Packed house at ROH tonite!

packed house at ROH tonite!

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me in the green

go terriers!

Did they move to a smaller venue? It looked bigger on Ticketmaster.

How is this company still afloat?

Sinclair gives them enough money to keep them afloat to tape tv as airtime filler on their stations

Bully Ray comes out and starts harassing the small amount of fans that turned up.

still better than raw

feels good to be an ROcHad !

Thry have 3 guys I'm interestee in. Fucking 3.
I can't watch a promotion just for 3 guys.

Another a reddit tourist. Disgusting. You guys are getting easier to spot.

looks like they waved their no singles policy must be hard times

I say 4 because I dig Bandido but these guys gotta jump ship when their contracts run up

Hi e-drone. How bout you stop sucking vince dick and buy a ticket for once.

Fun fact Rush is doing the Pre-show Match tonight

? rly?

What? This reminds of the times TNA screwed top njpw talent

I don't why the fuck CMLL allows one of their top draws to be treated like a geek

At least they have the balls to not tarp it down

Not even tarp and curtain care to go

cmll doesn't care because they know rush won't job and no one in mexico watches roh

lmao no wonder they crowds like this

I think what may have happened is that he was set for an E run then his boy Andrade told him to run while he still could, so he takes the first stable contract he's offered in America. But now Andrade has it made as a Flair by relationship and RUSH is stuck in the only company bombing harder than WWE that's not called Impact

Foreigners, especially beaners, don't draw well in America without a mask.

Couldnt be more obvious you got cucked by a spic

yeah wrestling flip gordon

New Japan

So are we ready to flip on our opinions of Delirious?

modest budget and expectations, a national tv presence, and a reliable fan base

>no tarps
edrones BTFO