"Go away heat" is a term invented by smarks so they never have to admit that they're being worked

"Go away heat" is a term invented by smarks so they never have to admit that they're being worked.

People like Corbin and Lacey are HEELS, and they're getting heat like they need to. Just Corbin's existence makes smarks seethe, but oh it's okay, it's a magical type of heat that doesnt count. Got it

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>If you watch something else, they win

They sure are great heels working WWE into a bingo hall promotion.

It’s called x-pac heat you fucking zoomer

this. the point of heels is to make you hate them, not for you to do some clever meta-analysis on whether you actually hate them or are just pretending to. awareness of wrestling ruined it, heels aren't allowed to legitimately piss people off anymore

Probably this. We can't really go back to the days when people would buy tickets and fill arenas to watch the heels they hated finally get the beating they deserved. This is the new way of antagonizing the audience, and it works, but the result is that people don't buy tickets to see them get pounded, they just stop coming.

Heels aren't there to get people mad, they are there put over the babyfaces, you absolute fucking mark.

>It's a "Retard doesn't know how wrestling works so he blames it on smarks" episode.

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So how does it work, smart guy? Because last time I checked, the heel is the bad guy.

Heat is supposed to be used for something, traditionally to put over the babyface and sell tickets. But it's not like it used to be, and neither of these things are happening now.
If this is the way things are now, babyface-heel dynamics barely serve a purpose anymore and certainly aren't drawing.
Pretty sure wrestling is dead at this point.

You cheer the babyface.
You boo the heel.
You have you curtain off half the arena if you have shitty babyfaces and heels.

For the most part true, but it is real, but rarely seen. It’s also called x pac heat. Which is fine if you’re actually a heel, but not you’re a babyface like Cena or Orton or Triple H... there’s countless other examples in WWE from the last ten years.

They're getting so much heat the fans are getting worked into not watching any more lmao

the point is people have to want to get worked by the heels, even when they know they're getting worked.

Is there a reason why you unflinchingly believe unverified and biased attendance figures from Dave Meltzer?

either term is eligible
Anybody who doesn't think you can legitimately pull heat these days needs to watch Matthew J. Friedman cook the crowd to open All In. I think someone at WWE(Vince) legitimately believes in those guys as enhancement talent. This is the company that pushed Gallows as Festus(a fucking retard) and didn't understand Paul Burchill's awesome pirate gimmick, and don't tell me it's not the same guys because IT'S THE SAME GUY! They ALWAYS do this shit.

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No that’s not how it works. Holy shit. Any heat a heel gets is good and legitimate heat. There is no “too boring” or “too far” for a heel. This is numale zoomer faggotry. A real heel will spit on the audience, do Nazi salutes, say Nigger, do literally nothing but chinlocks, shoot assault the audience, etc. that almost doesn’t exist anymore because people like you are fucking gay and WWE is a softcock corporation who are too scared of upsetting their shareholders to do or say or be anything for fear of backlash.

The actual truth is, if you are a heel, there is no bad heat. If you are a baby face it’s different, that’s really when you can get bad heat because you need people to like you or the show falls apart.

I don't if it's go away heat but making people switch the channel and drawing curtains is not good heat

Why are you bringing up that kike? You can see the evidence of it in all the tarps and ratings. Cope all you like but it's visible now

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based heels working me into not watching or paying for their content

The tarps are not because they can't sell tickets. They book huge arenas and portion off a small section so they can move people and fill every seat on the opposite hardcam side. Same number either way, but one looks good on television.

It's pretty fucking simple

Why don’t they just move all those people to the hardcam side, then sell all the tickets on the empty side

How can someone be this retarded lmao

Because it's backed up by the fact that ratings continue dropping which coincide with when Baron started getting his push?

That's bullshit. New Day went from Bossman Heat (the ORIGINAL term for it) to getting face pops as heels because they were legitimately funny and clever, and the super-specific way they would rub in whatever city's recent or longstanding sore spots. Plus, they were good at their jobs and didn't botch people out on injured reserve all the time.

