Based or baseder?

based or baseder?

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Based Big Socialism ZSJ

>Being in an entertainment profession that produces nothing for the people
>Marx approval

Is the hypocrisy part of being a heel?

Entertainment has value within a society. I don’t want to get into a fucking debate about socialism on a Lithuanian Rooster Farming forum but the only reason artists are viewed negatively in society is because they don’t produce any value under a *capitalist* point of view.

second base him

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>shoot commie getting worked
wew lad

You'll be buried wherever you land faggot

>you want to improve society and yet you participate in it

drawing chernobyl level heat with the alt-reichers on Yea Forums

Why the fuck should anybody else live in a communist shit hole if the people shilling it won't. Fucking nobody wants communism except the people who think they will lead the revolution and keep all the money

Lol right wing incel owned by facts and logic

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You guys ever think about what your job would be post-revolution? I'd like to be the village poet/bard

yea no one likes and pays movies or comics or music or anything else artists create, right, you colossal idiot?
Artists are jokes as most art is garbage tier that isn't worth paying for or nonsense for the sake of being provocative.

>shoot commie continues to be worked

Thats exactly how to improve it dummy, by not dropping out

Imagine being a commie with all the worlds info at your fingertips.
Read a book weirdos.

Cope harder nerd
I’m going to college for free and conservatives are literally the ones paying for it *and* my federal aid money.


He looks like a queer. did he do that faggy shit with Sef?

imajun moi shawk when based big lips pee jay dubbleyoo works ya into a blithering frenzy

Sounds horrible, bread lines now!!

Why doesn't he live in Venezuela if he loves socialism so much?


He lives in England and works in England and Japan.

That doesn't answer my question. I mean yea England is a fucking shit hole, but it's not yet a socialist hellscape like Venezuela. So if he loves socialism so much he should live in a socialist country.

Anyone who hates Tories gets a based from me

Does he mean he's going to be buried next to Karl Marx? Because those plots were filled up a long time ago, it's Highgate fucking Cemetery. I mean he could be buried in another part of the cemetery, but then he'd be saying "I am going to be buried next to Jeremy Beadle".

what a baffling thread can one of you geeks explain why the goober playfighter is shooting a promo about karl marx in english to japs

Because wrestling died in 2007.

Because this is his schtick. It doesn't matter they do not understand him. When he will get to the part he needs them to understand, he will speak slowly and use simple words. That will get him a reaction.
This is speech at the end of the show and as seen here, even if a heel wins, he should say words to end the show. That's one of those reasons that Osaka crowd booed, they did not boo Jericho or Okada. They booed not being told "goodbye".
Or do you have a problem with the fact that this dude is a commie and is showing it proudly to the world?
He is a lying son of a bitch. Do you expect him to tell the truths?

Ya bro lets get Labour in so they can import more niggers and cover up more """asian""" rape gangs

Soviet Russia created some of the greatest kino ever precisely because it didn't need to be commercial.