More details about Heyman & Bischoff's roles in creative

>WWE has been pursuing Heyman to come on board officially in their corporate circles as far back as February, can exclusively confirm. An offer was issued to Heyman to come on board full-time as a top member of the creative team around the same time Bruce Prichard was brought back as a Senior Vice President but the conversations were slow in progressing. Heyman had been working on certain storylines and with certain talents, including Ronda Rousey, Brock Lesnar, Alexa Bliss and many others dating back far before that point. He's been in the inner circle when it comes to the creative process for some time without an official title. He and WWE have been circling around this deal for a long time and finally came to terms recently.

>The Eric Bischoff deal came together within the last several weeks. Bischoff has been working on pre-production of the planned Netflix Hulk Hogan biography film and had a slew of personal appearances booked. Over the last week, he quietly began canceling those appearance dates, so that is likely when he came to official terms with WWE. We are told he will be working directly with FOX as WWE builds their relationship with Smackdown's new home. To say this is a massive return to form for Bischoff is a grand understatement. We are told that WWE approached him about the role and that his previous work in collaborating with Turner Broadcasting. Spike and other networks in building past TV series was one of the reasons Bischoff was pitched for the position.


>I-it's go-going to g-get better E-chads!

Fucking kek. Heyman's been a part of creative since February and literally nothing has changed. They've been setting record lows in attendance and ratings. It's not going to get better, you're just going to get more of what you've been getting since February.

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This is literally just a marketing ploy. As long as Vince is in charge nothing changes.

Quick reminder what a massive fucking cuck Heyman is.

He’s walked out on Vince twice now after heading creative with Smackdown and ECW, and now he goes back for a third time. KWAB

>including Ronda Rousey, Brock Lesnar, Alexa Bliss

kek the only non-ufc person he has been helping is the jewess!!!! looool try to deny it now ahahahahhaha

>Meltzer didn't know a lick of any of these

>Heyman's been a part of creative since February
No, he has been part of creative far longer than that. I think it was from last year's WM.

She's the only draw not from UFC

and yet here you are, spending your time posting on a website a hundred autists at most read

oh, it's just paper tiger titles

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same as you t.b.h

>and yet here you are, spending your time posting on a website a hundred autists at most read

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REDDIT: The Post

Bischoff as an on-air authority figure will be relieve some monotony. Other than that, nothing will change.

because she looks 14 and people like you enjoy that

Just because they were part of creative doesn't mean that they now don't have full control of the creative team.

We don't know what this change means, still.
this report doesn't help us.

OP can't read. The article says WWE has been in negotiations with Heyman since February, not that he's been in the position since then.

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So he's been in position longer, when they were also setting record low ratings and record low attendance figures?

That's it, this board us officially taken over by reddit

If you people were around in 96 you'd say nothing's ever going to change then too

Bastards, you took the last decent Yea Forums board from me

anonetty ethered

Fucking lmao. Go back you newfag E Drone faggot. You probably weren’t even alive in 1996.

Holy shit, dude. Calm the fuck down. It's going to be fine, little guy.

you guys'll just shit on anything no matter what huh?

Unironically do this though because it's gonna be just as bad as WWE

Go ahead and try spinning two old fucks booking a wrestling show under another senile old fuck into good news.

BASED HEYMAN squeezing every shekel he can from old man vince

jews are truly the choosen people

desu, this just sounds more like a way to yet again introduce some sort of authority figure/general manager to each show yet again, but this time with a different name.

What do you honesty think is going to change? They’ll be lucky to crank out a month of somewhat intriguing content until it’s back to being business as usual.

>3 guys with a combined age of 190 are going to change the business.

fucking lol

OP confirmed for brainlet that can't read.

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based boomers are the last ones who knew how to draw dimes

>seething drone

AECultists in panic mode

>seething this hard because you know Vince just pulled the biggest move he's ever going to pull and it's not going to change a god damn thing

Once this inevitably fails, it's all over. There's no hope.

Just wait until they realise every decision they make has to be run through 57 people and McBoomer and let's see how long before they quit or are moved on.

Publicly traded corporation, beholden to legion of advertisers, with an army of middlemen forming a bureaucracy of boomers headed by an almighty crazy boomer who thinks everything they do IS SUCH GOOD SHIT.

