fighting Alexa Bliss at Mania, but has a special friend she'd like to introduce to take on the challenge
/pol/ is the best board on Yea Forums
heh, watch this
I can just give myself a (you)
Get worked OP, ya simp
reply to this post or kevin nash gets unraped
That's like, art, man
Based comedy jobber
Who's the Jannety?
May I please have a (you)?
oh wait
someone explain the bix down since day one meme
Roll faggots
make me ya simp
very cute
>When she sees Dean's chad cock for the first time
This belt is just a toy, it's like a trinket on a Christmas tree, like an ornament. The belt that I want is the one that the Great Muta has, the IWGP belt.
Bootlegging your roll
Smarks are fat manchildren
Give Bliss
its why Nia is afraid to take big bumps
best snap
Who's the Jannety?
I'm ding-dong diddly do it
Rollin for Quads
quads get
he based
They should have put the strap on Kakyoin
kakyoin did the least of the SC and his main claim to fame was feeding a baby its own poop and pulling a Shibata by throwing away his career to expose DIO's ability
big dimes polnareff was the workhorse
Polnareff was the TRUE Michaels. Jotaro was the champ, but Polnareff was the true worker
Iggy was the Michaels all along
Who's the Jannety?
You'll get your (you) if I get someone good
Based dancing gimmick
Fuck that, (you) get nothing
Who's the Jannety?
Who's the Jannety?
Who's the Jannety?
Why the fuck would someone want to sniff women's farts?
It's big in Brazil desu
Nice. Gotta admit for fairly softcore when he made her humble i got into it.
Wow. Four fucking (you)s. That's the best you all got? Of course. Nu-Yea Forums's memes couldn't draw a Yea Forums janitor to a fucking hot pocket.
>DUHHHHH 92! 92! 92!
You obese Redditors are pitiful. There was a time where this board idolized Chads like Nash and laughed at flippy outlaw manlets (and deservingly so). Now it's the opposite. Paige leaks brought a bunch of Redditors here. Now you all seethe and foam at the mouth at men taller, sexier, more successful than you. You worship shit like AEW which is a glorified hot dog stand masquerading as a wrestling promotion.
Carter is gone. Yelissa is dead. Wolfchad is the only draw left here but he can only do so much to save this sinking ship. We're never going to return to the golden years until all you simps:
Get a clue
Gain height
Take a shower
Hit the weights
and most importantly. . .
*drops mic*
I would just like to acknowledge that a certain post just above this one brought this thread down to page 6... on one of the slowest boards on 4channel.
Nash and Wolfshit confirmed antidraws.
The absolute state of Kevin Trash.
The absolute state of wolfshit.
The absolute state of that post.
Nash was raped in the summer of 92
HELL yeah
I hope everyone has a FOXY weekend!
There is no such thing as the right to have firearms. Americans are immature and need to realise that an amendment can be changed because it is called an amendment (retards, right?). The US should be given sanctions by the UN until they join the 21st century, get rid of their barbaric guns and finally criminalise the the grotesque religion determined politics of the republican party and seek to lock up the racists and homophobes of the pathetic alt-right
Gun rights are bullshit, but not because of what the dude above me said.
If you have a firearm, you're a pussy. Use your hands, retard. Fuck the limp-wristed faggot above me.
anyone else get asmr tingles during this clip? the way he chews his gum and his low nasally voice, i love it
Where my AEW/NJPW chads at?!
Inner-right girl
Rare double Michaels
Bottom girl
Black lives matter.