Greatest face AND heel of all time in your path

>greatest face AND heel of all time in your path

Who else even comes close to being able to claim that? Hogan was a legit draw as both.

Maybe Flair depending on what part of the country he was in when he was having a match?

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The rock
Arguably Daniel Bryan

>greatest face

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Daniel who?

have sex

>Arguably Daniel Bryan
Not of all time but currently within the E for sure.

>Arguably Daniel Bryan
the state of this board

>Arguably Daniel Bryan

And to think... all that would not have happened if Sting wasn't such a pussy worrying about "but muh fans!'.

I'm glad Rollins ended Stink's career.

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Hogan created the 90s boom era. Austin was merely allowed to exist in it.

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Flair was never over as a face.

i don't think it would have worked anywhere near the same level if it had been sting

maybe not until he got old but dont be stupid

nwo would have been over after starrcade 96 if sting was the third man lol

Literal immortal

And it could have happened again if John Cena wasn't such a pussy.

Flair was still a heel, he was just getting cheered because the landscape of wrestling had changed.


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>hogan dicksucking thread

>Greatest babyface

You're a goddamn retard. Stone Cold is indisputably the best babyface of all time. And Ric Flair was a better heel than Hogan. Most every heel that ever got any heat and then used it to PUT SOMEONE OVER like a heel is supposed to do is a better heel than Hogan.

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>Hogan created the 90s boom era.

Even if that were true, he would have done it by turning heel because he was such a shit babyface.

people were just sick of hogans's good guy act by 94. stop trying to rewrite the history of it when you were just a sperm in your daddies nutsack when all this was going on. so when he came back and did the heel thing it was huge cuz we've had face hogan for 10+yrs. but sure keep trying to say he was a shit babyface cuz you werent alive nor gone back and watched early 80s hogan when he was over as a face.

the absolute state of these underage shitters that just talk shit for these they never saw or attempted to see.

>Greatest babyface
>Greatest heel

NWO angle wasnt even his idea

>I have no rebuttal to those cold, hard #Facts you just dumped all over me.
>I'll call you a newfag and hope no one notices!

Go to bed, junior. Stone Cold never had to turn heel because he was repelling dimes as a babyface, like Hogan did. Stone Cold only turned heel because Vince is a retard.

Stone Cold is a different case entirely in that he is an anti-hero. He was a baby face that got over by being the greatest heel ever. That's one of the biggest reasons his heel turn didn't work, because he wasn't really doing anything different aside from the chicken-shit cliches.

Angle wasn't as over but he was great as a heel and a face.

listen underage queer I know you think im a junior but I was watching hogan in 87 on tv while you're just watching your nuts drop in 2019 and just getting ready to go into 8th grade. dont try to tell me how it was when I was there and you are just an underage shitter shit posting online trying to be cool.
stone cold turned heel because his charactor was stale and not as over as it was a year prior.
good lord you underage and your rewrites of history as told by WWE. you probably think wcw was always shit and never drew a dime cuz wwe tells you it was always shit and never drew a dime. done with this segment hit me up when you're gotten past dark match status

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fellow geriatric user here. Austin wasnt stale so much as the Vinnie Mac shit was getting stale. Austin turning heel was the worst thing that could have happened and even Stone Cold has admitted this. VMac wanted it and he should have vetoed it but didnt and went for the swerve for the sake of a swerve, Being Austin he still rescued it .

Wasn't even his angle. Sting turned it down
>Hoganetty taking the scraps of Sting of all people

Austin wasnt stale, the business had peaked, there was no where to take it. They could have had new life with a proper invasion angle but they fucking goofed

Bullshit, Sting wanted it but was Plan B for the third guy with Hogan being Plan A.

Unironically this. Aside from the meme biker period at least.

The Rock. Simple.

Also the only wrestler iconic enough to be an international cultural phenomenon.

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