Bros are we becoming the most influential board...

Bros are we becoming the most influential board? These days you can't post anywhere without seeing Yea Forums lingo and memes are we finally due a monster push?

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Shut up

Every board thinks they were the first.

Have sex.

What lingo ?, i rarely see them being used outside of this board

We didn't innovate any memes, bud.

I see based and cringe used on other boards all the time now, pretty sure that was a Yea Forums meme


Memes invented by Yea Forums:

- based
- cringe
- seething
- yikes
- trollface
- You're the Man Now Dog
- Dancing Baby
- I kiss you
- Howard Dean scream

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

>tfw you were on Yea Forums for the first P-P-P-P-Powerbook thread

You don’t want this bird to get a monster push because a bunch of tourists will come here and we’ll actully start getting moderated. Same thing happened to Yea Forums.


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Everytime Yea Forumschads reveal themselves on other boards they get a strong reaction, and always go over in the thread.

>no have sex
have sex

It's the opposite, Yea Forums is such a Jannetty board we end up just using the lingo from draws like /Pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums etc

Mmmmm Yea Forums wouldn't wanna mess with that.

I think its more due to the overlap of wrestling with other hobbies. Fans of other media regularly use terms like heel turn or job.

Sure hope not. We already have to deal with woo, SC, and summerfags. It'll become unbearable if even more tourists show up.

>We'll actually start getting moderated
Have you seen the state of Yea Forums
and thats the most underage and b& board on the site

Mmm, blind user. Don't wanna mess with him

Yea Forums is dying anyway. Can't even say bulbasaur without a 3 day ban.

I'm an asp mark and I ding-dong diddly pop all the ding-dong diddly time

I saw someone mention the summer of 92 on /ck/ a while backed and gave him a reply, we are going over everywhere!

Someone wrote a review about Kevin Nash being raped in the summer of 92 on the WWE headquarters reviews page so I thumbed him up

It's being mentioned in not-wrestling related livestreams. We're going over.