does he make your panties moist?
Whaddya say ladies?
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why is vince still in the closet in 2019
I'd let him fuck my boypussy
Corbin is objectively good looking.
>Makes Meltzer seethe because he can't get laid
imagine the reaction if this article was about an ugly girl
Meltzer did speculate that Vince must see Corbin as a good looking guy, otherwise he wouldn’t be paired with Lacy.
I find Corbin kinda weirdly attractive, he seems like a cool guy irl
He's pretty good looking but he's not a "pretty boy" model. I'd fuck him (no homo).
His tats would make Daddy SEETHE
Corbin doesn't strike me as a bad looking guy. He's tall and his face isn't outright ugly. Baldness and tats probably aren't for everyone but there's almost certainly a type of woman who has no issue with it. And at least he's embraced shaving his head instead of trying to hold onto it.
he's a handsome guy without the skullet
lol I didn't thought about that. But you know why? BECAUSE I'M RETARDED LOL
bless your heart
Asuka wants his BWC badly
You guys are bananas. Yes, for a normal dude, shaving the head is the way to go. But for a prowrestler... the skullet was a fucking based look! I can't remember any other wrestler having it (maybe Wayland Mercy?).
It was unique and got people talking about him CONSTANTLY. Now he just looks like a Bizzaro version of Gentleman Jack Gallagher.
(side note: he shoulda did the side-hawks like based Hawk)
XD what? like steve austin lol. WHAT? HUH? WHAT? WHAT? THE DING-DONG DIDDLY WHAT?
Baron Corbin is unironically a once in lifetime superstar. The level of SEETHING he generates is amazing.
Any of you bottoms find him attractive? I only like feminine looking twinks.
unironically looks like a c rate pornstar not helped by his hideous trashy tattoos
Works my dick into a shoot every damn time
Femanon here. Pic related is what a DAMN SEXY wrestler looks like. Not faggy Baron Corbin. Goddamn.
>mmmmmm *pure strikes your puss*
mmm truly sex and badd ass
American Badd Ass Taker was hot as fuck imgo
This, johnny sins has a better look then Corbin does, probably better ring work too
J Mac > Johnny Sins
J Mac definitely can work the mic Andy give a better promo though.
His absolute peak of sexiness was actually in 1999, in my opinion. Second place would be Big Evil, then sometime around 2007, the way he moved, and the way he held his eyes wide open and stared at his opponents... oh my god.
IKR, Taker used to be so fucking hot. It made him infinitely less cringe no matter what he was doing. Corbin is like a 3 to me, 4 maybe. Get me Big Daddy Bitch and The American Badd Ass if you want me to perv after ya big men
>used to be
He still is, in my opinion. I'd fucking climb on top of him in a heartbeat.
I got you.
most of the roster looks better than him lol hes just tall
imagine you're a woman about to have sex with baron corbin, he takes off his socks and you see this.
what do?
Women will sleep with any guy as tall as Corbin. It doesn't matter how shitty his tattoos are.
based retard
Not true.
Baldness is disgusting, why would any woman look at a bald man and decide that that's who she wants to breed with and pass weak(or non-existant) hairline genetics on to the next generation
This. Hairlets BTFO.
>she wants kids
red flag right there
>good idea: pushing someone with good looks in a business where good looks matter
>bad idea: pushing someone who a 73 year old thinks is good looking to attract a young female audience
He thinks Christian is ugly, but not Baron? What the hell? Baron looks like a school bully.
Spoken like a true manlet.
Why does this dude wrestle in dress clothes?
Also boomers are terrified of revealing themselves as Homosex.
That's the gayest thing I've ever read. Meltz HAS to be queer to understand how another man's mind works like that.
>Shingo over goto
>ace nowhere on that list
You suck and I’m not even gay
That thing that makes him look weird is his fucking neckbeard but he is ok looking.
Michelle mccool please leave
>no Captain Dimples Carillo
Spotted the larping breeder
Seethe more, Vince did similar shit with Lana and Rusev when he found out they were engaged. Rusev is an ugly brute to Vince so the idea of a blonde white woman being with him makes Vinny fume.
Lana was immediately booked to break-up with Rusev on TV, and while this was going on Dolph Ziggler would be seducing and kissing Lana.
Why Dolph? cuz Vince thought Dolph was attractive and therefore "deserving" of Lana... you can see why the crowds rejected this storyline and why Lana put a stop to it by publicly announcing the engagement. That probably makes Lana one of the smartest women to ever enter the wrestling business which isnt saying much but whatever.
Homo here, Kevin Nash will go down in history as the sexiest man alive.
Ass hole.... you mean your ass hole. The sweaty harry thing that you squeeze shit out of.
>unironically looks like a c rate pornstar not helped by his hideous trashy tattoos
kek, unironic manlet cope.
>Vince self-inserts as Baron and then pairs him with Lacey Evans
Makes sense.
why does baldness still exist in 2019 if that's the case? Surely women would've selected against men who've balded and yet alopecia is found in so many men still.
I'm 6'5" and I'm an incel so take that faggot.
I look like Corbin except not bald.
They're really pushing Corbin for the sex appeal when they have this absolute gigachad on their roster?
Not gay, but even I can tell hot from ugly, and Ospreay is ugly. I'm English and he's even ugly for an English person. Balor is ruined by his downs head as well.
Given enough booze i'd probably fuck Ibushi, but that's about it.
nope, 6'0 is the most desired height, 6'5 is disgusting to a lot of girls
1. Jay HWaito
2. Cleaner-era Kenny
4. Shingo
5. Hiromu
Baron is the kind of guy your gf casually fucks on the side while you're at work
>table and graph with no source
>5'10" and 5'11" lumped in with actual chad heights
kek @ the manlet who made this ya just know he was seething
>Women will see Corbin and get all riled up. Then when they see that big ass curtain they'll feel right at home and start making a roast and cleaning. We won't have to pay a dime for clean up of the arena. IT'S SUCH GOOD SHIT.
He mogs Rollins and took the bald pill.
That only makes Lana a petty bitch because she ruined her husband's WWE career
One of my friends developed a serious crush on Corbin, after her episodes with lusting on Dean, Hangman Page and Seth. Her current favorite shirt is the End of Days wolf one.
The lust is real.
Stand up for myself, and her, consequences be damned. If I kicked my ass kicked by The Undertaker, well, good story. Plus, lawsuit.
>6'0 is the most desired height
Nah. It's gotta be 6 ft 2 or 6 ft 3.
>in the closet
Dude, it's the world's worst kept secret that Vince likes men.
I agree. Absolute dirtbag, skullet Corbin was kino. His looks is so damn bland now.
He's not pushing corbin though, corbin has done jack shit and is not being jobbed out by the champ
Baldness is objectively considered a more masculine look.
He's in the main event of the next show, the last show, and all the Raws recently.
Getting huge chunks of TV time every week is a push
LOL, women avoid baldies like the plague
no wonder ratings are dying kek
worked, corbin is a jobber. you are only opposed to him because he is above 6ft lol
cope more