You're going to support AEW Fight for the Fallen right Yea Forums? You're a good person right?
You're going to support AEW Fight for the Fallen right Yea Forums? You're a good person right?
I don't know where the money is going so no.
it's free you retards
I #StandUpForAEW, but after Kenny's racist remarks regarding the Arab people, I can no longer support them.
I mean wwe do this Connor cure
you can order it through your TV provider for $10
Anyone who takes umbrage with the statement in that tweet is an idiot.
Yeah but I haven't seen wwe wrestlers calling anyone heartless for having a show that competes with a connors cure branded show.
>You're a good person right?
Not really, but I'm not evil either, I'll be watching the G1 and probably ROH Best In The World but that's it. WWE and AEW are both cancer.
Philantrophy is the future of me laughing at your company and not purchasing your products. It doesn't work you fucking garbage corporations
enjoy your gay pride promotion cunt.
t. bubba ray, how's those sensitivity sessions going
Right. I can’t stand the fuckin marks that get offended by that. It’s a win-win for everyone
No. Kenny is a racist who hates Arabs. I refuse to support his company.
>No. Kenny is a racist who hates Arabs.
just when i thought he couldn't get more based
Based Bully living rent free in your head simpy
Go be a fan, user.
go end yourself user
WWE has a large amount of money from it's total earnings be used for cancer research and multiple other charities outside of that disease.
AEW "competing" with WWE to any capacity is a direct attempt to hinder that process.
AEW is trash and needs to be stopped.
Imagine trying to limit ticket sales to a company that even started it's own fund for a unique disease.
No. i'll flying back from Melbourne because i was supporting NJPW the night before