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Based and Russopilled

Lmao she just btfo everyone who was in on this. Based Thick piggy

Based af


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This fat fucking hog degrades her own career. Women are horrible at logic.

Wtf based

based incel

I bet she fucks alot of dogs though.

This whale should be more concerned about getting a new booster seat for her husband.
incel detected


In all honesty all the people who are following this Seff bullshit already know that wrestling is fake. In other words who gives a fuck.

>breaking kayfabe

Hope she breaks her neck

>It's real
WTF she definitely lurks here

Fuck you faggot this is why WWE has been dying since they started taking this attitude

>This whale should be more concerned about getting a new booster seat for her husband.

Quite possibly the best comment I've read on here.

Womeme wrestlers dont get to bury the business like that, hope they give her shit

>exposing the business
First, her awful inter-gender matches, now this.


This hungry hungry hippo got me vibratin.

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Anyone who calls themselves a "pro wrestler", yet defends any stupid thing they've done with telling fans "It's fake anyway", male or female, is a piece of shit and should be boiled in oil and have the fat sold for soap. These maggots on the carcass of the business disgust me.

I like pussy and don't care about yours, that's not the point. It made our sport look stupid and lowclass. I don't care whether it's a male or female, they don't belong in our profession if they're not going to respect it. I could give a shit whether I offend anyone with this.

Sorry, I don't accept criticism from unknown garbage mud show rasslers with profile pix of themselves bleeding to show how "hardcore" they are, please go become a real pro and known human being before you run your dicklicker at me again.

>heh u guise kno it's fake right
Dumb bitch.

>thinks burying her whole industry gets her points
Better off not typing and staying a "who?"

>taking fake fighting this seriously

>she doesn't want people judging and comparing the quality of wrestlers' in-ring work
huh, i wonder why.

>who fakes wrestles best
>hurr durr
>not in the conversation whatsoever despite it all being fake

She's basically a female Nash in that she only cares about getting money be it from low T fans or creepers and shitholers who jack off to her. She's so much like Nash that she's even been fucked by a nigor.

>not understanding people take pride in their work and career
get your shit pushed in faggot



>Implying anyone is fapping to that smelly fat white chod of a thot

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ugly but basedpilled

I have respect for the few wrestlers who uphold kayfabe on twitter, but lets not act like it's a huge loss when they don't. Since the advent of the internet kayfabe was absolutely fucking dead, and it had been bleeding out for a long time. By the 80s anyone with half a brain knew it was all fake.

>thinking wrestling is fake

/Our girl/

calm down jim

Mmmmmmmmmm badass post kid

>She's so much like Nash that she's even been fucked by a nigor.

wew this bitch is annoying

More like who performs fake fights the best.
As in it's an argument about who's the better stunt actor/martial artist.

I, of course would not expect a talentless fat fuck to understand.

based fat slag


Made me chuckle

How is her hotel room already that messy? Join her patreon to find out!

Retards like her are why the average modern fan can't enjoy pro-wrestling beyond the surface level of MEWVZ and FLIPZ.


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>she still thinks wrestling is fake in 2019

Unironically based

my smile is gone

Well certainly no civilized person would do that...but you know there's plenty of 'those people' who are doing it non stop since she has 3 books worth of their dm's.


Based and checked