The NFL still recognizes OJ Simpson as a fantastic running back despite the murders he was involved in

>the NFL still recognizes OJ Simpson as a fantastic running back despite the murders he was involved in
>WWE doesn't even recognize that Chris Benoit even existed

What the fuck is WWE's problem?

Attached: oj.jpg (300x395, 23K)

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OJ was innocent tho.

OJ is a nigger who dindu nuffin

Unironically the glove don't fit

I feel like it's because he didnt kill a child and he's still alive, and he was never convicted in criminal court. Add on the fact the E is currently branded as a childrens product and you have plenty of reasons to not acknowledge [redacted]. Also the Juice probably has CTE and not the first NFL player to go crazy (Mike Webster, that player who killed himself in the parking lot of his home stadium). Only recently has the WWE shady past really been come up and taken seriously.

OJ was acquitted.

Chris Benoit never got a trial though.
>B-b-but da poleese said he did it so of course he did it
Yeah, they said OJ did it too.

absolutely 100% not guilty

Attached: 1442176562289.png (416x357, 101K)

they couldn't take Benoit's corpse to court

t. jeribloat

Chris left a note admitting it.


OJ was big strong and charismatic. Benoit was an anti draw boring manlet Also the NFL is not blamed for OJ being a piece of shit wife beater where as the WWE gets blamed for Benoit going bat shit crazy

Chris who?

Oj got away with his muders. Benoit was a simp and literally killed himself because he knew he wouldnt survive prison

Chris don't you have a concert with your shitty band to get ready for?

OJ was unironically innocent. Mobster Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown-Simpson were murdered by the Mafia.

this. ron and nicole were involved with drug dealers and shit.

kek and im sure hardbody harrison is a poster child for upstanding respectable gentlemen.
watched that rapist get jobbed out in a wcw match recently. that was amusing

OJ was fifteen years removed from playing in the NFL by the time the murder trial happened. He was already in the hall of fame.

Chris Benoit was still an active wrestler and given all the accusations of steroids and head trauma the wwe of course would want to distance themselves from him because the extenuating circumstances of the case paints the company in a bad light.

>he was never convicted in criminal court
neither was Crispin Wahh

Therefore you must acquit

blood shrunk the gloves and he had plastic gloves underneath u simp

yeah ight why was their blood in his car

because it was their fault that they gave too many unprotected chair shots to Benoit making him go insane.

OJ was cute, Benoit looked like a serial killer.

OJ was in Naked Gun. Benoit was never in a beloved slapstick comedy.

>Chris Benoit
Litterally who? Never heard of him!

The WWE is publicly traded and can't break $100/share and most of their employees are contractors.

The NFL is privately owned confederation with an employees Union.

One is worth $1 billion and one is worth $1 Trillion.

If the National Felon League stopped recognizing criminals, they'd be full of phantom teams.

Based OJ got some getting even to do