So is AEW sponsored by Arbys or what?

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this reminds me of tributes. I'm ding-dong diddly puke.

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Arby's Twitter basically gets itself over by embracing geek culture so there's a lot of animu, and vidya refrences as well. This same crowd if they are into wrestling, is currently all over AEW so they are touching that.

Arby's Twitter is pretty wholesome. Please dont Make fun of them, they are that one quiet autist in the classroom that happens to know how to draw really well.

Fuck off. They're a soulless company who have boardroom meetings to determine what type of posts to make on their twitter to maximize the profits they will bring in

Post it

They’re all just trying to be Wendy’s (the Michaels of fast food)

>making money bad! evil!

Still better than Wendy's twitter.

No one said that, retard. But likening them to the "quiet autist in class" is disingenuous when their motivations are obvious

did somebody say arby's?

*Gets compleatly ignored and forgotten by big daddy McD in your path*
Wendy's is the Twitter equivalent of a barking chihuahua.

AEW trying desperately make it up to Ambrose for the lack of hotdogs
> bud...they...ha-have meat

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Is Arby's any good? Never had it myself

What did she mean by this?

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He meant autist in the sense that they think slapping a sandwich together makes them a culinary genius. Subway knows it's place

That's a load of horseshit!
>What, that Arby's is giving AEW free advertising?
No, the new Arby's sandwich, it's a load of horseshit on bread!

Retard boomer you saved the thumbnail

She just waxed her vagin for him

He gets a treat when he has prepped the bull

You are thinking far too hard about this especially when their nerd culture pandering is restricted entirely to twitter.

Were you that quiet autist in the classroom, user?

If you like diarrhea.

Based Mox ding-dong diddly make that fat simp Janela bleed horsey sauce till he passes out.

Based Renee the Roastie massive flaps flopping around after Bobbo gives her the BBC daily

your anus will reject it

based big flaps renee

Jesus are you an arbys shill?

Please don't sexualize Bobbo.


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Holy fuck

>Mickie James likes this

racist alt-right dogwhistle fuck denny's forever

An appropriate sauce to create a portrait of Moxly, the new King of the Onions Boys.

Attached: moxly sauce.jpg (362x103, 14K)

Castle Super Beast talked about this, its basically every brand out there using social media doing it for the exposure

get off the internet gramps

I just put a bunch of Arby's frozen curly fries in the oven they are pretty fucking good desu

based filter going over this jabroni

Fast food is so unprofessional
>wendy's Twitter can't stop shitposting
>Arby's PR full of weebs
>Burger King doing SJW burgers
>McDonalds foreign diversity menu
Thank God for Chick fil a

she means she's ready for some ss with umino

limp wristed s󠀀oy󠀀boy doesn't know people use onions on purpose now

based user giving the pozzed filer the Kevin Nash treatment

cringe different guy swooping in to defend his boyfriend

Mickie James is AEW?