Can anyone explain why the charisma vacuum that is Kofi Kingston was given the WWE Championship instead of BASED Ronnie...

Can anyone explain why the charisma vacuum that is Kofi Kingston was given the WWE Championship instead of BASED Ronnie Truth?

Attached: TRUTH.png (424x318, 226K)

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Ass kissery. Killings does not kiss ass.

WWE would ruin Truth if he was anywhere above midcard. Even though he's legitimately everything they want in a wrestler

Vince basically keeps R Truth around like a slave.

It's the other way around, Jericho told the story about Kofi Kingston having to not kiss ass for Vince and gain his respect by standing up to him leading us here. No such story with R Truth who is another PG baby face year after year

Nigger how long has Based Truth been there and haven't won the WWE title? I'll tell ya the truth. R Truth isn't a whiny bitch willing to blame Whitey for him not being good enough to be champion. What else do you expect from the "You deserve it" era?

because African blacks >>> African-Americans

>R Truth isn't a whiny bitch willing to blame Whitey for him not being good enough to be champion.
I guess you missed his infamous TNA promo.
Also that was kind of the basis of his feud with John Cena and the "Little Jimmy" angle.

Based ron. 48:14

Poor ronnie, he did deserve the wwe championship but fucking cena had to bury him

>burying their own talent to put over nascar simps
i'm surprised tna even had a second show

those angles were based, sorry you got worked brother

That might be the most racist promo I have ever seen.


Based promo. Kids these days only know him as le wacky black man but he was legit in the ring and on the mic but it was in an era when black people were unironically kept down, nowadays mediocre black men get their ego's stroked everywhere.

He's near 50 and taking a roll up once a week is easier than having to wrestle a champs schedule

its time to go back

A month or so before Kofi got his push I remember r/squaredcircle digging up an old R-Truth vignette that was really good back when he was a serious character instead of a comedy relief. They debated the merits of whether or not Truth should get a thank you World title run. No one really thought someone like Truth would ever get a thank you run with the top title and a few months later Kofi gets the title.

>it's the other way around
>because he was specifically told to, kofi didn't kiss ass
that would imply his natural state is to be a kissass

Kofi's younger, has been around in the company just as long as Truth, and is 1/3 of one of the WWE's few big draws of this decade.

Kofi was literally the janetty of the New Day.

He had a point in the feud with John Cena, the people only liked him because he was a happy dancing nigga. And wwe only push Cena because of the little jimmies.

Remember when he was in TNA?

cause wwe creative team literally gets their ideas from reddit

I marked out over the angle he had with Goldust after their breakup. I was really disappointed when the crowd couldn't give two shits after they finally had a match.

He's the least goofy.

Kofi is infinitely more tolerable than the perennial redditor Xavier Woods.

At least Xavier brings the gay trumpet thing. Kofi is a fucking blank. A dud. No personality whatsoever,. Some African chimp who can barely form a sentence.

it's this

Lies why you telling lies you're just lying stop lying