WON: "FOX has been testing out two new cameras that they want in use for the debut show on 10/4...

>WON: "FOX has been testing out two new cameras that they want in use for the debut show on 10/4. They are also looking to invite a lot of celebrities which is one of the reasons the first show will be at the Staples Center. They want to kick it off with a bang like it’s the equivalent of a big boxing match and the place for real stars to be at. The idea in particular, since AEW will be debuting the same week 99 percent, is to make WWE look as major league as possible and to thus, make AEW from day one appear to be like a minor league group. However, AEW is looking to bring in 'Arrow' star Stephen Amell for a match on their debut show to go head-to-head with WWE."


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Damn how can WWE compete with THAT

>Stephen Amell

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they'll compete with it because the AEW show will actually be enjoyable to watch
but yea bringing in Stephen Amell is cringe

You mean the show everyone but tumblrinas dropped?

>WWE brings in Heyman and The Bisch
>GayEW brings in some television capeshit actor
Begging you to get a clue, Cody.

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>Two new camera
Based WWE leading the charge when it comes to innovation in tarp covering camera-work

what celebrities are going to go to a WWE show?


>go into aew forum
>90 percent of the posts are just shitting on wwe
>nobody actually cares about the match

If AEW brings in a DC tv actor then WWE should get a DC movie actor. In character.

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>they'll compete with it because the AEW show will actually be enjoyable to watch

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>However, AEW is looking to bring in 'Arrow' star Stephen Amell

sweet jesus Meltzer is embarrassing

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>They are also looking to invite a lot of celebrities
The corpse of grumpy cat and some fags from snl no doubt

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Enjoy your Baron Corbin match

did you watch Double or Nothing or All In?
have you watched anything main roster WWE has done in the last 5 years?

>Stephen Smell
LMAO that nigga got Janettied on his own show by a basic blonde bitch

No to both




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>Cody Rhodes vs Arrow on AEW
>Stone Cold, Trump, and The Rock on Smackdown!

rip aedub

Implying people dislike Corbin Bason or his glorious matches

What the hell does that have to do with Meltzer? Rent fucking free

Hold the fucking phone. Yesterday, after the Kenny twitter faux paus, I ran into two types of AEW marks multiple times:

>Type A - WWE is wrong to counterprogram against AEW

>Type B - AEW never said they wanted to compete with WWE

AEW having their debut show vs the FOX debut literally counteracts BOTH those aewfag arguments from yesterday. I know AEW fans are hypocritical by nature (hating on wwe but still watching it) - but this takes the fucking cake.

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TBF those faggots aren't actually going head to head they are doing their show on Wednesdays.

your gimmick sucks bro and your "points" are so terrible nobody even bothers responding to you

>What the hell does that have to do with Meltzer?

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>However, AEW is looking to bring in 'Arrow' star Stephen Amell

>Type A - WWE is wrong to counterprogram against AEW
nobody said this brainlet. they're wrong to counterprogram against a charity show.

Imagine thinking the money made is actually going to charity

>AEW gets Big Dick Nick Foles to open AEWs debut show

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>Stone Cold
Isn't he with AEW now?

>they're wrong to counterprogram against a charity show.

no, no they're not

not one cent is being diverted from this "charity" because wwe network is airing an Evolve card

I started watching All In and there was a guy with no legs and a greasy asian and then a faggot pulled guys into his ass and I turned it off. That shit was embarrassingly bad. As for WWE, I watched Mania and it was the worst it's been in years, I think, but still nothing was as bad as what I watched of that battle royale.

>AEW is looking to bring in 'Arrow' star Stephen Amell for a match on their debut show to go head-to-head with WWE

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Read the news from today. It was mostly a coincidence. The Evolve Show is their anniversary, is in Philly, and WWE is having a PPV in Philly the same weekend, which means their production crew will be in town to help. Kenny is a bitch.

The Rock
Adam Sandler

>'Arrow' star

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Watch ROH

The ratings seem to indicate so

>Type B - AEW never said they wanted to compete with WWE

can confirm as I put some aewtist in his place because Beta even said in his deleted tweet that competition is a good thing
listen they've had a rough few days let's cut em some slack before they kill themselves

>The ratings seem to indicate so
the same ratings which no matter how low they get will always be more than whatever beloved bingo hall promotion is closest to your heart?