You niggas are dumb as fuck. The heel doesn't just have to be a "bad guy", he is simply the device used to put over the babyface. But it's definitely true that heels can't really be "bad guys" as much or as well as they could be in the past.

are you so blind by your E-dronism that you can't see the giant curtain?

Based retard mark thinks me not watching wwe means I'm just being worked.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

The "source" for those low ratings is also Dave Meltzer. Funny how that works.

>they can sell tickets and make money but chose not to

holy shit you fucking dumbass. if the product was good they'd be able to sell out the building they're in and they wouldn't have to do any shuffling around

Go away heat is the mayor reason why WWE can't draw and why ratings are collapsing constantly the last 11 years
First super Cena made the ratings decline more than normal until since 07' until late 2009, then the ratings were fluctuating until late 2014 where Vince decided to make the company about one guy only again, the go away heat made it go to a new and way more strong downhill until something new and with potential came out (Strowman), then after this last cunt exposed himself and the guy with go away heat returned from leukemia, the rating and attendance went to downhill once again.

The go away heat is not only real, but also a really good indicative.

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Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue:

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Go away heat means that fans don't want to see faces beat you up, they just don't want to see you at all.
Knowing the difference could save your life.

No no, wait, honestly, listen, think about this.

Why would you deliberately try to fill every seat on one side of the arena, instead of try to fill every seat on both sides of the arena?

I don’t know what you’re not getting this.


That's not what X-Pac heat is

Rating have been dropping since WCW (WWF owned) ended in 2002

This is a new level of edrone denial.
They are booking places the use to sell out or at least come close to filling.

Please don’t tell me there’s people here that actually watch WWE

If no one is buying a ticket to see you get beat up then you are a shitty heel. What good is the heat if it doesn't draw dimes

>Corbin/Lacey Heat
Change the Channel

>KO/Sami heat
Fun to watch. Want to see faces beat them.

How is this hard?

Put me in the main event then. Make me main event 10 PPVs in a row. I look like shit, I can't wrestle or talk for shit so the crowd would hate me.

Lacey gets zero reaction. Based Baron Corbin on the other hand works proper heat.

And how can they do the latter effectively without the former?
>Corbin and Lacey are killing ratings

the only time I would say I wanted Boring Snorebin to fuck off was vs Kurt Angle. I wanted my man to have a proper big match vs someone close to him. but other than that, I agree.


Please have sex

being so boring that people turn your show off and stop attending your live shows is good heat, huh?

>OH SHIT my stupid uneducated opinion got torn apart I better respond with an attack on their mascu9

Not saying no heels are able to do it or no bookers know how to do it or fans won't respond to it anymore. I'm sure that's not the case everywhere. But in WWE, the way things are booked now with kayfabe dead and no one buying in but children and pajeet marks, it can't be done. It can't be done with Brock, everyone's tired of it. It can't be done with Corbin, it's the same story every time and no one cared the first time. It can't be done with Ziggler, he's not a credible threat to anyone ever, and he's out there screaming budget Jericho promo #47 and no one cares.
They had something with Bryan, I'll admit, old-school heelwork with some decent heat. He was cutting Michaels 2005 or Punk 2010 style promos and actually getting responses, but that's already over, and the rub he gave to Kofi with it won't last much longer even with the casual audience, and then we'll be back to nothing.

Based retarded Edrone shills. Never fail to make me fucking laugh.

Corbin is complete shit on the mic with what Vince feeds him, maybe he'd be better if Vince wasn't giving him the "good shit" but others manage to turn that shit into gold; Corbin has never cut a decent heel promo and they've booked him like a complete geek.

It's for sure go away heat, Smarks aren't the ones booing him as the attendance shows we've stopped going to live shows.

When your only skill is being insufferable to the human eye, no one is going to pay a dime to watch you. And yeah being a good wrestler is absolutely necessary to be a top talent, since you can get people mad at you, but none of them will want to watch you wrestle. How are you gonna put over babyfaces when you are dragging them down the shitter with you.

congrats, i didn't think there was a way someone could even attempt to defend this but you fucking did it. well done