Who wins in a shoot?

Who wins in a shoot?

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DSP, hands down.

No question

Steven would snatch his motherfucker birthday

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The onlookers

Carder would body this cunt. Seagal has a fake black belt in a fake martial art and Undercarder has a fake black belt in a real martial art, which was gifted to him after training with real guys for a short time, unlike Seagal who never trained with any real guys and ran away from DMX and Jack Black, let alone the guys he tried to flex on and got wrecked.

He couldn’t even do anything to Curt Hennig who has neither the training or the reach of Undertaker.

CM Punk would unironically ruin Steven Seagal.

Big Evil

Deadman wins 2 out of 3 falls.

Steven seagal couldn’t fight diabetes

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Mmmm... taker, don't wanna mess with him.

Seagal would body punj

How. CM Punk isn’t too fat to move, and has martial arts training. Seagal is too fat to move, and has no martial arts training.

Isn't Segal like 10 years younger?

MMmmm punani, don't wanna mess with that.

This guy.

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who's the more faker fighter?

Sensei Seagal would destroy carder while eating a po boy


Seagal wins with a sicilian sidekick

Its a real black belt in a real martial art, it was just a martial that's largely pointless.

Based Cyrus

>mma fags who cant comprehend there is a martial art out there for just defending yourself effectevily and doesnt lend itself to be used well in a competitive sense due to the nature of it.

Seagal would destroy taker pretty fast if needed. Thing is, its always hyper aggressive faggots who never even get what Aikido is that underestimate it. Have fun with your broken bones.

It's bullshido. You have no idea how fighting works if you think this way. I am a BJJ purple belt and I can confirm that Aikido does teach some useful wristlock techniques, if your goal is to mildly injure your opponent for some reason without effectively ending the fight, but aikido also doesn't teach you how to utilise them because they require you to hold an actual dominant position, which aikido doesn't teach, and aikido also doesn't allow you to spar, as per the "I could defeat everyone if I wanted to but I just don't want to kill anyone because my power level is too high so just trust me okay I swear I'm not lying" rule of bullshido martial arts.

You also get good at fighting by fighting, the same way you get good at tennis by playing tennis. You don't get good at tennis by pretending to play tennis in slow motion against people who are not trying to beat you, and now suddenly you can beat people who actually play tennis all the time. Just like you don't get good at fighting by pretending to fight in slow motion against people who are not trying to beat you, and then suddenly you can beat people who fight everyday.

Aikido is a social philosophy and a moderate exercise based around the teachings of a religious cult called Oomoto, it's not for fighting. Even Morihei Ueshiba said that and he is the guy who created it in the 1920s. Don't get worked.

not carder lol

CM Punk has literally no training. Seagal would get a lucky punch in and fuck up Phil with 0 effort.

Why is he wearing two watches?

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Steven would break Taker's arm while singing " Me want the punani" to Michelle

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Holy cringe.