If AEW wants to make a big debut, then they need a between Shaq vs Charles Barkley in a cage match. Literal Dimes.

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>40 year old boomer rapper only popular with white kids named Kyle
Oh wait, those are the only WWE fans left anyway lmao
Because of an Ultimate Warrior and Undertaker shirt? Fuck no. Linda McMahon was literally in Trump’s cabinet. Lebron isn’t going to shit
>The Rock
Unironically WWE mark. Honestly sad.
>Adam Sandler
I’m not a boomer who thinks fart jokes are funny like Vince but yeah, maybe he’ll show up in a fat costume and dragface for a MizTV segment

SD debut on Fox will have

>The Rock
>Stone Cold
>as well as mainstream celebs like actors and musicians in the crowd or in taped segments, ring announcing, backstage, etc.

AEW will have
>literal who D-list actor
>eternal B+ player Chris Jericho
>the underwhelming sons of Dusty Rhodes
>Kenny Omega
>Jacksonville Jaguar players


>your gimmick sucks bro and your "points" are so terrible nobody even bothers responding to you

Bitch, I have the most Yous in the thread and I haven't even started samefagging yet!

Meanwhile, you ain't even got a You from me, flea! That's right yous a flea. And I'm the Big Dog. I scratch you off my balls with my nothafuckin paws, yo!

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This. Can't wait for white "people" to go extinct already.

>Falling for fake news

You disappoint me, Yea Forums. The Stephen Amell part was complete and utter bullshit that OP made up to harvest the (You)s. Looks like it worked. Everything else was true, though.

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hey remember the RAW 25th anniversary show and all the big names they had on that?

WWE sounding more like WCW by the day. When does Michael Cole start saying unironically its "where the big boys play?"

>Clown steals Hogan's gimmick

Not gonna work for me brother -HH

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>responding with an actor from the worst dc show on the cw
Why would Dave even admit that


OP was just using intuition and logical reasoning. Something I wish more asptards would do before they post.

And if you truly think Amell won't at least be in the crowd for their first televised show, then you're thie BIGGEST retard out of all aew retards.
And that's saying something.

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>Amell has a match on AEW's debut show!
>Okay, maybe he doesn't have a match but h-he'll at least be identified in the crowd!

Keep moving those goalposts, you fucking retard.

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How would you guys book the FOX debut?

Tim Allen guest stars and makes fun of a few jobber simps

Well played

here's come logic and intuition for you:
AEW's first show will be good because they'll put effort into it
WWE's first show on FOX will suck because WWE sucks and having some celebrities show up won't change that

you get me

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BASED. I love how E-drones think Snoop Dogg showing up in the crowd is going to make literally any bit of difference. How out of touch is Fox? How out of touch is WWE? How out of touch are E-drones?

fake news

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That’s Dave since he’s making this whole thing up. He has no sources in fox you fucking mark

Does the Fox move mean WWE will finally be in 4K?

arrow has never drawn a single fan to wrestling, guaranteed. you have to be a very special level of manchild to give a fuck about arrow

Fake news, retard. It was debunked in this thread.

>FOX has been testing out two new cameras that they want in use for the debut show on 10/4
Tarp/curtain cams?

>he thinks AEW's weekly shows will be like their one-off PPV's

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i watch Being the Elite
that + some wrestling is way more entertaining than RAW or SD

tarp going over clean once again

Its a little curtain that goes over the camera lens to hide the non existent audience theyll have by the Fox move

>watching BTE

You're a fool. Where wwe's roster is too bloated, aew's is too thin.

They don't have enough stars to put on a good show every week unless you enjoy Sonny Kiss vs Brandon Cutler or Ace Romero vs Billy Gunn. aew is FUUUUCKED.

Better to have a small roster and use everyone every week than having 20 guys sitting on cattering.

