Does Japan just really like pro wrestling? They even manage to stop the tarps from appearing

Does Japan just really like pro wrestling? They even manage to stop the tarps from appearing

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they perform the ritual of buying tickets to shows, that keeps the vengeful tarp spirits away

>Japanese people barely pop
that's why I can't watch Japanese wrestling.

kairi is a draw

they pop when shit gets good

Wrestling is subsidised by the government in Japan and tickets are tax deductible.

would they air something like this on the network?

WWE is the draw, despite the shit product.

They don't pop like Chicago or post wrestlemania crowd

good, no fat fucks trying to put themselves over

Because they're not faggot marks who try to start meme chants or pop for no reason other than to get themselves over. Japan has the best crowds because they don't fall for simple carny mark bullshit

Literally the only problem with modern wrestling is USA (and European USA)

Rest of the World, just enjoys and have fun

so amerifats were the problem all along. wwe should move it’s headquarters to based Nippon

you've never watched japanese wrestling I take it

I can smell you from where I am

>create a good product, get fans

Wow. Who would have thought?

its the new cologne i bought
hope you like the smell brother


People who think the jap crowd are quiet and respectful are the ones that only watched Young Bucks and Cody NJPW matches. Nips get loud as fuck for people that are actually over

thats a wwe show though.

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I watched plenty. Nowhere near Chicago.
and no, Heckling is not popping.

I feel like I've seen this entire thread before

It's the same in most other countries. When WWE comes once a year, it's a much bigger deal. TNA used to sell the utter fuck out of tickets in the UK. It's a strange attraction, but if they ran Japan weekly it would be... curtains... for them?

If it isn’t nitro cologne I don’t care

Name ONE modern japanese wrestling crowd better than the DoN crowd.

Have sex

WWE is bigger in Japan than NJPW

No they aren't,what you fucks don't realize that WWE runs only one or two shows a year in a country with 110 million people,of course they are going to have a decent attendance.

b-but the tarps...

Any japanese crowd,at least they don't say cringe shit like "this is awesome" or "you still got it"

Is that why they can't sell more than 4500 tickets?

>Imagine thinking this retardation.
Going by your logic, the India show smashed the box office right?

Any crowd ever.

>Any crowd
Guess that crosses WWE off the list, then.