Imagine being 41 years old like this guy and still watching WWE

Attached: 23607236.jpg (1536x2048, 446K)

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His meltdown on smackdown had me dying youtu.be/VO-v9XfMdis

Attached: johnny lifts.jpg (186x182, 7K)

Real Chads watch AEW.

Attached: D80037D2-3C18-4EFD-BC34-FFB3F55A6DFE.jpg (2555x2555, 987K)


Imagine watching WWE at any age.

im only a few years away desu
>imagine thinking you get to escape this hell

Attached: cartman-quotes-im-retarded-duhhh-1000x563.jpg (1000x563, 51K)

Imagine wanting to sign action figures for kids or something and 90% of the line is just these NuMales

>Star tattoos

Chads don't gargle dick.

Attached: smugjunna.jpg (1080x1080, 72K)

Holy shit LMFAO. Is this guy like 5'2"?

He gets paid to do it

Attached: hana lol.png (2048x1671, 2.04M)

What does JD and NY stand for?

I can't take gargano seriously no matter if he's any good.

Jacked dick
Nash yelped

Attached: laughing pokemon.gif (500x380, 189K)

>calls out JD on his YouTube channel

Attached: DFDA7138-CA55-4E69-AB27-3E942FF0ABB2-23199-000017D032273B47.jpg (860x1200, 322K)


Imagine owning a Johnny Takeover shirt.

He's the same height as Gargano OH NO NO NO NO NO NO