>'Arrow' star Stephen Amell
>Big leagues
WWE's idea of stars is Dr. Phil and Jerry Springer, daytime TV shitters, but AEW is gay CBS bullshit. What's the real big leagues where stars like Rodman and Leno show up?

They are quite a ways a way from doing the weekly show

No it is not better to be stuck watching amputees, trannies, and nobodies every week. I'd rather waste guys then have to send out a dude to staple a cigarette on somebody's head every single week.

Use your brain. AEW only has 4 true main eventers. Jericho, Ambrose, Cody, and Omega. Do you know how stail it's gonna get seeing those guys face eachother and nausium until hopefully maybe a Rusev or an EC3 cam get out of their contract over a year from now?

I'll say it again... aew is FUUUUUUUCKED. But go ahead, keep drinking the Fool-Aid a-drone.

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Wtf is arrow and this Stephen guy


Theyre already building up new maineventers like Hangman, dipshit

Hangman is indistinguishable from every shitter on NXT, ROH, and PWG.

>They want to kick it off with a bang like it’s the equivalent of a big boxing match and the place for real stars to be at. The idea in particular, since AEW will be debuting the same week 99 percent, is to make WWE look as major league as possible and to thus, make AEW from day one appear to be like a minor league group.
Yeah AEW is dead. They are legit morons thinking NJPW would ever make a deal with them and entrusting their entire future to Jericho and Ambrose

>WWE is looking to make Smackdown big league blah blah blah
>AEW Stephen Amell.
You guys know the G1 classic is soon? The states are getting an Okada-Tanahashi match. Stick with the brand that actually knows what they are doing.

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Chris Hemsworth confirmed.
Hulkster going over at the Staples Centre.
The return of the Rock.
Where were you when Smackchads won brother?

Too bad Hangman is as generic as vanilla ice cream and about as exciting

No source
The post is retarded and the comments are retarded.
Classic Yea Forums


Nigga, no you didn't?!?

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>please see

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classic redditor. go back

What the fuck is an Arrow star? Stop speaking in hotdog you dimeless cunts.

>Let's fill our shows with a bunch of faggety Hollywood jews in order to entertain the fans
Really embarrassing stuff from E. Plus, the article makes it sound like AEW wants to employ Amell to offset that which is a complete bullshit. Amell is an actual fan of wresting and likes to wrestle, he'll not be there to tell lame jokes to the neckbeards in the audience.

In fact, he was supposed to wrestle at DON, but schedule conflits with the Arrow show prevented him from doing so.

Translation: FOX is worried AS FUCK about the ratings and the terrible attendance. Besides that "stars" aren't going to fix WWE's terrible booking and writing so it won't matter anyway. Can't wait for the AEW chants during every match.

He's the guy that does all those dives

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>All In
Yes, I watched Jobber Battle Royale, Manlet Fight, Womemes Triple Threat Featuring Dude With a Dick, FUCK WWE MY BROTHER SUCKS, *kicks out a 2.99995 after getting hit by your 15th consecutive finisher*, and Look How Different We Are By Having E Stars in The Main Event

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>WWE is looking to bring in Smallville star Tom Welling to counter, who played Clark Kent on CW's hit-show

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It doesnt matter what you think zoomer. That list is still better than Stephen "Fuck me I'm Unemployed" Amell. You could literally have the corpse of Macho Man in the auidence and it would be more base than that dick licking larper as your "star celebrity"

How does vinnie Mac butthole tastes?

When are they gonna understand that good wrestling and great stories are the best "names" that they could ever sign?.....

>Based sign of the devil for mentioning VMac

would rather have the hapa from the show instead

>We won't be like WWE
Also AEW
>Here's our friend and not at all a regular wrestler Stephen Amell

Funny how quickly the nepotism seeps in. Same old shit Cody, knew it wouldn't take you guys long.

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He's the idiot making the connection between what WWE is doing with celebrities and AEW. It's not like AEW came out said, oh they are getting celebrities? Well we're gonna get Amell now!

So you're saying AEW decided to invite Amell just for the sake of inviting him for no reason other than he's Stephen Amell?

