Now that the dust has settled, without memeing or shitposting, what the actual fuck was his problem?

Now that the dust has settled, without memeing or shitposting, what the actual fuck was his problem?

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Nothing he worked you and smarks in general

insecurity from not only having a small penis, but having it exposed to the world

Ingested Becko's cock and caught her disease

hey seff

His problem is a bunch of nerds trying to tell him how to do his job which he is earning millions for

sup seff

See? This guy is now hosting Seth Rollins meet ups rent free in his head for the forseeable future

He is having a mental breakdown because WWE is spiraling down the sink and he happens to be the baby face at the top of it, so he is trying to do damage control, and it’s not working because everyone knows this is terrible, so he’s working himself into a seething shoot.

Imagine the fucking pressure on this guy. The whole audience talking shit about you, WWE expecting you to bring in the audience who are turning away in droves but they don’t know how to book so they place the blame on the talent who are doing their best... I actually feel sorry for him. This cunt is gonna Benoit himself.


Nm u?

He is the top champion of a dying brand after WWE spent the last decade not making a single star and telling fans that the only thing that matters is nostalgia acts. Because of this he has many insecurities in a time where many performers are currently setting the ring on fire outside of WWE.

Also his girlfriend has a bigger penis than himself.


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>gets called out for spamming himself on the board
>r-r-rent f-fre!!1!

>smarks warping reality sans Infinity Gauntlet to try to avoid the fact they're been worked

Is Becky not man enough to blow your pee pee?

And again. Just cant admit that Rollins just wanted to get people talking about WWE and himself instead of people fighting winner takes all weiner matches at some gym hall

I'd believe you if not for Seth's "I make more money that you" post.
Fucker is legitimately salty.

>pee pee
Have you ever seen a woman that was not a 2 dimensional display or did not have a court injunction against you?

He has to work within the vacuum that is WWE booking/writing. That's a bigger problem than anything else.

I don't get how WWE put a nasally voiced atheist as their top guy.
Nobody ever drew smaller houses including Bret Hart in 1994

You mean the next WWE PPV?

Seth killing himself would be the highlight of his shitshow career. They can easily give his spot to a different bargain bin New Japan knockoff.
Hopefully one who doesn’t sound like Fran Drescher.

>8 posters
>16 replies

Fucking lol at the Seff Mark ITT getting worked into a seethe

>everyone turns on you for saying stupid shit
that's sad bro

No he's right. He does make more money. You have guys talking about they do this and they flip that etc. And he makes more money. Thats not salty thats a fact. Why is workrate not salty but what you earn is? That makes no sense

Yes. Have you ever had sex with a woman without a penis?

That's clearly you

it's almost as if people are replying to each other, crazy right?

No Fyghter Fest or Fyer Fest. Whatever misspelled event it is that Ambrose will be wacky elbowing people very darkly

Buddy Murphy could replace seff tomorrow and it would only improve promos and matches

>without a penis
The absolute state of this board. Nice to see you're confused about the basics

He's a good athlete and despite being a little skinny could be decent. But he's too much of a mark for himself to improve. He could draw if he either juiced and learn to cut a promo or learned how to tell a story in a match instead of doing movez. But instead he chooses this shit middle ground where both types of fan are alienated.

Seth began talking about how amazing he is in the ring, then someone who's actually amazing in the ring replied.

Fast forward a few posts and Seth embarrassingly tries to defend himself by talking about how he makes more money, something having nothing to do with his original argument. His earnings was his dying salty gasp in this back and forth argument

Murphy isn’t an over-emotional mutt so I’m all for it.

Ah yes the 9,312 seat bingo hall which will out draw Raw and Shitstain Grounds.

Sorry Seth, I meant mentally challenged potato.


hes mad cause he finally realized hes the jannetty of the shield

Dust hasn't settled, OP. At least I hope not. This shit is way too entertaining. Let's hope he spergs again tomorrow.

