Basado or cringola?

basado or cringola?

Attached: midget.jpg (828x764, 47K)

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he WISHES he had that physique

gonna have to report that shirt to the BBB for false advertising

>says money doesn't matter and shouldn't be used as an argument
>his next big epic OWN is to make money off of the situation
Truly an intellect beyond our times.

It's cringe af hes acting like arguing with Seff on twitter is a huge fucking moment for him

>this is actually a real shirt
terminal cringe

this comes off as hella desperate both sides as well as kenny all look like total jabronie marks now

also that shirt is fucking hideous

Don't get worked user, wrestlers are always after money.

working jasethy into a shoot, and now making merch money off it. Yeah I'm thinking that's based.


Just as I thought he came out looking the most mature and level headed out of that beef... lucky for him Kenni came in at the end to outcringe everyone.