Yeah? Amell was on All in, he also wanted to be at DON. It has nothing to do with what WWE is trying to do by inviting random celebrities to appeal to the numale zoomers.

Oh so it's just them trying to have a D list celebrity wrestle for them?

Fox and Bischoff will save WWE

If he's just a D-list celebrity, then why are you so butthurt? Not to mention it doesn't even make any sense for them to invite a "D-list celebrity" in order to boost their tickets.

It never fails to amuse me how Yea Forumsies will fall for fake won quotes

It never fails to amuse me how anyone could possibly care if Cody's actor friend is wrestling on a show or not

How am I butthurt? I was asking you questions because I honestly dont know the connection between AEW and this also ran faggot. All I remember is this faggot having matches with Stardust and Neville. So that to me seems theyre either A)trying to piggie back off of shit that happened in WWE or B)think that a D list CW star can be a real wrestler. Neither of those things would boost ticket sales. In fact nothing connected to Stephen Anal would do that. SO I dont get the point of announcing he's part of a show at all. That enough of a breakdown for your autist and ham and egger ass?

>How am I butthurt?
>Stephen Anal
I don't know man, it's a complete mystery given your posts. You could have at least tried to hide it better. Anyway, you're now dodging the question. You said that AEW hired Amell to increase tickets sales in order to counteract the Entertainment's celebrity binge, but that is obviously not the case and Amell has nothing to do with it. So why don't you, as autistic as you are, admit that you were wrong so we can be done with this?

Are you guys literally arguing over Stephen Amell?


>You said that AEW hired Amell to increase tickets sales in order to counteract the Entertainment's celebrity binge,
Where did I say that faggot? My first post was replying to you saying that AEW is announcing this guy for no reason other than he is fucking Stephen Anal. And you saying yes they got Stephen Anal because he is Stephen Anal not to one up anyone. Missing the irony that Stephen Anal could not possibly one up anyone other than maybe the cast of Legends of Tomorrow or the nigger from Black lIghtening. And they still have jobs. Get AIDs immediately and have Kenny-san and the Young Cucks to throw you a benefit you spectrum defining faggot

>So you're saying AEW decided to invite Amell just for the sake of inviting him for no reason other than he's Stephen Amell?
That was your stupid reply to the previous user's post about the connection between Amell and the E's thirst for celebrity dicks. Now, I understand you're a severely mentally handicapped individual, but I don't have to spoon feed you. That job falls to your whore of a mother.

>samefagging but pretending someone else cares about your autist infatuation with implying inviting a CW actor who Cody wrestled in the E has nothing to do with trying to draw more attention.

Dude believe what you want. Maybe Stephen Anal is an incredible wrestler. He has to be better than the legless twat they had on DON or the oiled asian fag or the other fag. So who knows? Maybe he's going to be thrown into the world title picture. Maybe he just cracks Cody off a good one. Either way your logic is fucking autist. Youre literally like someone who complains about having to eat shit every day and when they serve you vomit you're laughing at everyone for being stupid and eating shit.

And there we go. Now the ultra autist dodges the original dicussion after getting BTFO and babbles on about some other things that have no relevance. Btw, I thought you weren't butthurt? Did the Young Bucks rape your mom or something?

And the legless freak is probably more talented than the entirety of the E roster. Keep coping, mark.

>And the legless freak is probably more talented than the entirety of the E roster. Keep coping, mark.
lol actually believing this. If anyone has been raped the Young cucks it's you. I'm sure you practically live in fucking Hot Topic and blow the stock boy to get first dibs on the XXXXL shirts.

>If anyone has been raped the Young cucks it's you. I'm sure you practically live in fucking Hot Topic and blow the stock boy to get first dibs on the XXXXL shirts.
that amount of detailed projection. Here, I happen to have found a picture of you

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It's ok man. It's not that hard to get a beed on a faggot wanna be zoomer walking around wearing Young Cuck shirts and fucking head bands and cruising for ass at the mall. Maybe one day at one of the conventions you can actually catch one of the Bucks in the bathroom and have them perform a Meltzer driver with their dicks into your willing asshole.


he's the biggest star AEW has