That's nice. I mean when it out draws Summer Slam, Wrestlemania, Royale Rumble or even MITB then maybe it will show up on radar. Oh and then it just has to do it consistently for the next 5-10 years or so.

I don't see what he said that was controversial however he came out looking like a little bitch. Regardless some of you niggas take wrestling way too seriously.

>mentally challenged potato.
I dont think anyone is attracted to your kind but you shouldnt think of yourself like that

I mean, what can Colby even say at this point?
He got BTFO in every direction, he's actually losing fans, hes inadvertantly putting more eyes on NJPW and as pointed out, he wavered from his original intent because he cant stop seething.

>N-No u

It really is Seth.

It's ok man. One dude tweets and lives in your head rent free with "reeeee"into the screen while he's somewhere banking another check and fucking a woman that isnt inflatable.

gotta be

>fucking a woman that isnt inflatable
After looking at Becky's tits I'm not so sure about that.

Nah if you look at her chest she seems pretty deflated.

That's because you've been jerking it to traps my friend and dont know the difference between real tits and man boobs anymore

Normal tits don’t look like they’re decaying, la’.

>a literally deflated lump of flesh
>in any way, shape or form even close to tits.

OH lads. It's ok. WWE loves everyone and we are more than accepting of your alternative tastes in what you wish you could mate with. No problems

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Trying to act as a locker room leader to impress daddy Gaytch

Granny "tits" aren't hot, Seeth.

And neither is having multiple chins but to each their own.

H-he's an atheist? Natural heel behaviour, to be frank. Good job they're working towards a heel turn

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Damn Seth, you're on here too?

He believes in himself. Redditors and Yea Forums autists alike can't relate so they lash out. They can only self insert into the underdog.

Unironically nothing is wrong with Rollins. Sure, his promos are below average and, as time goes by, he has started to phone it in more and more but those aren't problems exclusive to him. The main problem is that smarks will always hate the guy on top.
Cena was loved up until 2005, got to the top and was hated by smarks for over a decade. Now that he's away, smarks consider him the last real draw.
Lesnar returned and got to the top, was hated for not appearing often enough and hogging the title. Now that he is not on top, people his beastbox shit.
Reigns was over as a Shield member, was pushed to the top and got ridiculous heat. Now that he is not on top, people want him as the face of the company again over Rollins.
Smarks always asked for Ambrose and Rollins to be pushed more than Reigns and now that Rollins is on top, he is suddenly a shit wrestler that can't draw shit. This is bullshit and only a result of the smarks' contrarian behaviour.
Same thing happened with Becky when she betrayed Charlotte and when she rose to the top by the way.

The reason people aren't drawn to live shows, TV and network subscriptions isn't Rollins or Becky or Reigns or Kofi of whoever. It's the fact that WWE is the least entertaining it has ever been, it's inability to change that fact due to sponsors prohibiting it from doing wilder stuff, Vince being out of touch, etc. It literally doesn't matter who is on top. Kenny Omega could sign tomorrow, given the strap in a month and smarks would turn on him in seconds.

Holy shit. Actual objective logic on asp

user is right, it started as a conversaion about skill not money, then he changed the goalpost because he got triggered. Burdern of proof lies with you on your gay claim anyway. You are making up a fantasy cope until you can disclose how much each person is paid. You can't do shit because you're a faggot and a mark so just kill yourself and save the embarrassment of having to take rogain

die faggot

Literally fucking this

Good points, but Seth has been shit for a lot of smarks since he came back from the knee injury. His face turn was inevitable, he stopped having good matches and started doing slingblades and bulldogs all over the place, understandable because he was still rehabbing but still boring as fuck, tried to bite off Omega when Kenny was peak over with smarks, milked the knee injury for over a year, adopted a cringe Game of Thrones gimmick, and became a generally vanilla, boring, annoying shitter. This was all before he and Roman switched spots, and long before he comes out saying WWE has the best wrestling in the world and spazzes out on Twitter.
Personally, I don't care that he's the top guy right now, and I'd honestly rather it be him than Roman because Roman is even more boring. I can't take him seriously with the laffy taffy belt, but that's not his problem, it's the title itself. Otherwise I think he's the perfect face for WWE right now, but that's not really a compliment.