Nothing can change under their corporate structure. Same old shit. WWE is shit.

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Heyman's been a part of creative for a long time now, only unofficially and while he's been a part of creative, WWE drew their lowest ever crowds for a PPV, Raw and Smackdown in 3 straight days.



>We're sorry RAW has been so bad again. It was Paul Heyman's fault. Paul Heyman has been fired as Executive Director of Monday Night RAW. We always listen to our fans. RAW is going to be better now. Thank you.

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>He's been in the inner circle
Jews are fucking powerful holy shit

Nearly anybody attracted to women would be attracted to Bliss.

These fucking E-drones. I swear. Hook, line and sinker.

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get a clue

>people going for the integrity angle
one is a literal jew and the other is Bishoff

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Imagine thr articles over the next several months or Heyman and Bischoff constantly clashing with the McMahons

Yeah, I'm sure you'd turn down Alexa Bliss.

Sure if she practically sat on my dick, but I wouldn't chase her


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E-Drone here that is excited by this news.

If you are complaining about Yea Forums being overly cynical and shitting on everything then YOU are the redditfag. Yea Forums is cynicism at its core and if you can't handle it go back to your "fair" hivemind circlejerk.

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NXT bliss I would. she looks like an ugly little boy now

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Heyman AND Bischoff in WWE?

Fuck and Yes. My body is ready!

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Cringe, enjoy masturbating yourself to sleep thinking about Stacy tonight man

>Bastards, you took the last decent Yea Forums board from me

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I can't wait for 1996 again!


Maybe ;)

He's literally just a A&W employee now. If he actually cared about being a journalist and breaking stories he would have shared some of the info about AEW he's gotten from his buddies but he drips it out at exactly the pace that they tell him to like the good little bitch he is.

Any legacy the moron might have one had it completely disgraced at this point.

You know I think this is good. Let's be honest if Vince does nothing you hate him. If Vince chooses someone you hate them. I mean the list of who he is going to choose to make decisions is a short one headed by his name 3 times. But who else could it be? Haitch? Steph? Or one of these two? It's not going to be Bischoff or Heyman ever because Vince is Vince and he squashed the both of them for a reason. But it's good that he is at least bring them back into the fold. At least he realizes that he has to do something and the product isnt what it should be. For a stubborn old man who hates sneezing you have to take that as a victory. At best this provides some new direction for both shows and a clear distinction. At worst it means that Vince can blame someone else if it fails before finally conceding to Haitch. And that's the thing. If I'm Haitch this is sort of a subtle middle finger to me. This is a "Not yet" moment that can be frustrating and itll be interesting to see what eh does. But potentially NXT, Smack and RAW all feel different.


Apologize AEW cucks. You never had a chance, the game was rigged from the start.

>Heyman, who has been part of the creative team for months now, joins the creative team.



straight males tend to find females attractive user. I know it's hard for you to understand since you're a queer and straight people things make you seethe but you really need to get over yourself and realize straight people are more over in life than you.
now go seethe queer

I cannot wait for more ten minute promos from Bischoff bragging about how great Smackdown is whenever the ratings show a 0.1% bump, to an empty arena.

Because she's not a trap. I know you hate that she is obviously a woman but not everyone is homo sex despite what social media makes it seem like

>still not being able to read...

it's ok user just admit you're a queer we wont judge you too harshly for being a pooper scooper

Don't mind him, he has aewtism.

that is one of the worst done gif animations ive seen in awhile. horrible and shit who the fuck thought that was acceptable. probably some poo in the loo shitter or some mexican't made it. they both tend to be low IQ retards that always create the most absolute cringe stuff

> if she practically sat on my dick
>but I wouldn't chase her

Cant find dick.
Cant run.
Confirmed lardass


>poo in the loo
you need to go back

You wouldn't chase her, because you know she'd turn you down. (As she would me.) The point is, you're fucking retarded saying she's not hot.

No, she doesn't. Objectively.

