Boycott white bitches in wrestling.
Boycott white bitches in wrestling
Black women are goddesses. Donate to a Black woman's Patreon right now.
The white woman is the most vile creature to have ever walked the face of the earth. Her guile, deceit and cruelty is unmatched by others. She is responsible for opening the gateway to the death of nations. Any man who venerates these whores of Babylon deserve nothing but utter ruination, not just for him, but for his descendant for one thousand generations.
white harlots residin deep deep deep within ya mind
She's so desperate for massa cock it's legitimately sad.
You seethe my brother? If back men think they have the pick of white women it was only natural that the sisters fought back and claimed their own stake.
Everyone should fuck everyone and we all should stop with all the BLACKED RICED BLEACHED BEANED and the world would be a better place
Noisy, trashy, bitchy, self-absorbed black women who treat men like garbage are what white women are currently evolving into, though.
I'll take feminine women from east Asia and eastern Europe, thanks.
Niggers have as bad of a track record as whites, both races literally have only ever had one good women’s wrestler and every single other good women’s wrestler was Japanese.
I will always state that Booker T is one of the best and most underrated wrestlers of all time
>Boycott every bitches in wrestling
ftfy, if you are woman, whether you are muh workrate ugly hooks or pathetic bimbos who could only become an eye candy just because of how talented they are, then get out of the ring since it is naturally for men only
I like black women but their hair is disgusting
the only one itt who gets it right
Absolutely based
You know what's funny, I've been asking for a segregated Yea Forums. White Americans get one board and Everybody Else gets their own board.
Now... if the boards were truly separated like this, how much you wanna bet all the non-whites will want to "invade" and post on the superior forum?
In this world, all of you just want to be white or be white by approximation. Admit it! Non-whites would fucking SEETHE if whites got their own board. Just like irl.
sign me up firstclasschad !
it would probably happen considering /pol/ is a boogeyman to people outside the board
Aja Kong
Nah, fuck you cunt.
I should fuck everyone and nobody should fuck with me.
The very best kind of black woman
One who thinks she's white
There's no white people on this board ya damn neek. It's just pajeets, 56%ers and black nerds.
Suddenly I feel all alone
I thought other European bros posted here
No. They're the only ones who don't look like they stink
>tfw no black gf
Take us to the Nile Goddess
I did that for 2 years and that bitch was crazy. Sex was great but everything else was not worth it
From that Yea Forums thread Wolfcuc got memed on there are plenty of Europeans here.
Take us!