>tried to bite off Omega when Kenny was peak over with smarks
Either way he only did this because he was on a finisher escapade due to the curb stomp being taken away from him.

It wasn't just the rain trigger, though it was a bad idea to use it so soon after Kenny debuted it. The dude started cosplaying at big PPVs. His gimmick before the King Slayer shit was basically WWE Kenny Omega. Of course the smarks are going to notice that shit when Kenny was in the middle of his feud with Okada. Bad timing all around.

I mean you could also say that triple h started that and Seth works with hhh everyday and even tried out the pedigree for a while. I'm assuming he took influence from Kenny as well, but it's a bit over blown.

This is Seth. I'm certain. I can't believe it, but it's true. The absolute state of this shitter.

This is about the best argument that can be made for him, and yeah most everything in wrestling was ripped off someone else, so normally it wouldn't be that big a deal, but come on, he came out dressed as Thanos at Summerslam. Kenny was red hot with smarks and had Dave slobbering all over his dick when Seth was doing all this shit. The timing was too perfect.

Seth main guest appearances in these guys for all future forseeable dates

You're probably right


>he came out dressed as Thanos at Summerslam
He has also cosplayed as a white power ranger, Night King, Deadpool and god knows what else over the past 4 years. Gargano has had superhero insired outfits, Triple H is cosplaying as something every year at 'mania, etc.
I'm seeing a pattern over here that it's Triple H and his darlings only doing this shit but you can't blame them for copying Kenny for this.

The moves are a different issue though.

he did the white avenger endgame suit thing for the saudis & stomping grounds

this is spot on

This. I have no doubt that Seth is doing everything he possibly can, but you can only go so far with what you're given. It's hard to win a marathon when somebody slices your legs off at the start.

gain girth and get a clue

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>Seth Rollins

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Rollins is based.

Hi retarded potato

The company he is arguably the top guy for gets relentlessly shit on all day every day
The attendance is getting lower
Ratings are at their lowest point ever
He was just in his THIRD massively panned PPV match in the past year. The Ambrose match, the Dolph match and then this Corbin match.
He decided to be cocky on twitter and got Ospreay responding with a tiny cheeky reply.
He just went off the deep end for a bit, it was the same day that he went on a podcast and said some mildly questionable shit about DEAN.
It doesnt help that he had every Edrone on earth sucking his dick from 2015-2019, and now that he is in a position to deliver and is sucking ass at it, hes mad.

Nothing. He worked everyone into an utter spluttering seethe and it's one of the very very few based things Jasethy has ever done.

>if i call him jasethy no one will suspect a thing!
hey seff

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Nobody doubts that he has been considerably worse since coming back from injury but this place, and you can go through the archives and check, really wanted him as Universal Champion during his IC reign. Yea Forums went nuts when he brought back the stomp.

Murphy doesn't check off the diversity box like Seethe Tarpins does.

pity about that face

he drew them asp (you)s. this place was seething and sperging and literally couldn’t stop talking about him for 2 days. funny shit

Insecurity. He wasn't being mentioned in any best in the world conversations and was trying to insert himself in. Probably also to do with the Stomping Grounds PPV being the lowest draw in like 20+years and him being the main event of it.

>seething and sperging
>everyone was dunking on him
the only seething spergs were the seff thread spammers

It was in response to the crowd (whats left of it) dabbing all over his matches with AEW chants, he literally worked himself into a ding-dong diddly shoot.

each thread was getting 50+ replies with plenty of unique posters. it’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen on Yea Forums. Maybe it is true that wooo and plebbit infested this board because it’s fucking shit now

Hi Seth, sorry but we're laughing at (You) not with (You)


>and you can go through the archives
How do you do that here?