I posted elsewhere that I want to like it, but they fucked up right out of the gate by putting Heyman on Raw, and Bish on Smack. Should be the other way around.

mayeb you're right, she looks more like a pale hobgoblin or something like that

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Smackdown is going to FOX so it needs someone like Bisch.
RAW needs to still feel like the top show despite that so they get Heyman

I dont use reddit since they got rid of the old layout for that new faggot keep scrolling down one. I prefered my plebbit going page by page but nah it's not broken so fix it stuff. but adorable you get so triggered over what people say you reply in seethe GO BACK! weak numale queer plebbit is more your speed with safe spaces and people that say things you dont like you can down vote them. maybe you should GO THERE lil queer
but based on what you picked to seethe over it's obvious your a street shitter and upset and triggered. go fuck a goat while praising the pedo mohammad you ugly poo in the loo shitter

It's uncanny.

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there's hundreds of million better looking girls

That's a sexy hobgoblin

>enjoy masturbating yourself to sleep thinking about Stacy tonight man

Based but unironically

>Look user, I said peace and it opened a door to a very toxic environment. It wasn't a message to the fans, or the boys, just decision makers. I wish anyone watching any of the wrestling all of the best. That is all.

The only reason why I truly believe nothing will change is simple.

Vince will still have final say on everything.

I remember Heyman saying before he'd never be a booker for WWE again unless Vince gave him creative control. I wonder if that's the case here, or if they just handed him a huge fuck ton of money and he thought "fuck it"

If he has complete control there, it could be something really good. I've always been a fan of Paul as a booker.

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Im excited about what Bischoff is gonna do. Heyman never impressed me, all talk and underdog/underground image that made him an "icon". Ecw was really overrated and smackdown too.

Monday night whore

WWE always says things will change but they never will, when will people just accept it and move on?

Taking bets on how long it will before we see our first "Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?" thread when absolutely none of this changes anything in WWE.

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5 minutes after raw starts

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Based Bisch gonna put his former cable network in its place.

>get paid millions to literally do nothing because your boss micromanages

He doesn't give a shit anymore, neither does Bischoff. These niggas probably got a whole bunch of money and company stock just to take these positions. Both have said many times that they don't want to work in creative, and yet, suddenly took it in a very desperate time for WWE.
This means that Vince got pissed and just offered them everything he could to salvage this shit, without realizing that he's the actual problem.

>Let's bring back factions!
>Let's bring back violence and swearing!

The end

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Haha!! Thanks for destroying that hater for me. Can't believe he seethed so hard over a GIF. He definitely reeked of reddit and AEW.

Score another one for the good guys!

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Based user working these incels into a shoot

How long until he's back at the E?

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give it 6-9 months, that'll be the time when heyman and/or bischoff quit after having their ideas constantly thrown out or rewritten by the old man

>If Bischoff is elected Smackdown GM, he will make your 2014 Dolph Ziggler heel stable leader real again!
I haven't watched WWE in years but if this is real I'll start watching Smackdown again, for real. When can we expect changes to be made? I don't intend to start watching only to see the same shit over and over again.

WWE Main Event becomes their biggest ratings draw.

russo absolutely seething

Vince is the only of those three to ever draw dimes. The other two lost so many dimes they ended up having to suck Vince cock for a living

>believing the wwe revisionist history that you watched on the Network mommy paid for instead of you getting a job

You can always spot the zoomerfag that doesn't know anything about the way things really happened. Go stick your head in the sand back on reddit, we don't want your kind around here.

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Yeah the sound of WWEs plummeting ratings

Al Calzone

Bischoff makes a lot of sense to build relations with smackdown, considering how shit WCW was 93, he managed to somehow turn things around for the company. His biggest contributions will be the financial side and maybe as a on air talent, he isn't particularly amazing at creative and relied on the bookers.

Yea Forums is a pedochad board newfriend

Expect smaller venue's for Smackdown, Eric is big on the look and feel of the product then raw gate. He'd rather sell out a 1000 seat arena then get 1500 sales from a bigger one.

Theyre starting straight away but i'll imagine it'll be a few PPVs before Vince's current '''storylines''' are concluded and replaced

he's gonna book arenas? BASED

pretty sure 1000 seaters are called bingo halls, not arenas

It's cute you think Eric or Paul will be the ones making decisions like that.